At a meeting of the Environmental Forum held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth, on Wednesday 20 October 2010 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
Present:Councillors Harry Davies (Chairman),Tony Barton,Malcolm Butwick, David Major and Brian Norman and one representative from each of the following organisations:-
Parish Councillor Margaret Jarrett-Chorleywood Parish Council
Parish Councillor Peter Chipperfield-Sarratt Parish Council
Parish Councillor Stephen King-Watford Rural Parish Council
Parish Councillor David Wynne Jones-Croxley Green Parish Council
Janet Davies-Campaign for the Protection of Rural England
Graham Everett-Watford Friends of the Earth and Friends of Croxley Common Moor
Roger Bangs-Spokes (South West Herts Cycling Group)
Alan Manson-Chorleywood Residents’ Association
Elizabeth Willetts-Eastbury Residents’ Association
Peter Waters-Rickmansworth and District Residents’ Association/Rickmansworth Waterways Trust
Yvonne Stirling -Curtis Conservation Group
Carol Lodge-Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Gwynneth Bellis-Maple Lodge Conservation Society
Officers:Daniel Monk, Arboricultural & Landscape Officer
Elwyn Wilson, Democratic Services Manager.
Also in attendance:- Carol Lodge, Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust, Allen Beechey, Chilterns Conservation Board, MrRJRidley and Councillor Ann Shaw OBE.
Apologies for absence were received from Kay FitzGerald, Janet Anders, Steve Rodrick, Peter Loader, Councillor Kemal Butt and Sylvia Bayfield.
The Minutes of the meeting of the Environmental Forum held on 22 July2010 were confirmed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.
MrRidley (local resident) spoke at the meeting and suggested that Three Rivers District Council (TRDC)consider creating a partnership with the junior/primary schools within the area to provide a tree bank that might at a later date provide TRDC with more mature trees of species to be identified by TRDC. Most schools had a gardening club so this could possibly be a logical extension and long term project and allow pupils to take a long term interest.
If trees mature and seed at around 15 years of age then the need to purchase certain species would diminish and costs might reduce.
It was proposed by the Chairman and duly seconded that the Environmental Forum request that the Director of Community and Environmental Services consider MrRidley’s proposal presented to the Environmental Forum on 20October 2010 in terms of its feasibility, and recommends that if the proposal was proved to be feasible every support be given to implementing the scheme which has the support, in principle, of the Environmental Forum.
The proposal on being put to the meeting was declared CARRIED the voting being 17 in favour and 0 against.
that the Environmental Forum requests the Director to communicate the results of the feasibility study directly to MrRidley and he informs the Environmental Forum of those results and action taken.
The Chairman welcomed Daniel Monk, Arboricultural and Landscape Officer to the meeting who gave a presentation on Tree Risk Management (A copy of which is attached at AppendixA).
In reply to a question the Arboricultural and Landscape Officer stated:
(1)That trees were inspected using a number of methods including ultrasound.
(2)the use of dead, decaying wood to provide habitat for wildlife, however there are health and safety implications in respect of trees that are dead and or decayed.
(3)Trees are inspected for signs that they are used by bats. The Tree Service try to mitigate any loss of habitation.
(4)The County Council are the Authority responsible for street trees, however this Council will provide advice if requested.
(5)When trees are cut down the logs are left to enhance wildlife the larger the stems the better.
(6)Horse Chestnut trees are under stress due to disease.
The Chairman thanked Daniel for his presentation.
The Chairman welcomed Carol Lodge to the meeting who reported on the following:
Since April the Trust had responded to 38 planning applications.
Several of these had been in relation to bats – European Protected Species, and the Natural England Standing advice. Others had been concerning planning applications which are adjacent or on Wildlife Sites, or which affect BAP habitats.
6 withdrawals recommended or objected to (3 withdrawn, 2 refused)
Nature Reserve work:
Frogmore Meadow
Significant capital works had been undertaken as part of the Trust HLF funded Wetlands for Water Voles project. Two new ponds had been dug, a viewing platform and interpretation panels had been installed and a number of willows have been pollarded. Grassland restoration work has been undertaken on land acquired by the Trust in 2009. This had included scrub removal, control of thistles and nettles and the introduction of grazing using the Trust’s own flock of Shetland sheep.
Within the SSSI, undergrazing had been a problem in previous years due to lack of available livestock. However, this year the grazier has acquired 5 more cattle and a more appropriate grazing regime established.
The Trust were also in the process of preparing an application of Higher Level Stewardship for the site.
Stocker’s Lake
Currently in the process of re-negotiating management agreement for the reserve. As a result, there had been no major new developments on the reserve – and the focus had been on maintenance. This included mowing and raking islands, controlling Japanese knotweed, mowing and raking meadows, maintaining vegetation around ponds and scrapes etc.
An osprey nesting platform had been installed on one of the islands on the lake. This received significant coverage in the press – including BBC London news.
Longspring Wood
Management here had been limited to path maintenance and tree safety work.
Wildlife Sites:
NI197score for 2009/10: Hertfordshire overall – 25%. Three Rivers district – 23.5%
Eric Pickles last week announced that Government are dropping all the National Indicators. This throws the work towards NI197 into question – but it had been considered a hugely positive measure which had led to a lot of positive involvement from Local Authorities. This year received considerable information re on ThreeRiver’s own Wildlife Sites (one of the best districts for feedback of information – 11 Wildlife Sites, 7 under PCM.
Surveys: 2 sites were surveyed
Oldcroft Wood 82/020 – meets ancient woodland criteria 2010 and
Batchworth Heath 89/001 diverse site and meet neutral, acid, wet and calcareous grassland criteria 2010
In 2010, the Wildlife Sites Partnership focussed on Wildlife Sites with very old survey data which were not already under Positive Conservation Management or scoring for NI197. We were also specifically trying to resurvey the old Heritage Wildlife Sites, all of which had very old data and needed specifically detailed surveys. There are none of these sites in Three Rivers, and less sites with very old survey data which are not already scoring for NI197 in Three Rivers. Hence only 2 sites being surveyed in 2010.
The Trust gave a talk to the Three Rivers Planning Department on Wednesday 21July 2010. This was a free talk on the Water Vole Project.
It covered the new Standing Advice from Natural England (now a material consideration) and the change in law re protection of bats in planning – as well as recent case law (The Woolley Case) in which Cheshire Borough Council were found to have failed in its duty by failing to give consideration to the ‘three derogation tests’ for a European Protected Species. This basically means that an assessment or survey for bats must be provided before a decision can be reached, on any application which can reasonably be considered to potentially affect bats. Our talk covered the topic of reasonableness, (application types and property types and suitable proximal habitat which might encourage roosting bats), as well as appropriate survey assessment and appropriate mitigation details. Herts Biological Records Centre have since then also provided a more recent talk for planners which was even more detailed (all day).
In reply to questions Carol stated that:
-There were 2,000 wildlife sites in Hertfordshire.
-That the Trust had undertaken a significant increase in surveys.
-That the Trust was not loosing members.
The Forum noted that in the past fines had been pathetic in relation to cutting down trees protected by Preservation Orders.
There was a need to educate the public concerning managing trees as they have a life cycle. There will be a need to cut down trees or lop branches.
The Forum was informed of a Planned Walk by the Countryside Management Service on 13November at 11.00am in the Oxhey Woods.
The Chairman thanked Carol for her presentation.
The Chairman welcomed Allen Beechey to the meeting who gave a presentation on the Chilterns Chalk Streams Project. (A copy of the presentation is attached to these minutes).
In reply to questions the Forum was informed;
-There were no native crayfish in the River Chess.
-There were no otters on the River Chess but indications that they were on the GrandUnionCanal and on the River Wye in High Wycombe.
-In respect of the Friends of Chorleywood House Estate being part of the River Chess Association, the Association were still building contacts but its details would be forwarded to the Chairman of the Association.
The Chairman thanked Allen for his presentation.
Members received the Biodiversity Projects Officer’s report which updated them on the following events and issues:
- Hertfordshire Environmental Forum (HEF) Biodiversity Partnership Group (BPG)
- Hertfordshire Environmental Forum (HEF)
- Small Blue Butterfly
- Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)
- Volunteer Days
that the report be noted.
Councillor Brian Norman stated that the problem of the disappearance of bees had been investigated and am academic studying the problem had concluded that bees’ natural antibiotic had not been provided by plants due to manmade conditions.
Rickmansworth Festival
MrPeter Waters reported that there had been one meeting of the Rickmansworth Festival Organising Committee.
Croxley Hall Woods
Parish Councillor David Wynne-Jones reported that roe deer were now present in these Woods.
Curtis Conservation Group
Yvonne Stirling reported the find of a 55/60 million years old rock fossil which would be given to the Natural History Museum.
Councillor Ann Shaw reported a letter from National Air Traffic Management Services had indicated that it would be taking no action to change air flight patterns over Three Rivers due to a tailing off of air traffic.
Maple Lodge Conservation Society
Gwyneth Bellis reported that 40 harvest mice had been counted on the Maple Lodge Site; also the Society were encouraging reed beds. The Society had been congratulated on promoting water voles. Mink detectors had also been installed on the reserve.
Bee-keepers had been happy with their yield this year.
Chorleywood Parish Council
Parish Councillor Margaret Jarrett reported a letter to the Conservation Board concerning change of flights from LutonAirport.
It was reported that SPOKES have had an active summer with many cyclists both members and non-members joining rides. In the current quarter we have 29 rides. We have regular shorter easy rides for new cyclists on the first Tuesday of each month.
SPOKES had a stall at both Croxley Revels and the Rickmansworth Environmental Fair. Both successful events, although at the Environmental Fair many visitors struggled to find the Environmental Marquee.
SPOKES have been pleased to see the improvements to the shared use paths at the LeavesdenCountryPark.
SPOKES hope there will continue to be an improvement to cycling facilities encouraging a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
that the information be noted.
The date of the next meeting was Wednesday 23 February2011.
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