MEVA Board Meeting of 12/19/17 Page 1 of 1

Maine Learning Innovations

Minutes for a Meeting of the Board of Directors held December 19, 2017

Pursuant to email and public website notices, a regular meeting of the Board of Maine Learning Innovations was convened in the Maine Virtual Academy offices in Augusta at 2:00 PM. Members attending by phone were Amy Carlisle, Peter Mills, and Ed LeBlanc. Donna Madore attended in person.

Also present were: Melinda Browne, Fadia Afaneh, and Jillian Dearborn from local staff and CFO Jennifer Hight.On the phone were Patti Ashley, Mary Markert, Liz Roth, and Ashley Egofrom K12. Teachers present were Keirsten Harte, Patricia Howe, Kristen Tripp and Chelsea Osgood.

Minutes. Upon motion by Donna, seconded by Ed, minutes for October 17, 2017, were unanimously approved.


Peter suggested that we conduct only a short meeting and postpone business decisions until we have a better grasp on how the charter school budget change announced on December 18 will affect this year's revenue. It was later agreed to reconvene on January 4 at 2:00 PM to conduct further business including the purchase of replacement computers and the enrollment of new students for the second semester.

The new Special Ed teacher will start on January 2, but the hiring of a new Title I teacher is deferred. It was reported that Kim Whitman has left her employment for personal and family reasons.

We have 24 student openings that we have the option to fill for the second semester that begins on January 29.

Upon motion by Donna, seconded by Peter, it was unanimously voted to adopt the IRS mileage rate for travel on school business. Peter said that the rate is 53.5¢ for 2017 and 54.5¢ for 2018.

Gifted and Talented Program

Patti Howe reported that the DOE would welcome our applying for G&T funds under Chapter 104. Applications are usually due in September but we have an extension to December 30. The program includes a process for identifying students qualified to participate. We are allowed to identify only up to 5% of our 122 eligible students. Patti will need to take three training sessions to run the identification screening process. All expenses reimbursed by the state after incurring the costs. The salaries being paid to Alicia Uth and Patti Howe are already partly budgeted for G&T. Donna said that the state reimburses the funds as subsidy to be received two years after the costs are incurred.

Upon motion by Peter, seconded by Donna, it was unanimously voted to authorize applying for DOE acceptance of the proposed Gifted & Talented Program.

Bonuses for preceding school year

Upon motion by Donna, seconded by Peter it was unanimously voted to award a bonus of $1000 each to all teachers and staff presently employed by MEVA who were also employed by the school throughout the preceding school year. This is given to recognize the school's substantial achievements, progress and growth during its second year.

Upon motion by Donna, seconded by Peter, it was unanimously voted to adjourn; but members remained to listen to concerns of the teachers who attended.

Kristen Tripp and Chelsea Osgood reported that the deductible and other out of pocket expenses of the new health plan have gone up substantially even though billed as similar to the prior year. Teachers are enrolled in the Small Group Gold Plan from Maine Community Health Options.

Chelsea raised the question of whether MeVA employees are eligible to participate in the State Employee Health Insurance plan. Peter agreed that we should enquire of Bob Kautz and check with the agent to see why the out of pocket costs have increased. Jennifer said we should also determine whether to offer a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Section 125 option in supplement to the group plan.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Mills, Secretary