Chapter 12 Exercises: Solutions
. oprobit fechld educ age kidjob sibsIteration 0: log likelihood = -1494.7622
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -1430.925
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -1430.8529
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -1430.8529
Ordered probit regression Number of obs = 1251
LR chi2(5) = 127.82
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -1430.8529 Pseudo R2 = 0.0428
fechld | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
sex |
female | -.4256082 .0626415 -6.79 0.000 -.5483834 -.3028331
educ | -.0614096 .010567 -5.81 0.000 -.0821205 -.0406987
age | .0035244 .0017628 2.00 0.046 .0000693 .0069795
kidjob | -.164669 .0288048 -5.72 0.000 -.2211253 -.1082127
sibs | .0275506 .0101488 2.71 0.007 .0076592 .0474419
/cut1 | -1.992699 .2062542 -2.39695 -1.588448
/cut2 | -.6844431 .2014548 -1.079287 -.289599
/cut3 | .4031797 .2035688 .0041921 .8021673
LR χ2(5) = 127.82, p < .001. This indicated that the full probit model with five predictors provides a better fit than the null model with no independent variables in predicting the ordinal response variable.
. listcoefoprobit (N=1251): Unstandardized and standardized estimates
Observed SD: 0.8300
Latent SD: 1.0618
| b z P>|z| bStdX bStdY bStdXY SDofX
sex |
female | -0.4256 -6.794 0.000 -0.212 -0.401 -0.200 0.498
educ | -0.0614 -5.811 0.000 -0.186 -0.058 -0.175 3.032
age | 0.0035 1.999 0.046 0.062 0.003 0.058 17.543
kidjob | -0.1647 -5.717 0.000 -0.179 -0.155 -0.168 1.085
sibs | 0.0276 2.715 0.007 0.087 0.026 0.082 3.146
. fitstat
| oprobit
Log-likelihood |
Model | -1430.853
Intercept-only | -1494.762
Chi-square |
Deviance (df=1243) | 2861.706
LR (df=5) | 127.818
p-value | 0.000
R2 |
McFadden | 0.043
McFadden (adjusted) | 0.037
McKelvey & Zavoina | 0.113
Cox-Snell/ML | 0.097
Cragg-Uhler/Nagelkerke | 0.107
Count | 0.305
Count (adjusted) | -0.320
IC |
AIC | 2877.706
AIC divided by N | 2.300
BIC (df=8) | 2918.759
Variance of |
e | 1.000
y-star | 1.127
Deviance = 2861.706.
1c. For the sex predictor, the probit coefficient β = –.426; for the educ predictor, the probit coefficient β = –.061. Both are significant.
- Being a female decreases the probability of disagreeing with the statement “mother working does not hurt children” when holding all the other predictors constant. In other words, being a female increases the probability of agreeing with the statement “mother working does not hurt children.” Please note that the ordinal response variable fechld has four categories with 1 = strongly agree and 4 = strongly disagree.
- An increase in educ is associated with the increase in the probability of agreeing with the statement “mother working does not hurt children.”
1e. The estimated probabilities of being category 4 at age of 30, 40, and 50 are .036, .039, and .042, respectively.
. margins, predict (outcome(4)) at(age = (30 40 50)) atmeans vsquishAdjusted predictions Number of obs = 1251
Model VCE : OIM
Expression : Pr(fechld==4), predict(outcome(4))
1._at : = .4516387 (mean) = .5483613 (mean)
educ = 13.6195 (mean)
age = 30
kidjob = 3.221423 (mean)
sibs = 3.641886 (mean)
2._at : = .4516387 (mean) = .5483613 (mean)
educ = 13.6195 (mean)
age = 40
kidjob = 3.221423 (mean)
sibs = 3.641886 (mean)
3._at : = .4516387 (mean) = .5483613 (mean)
educ = 13.6195 (mean)
age = 50
kidjob = 3.221423 (mean)
sibs = 3.641886 (mean)
| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. Z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
_at |
1 | .0361411 .005518 6.55 0.000 .0253259 .0469562
2 | .0390268 .005357 7.29 0.000 .0285273 .0495262
3 | .0420973 .0055572 7.58 0.000 .0312053 .0529893
. mlogit happy educ age satfin, baseoutcome(3)Iteration 0: log likelihood = -1878.459
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -1784.3337
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -1779.7303
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -1779.706
Iteration 4: log likelihood = -1779.706
Multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 1953
LR chi2(8) = 197.51
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -1779.706 Pseudo R2 = 0.0526
happy | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
1 |
sex |
female | .1357612 .1549866 0.88 0.381 -.168007 .4395294
educ | .0722123 .024521 2.94 0.003 .024152 .1202726
age | -.0126053 .0044397 -2.84 0.005 -.0213069 -.0039037
satfin | -1.332557 .1147972 -11.61 0.000 -1.557556 -1.107559
_cons | 3.182712 .5214933 6.10 0.000 2.160604 4.20482
pretty_happy |
sex |
female | .0057589 .140128 0.04 0.967 -.268887 .2804047
educ | .099505 .0223191 4.46 0.000 .0557603 .1432497
age | -.0098295 .0040553 -2.42 0.015 -.0177777 -.0018813
satfin | -.7679957 .1045437 -7.35 0.000 -.9728977 -.5630937
_cons | 2.288769 .4804388 4.76 0.000 1.347127 3.230412
not_too_happy | (base outcome)
. fitstat
| mlogit
Log-likelihood |
Model | -1779.706
Intercept-only | -1878.459
Chi-square |
Deviance (df=1943) | 3559.412
LR (df=8) | 197.506
p-value | 0.000
R2 |
McFadden | 0.053
McFadden (adjusted) | 0.047
Cox-Snell/ML | 0.096
Cragg-Uhler/Nagelkerke | 0.113
Count | 0.557
Count (adjusted) | -0.008
IC |
AIC | 3579.412
AIC divided by N | 1.833
BIC (df=10) | 3635.183
The log likelihood ratio test for the fitted model χ2(8) = 197.51, p < .001. This indicates that the five-predictor model provides a better fit than the null model.
. mlogit, rrrMultinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 1953
LR chi2(8) = 197.51
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -1779.706 Pseudo R2 = 0.0526
happy | RRR Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
1 |
sex |
female | 1.145408 .177523 0.88 0.381 .8453479 1.551977
educ | 1.074884 .0263572 2.94 0.003 1.024446 1.127804
age | .9874738 .0043841 -2.84 0.005 .9789185 .9961039
satfin | .2638017 .0302837 -11.61 0.000 .2106503 .3303644
_cons | 24.11205 12.57427 6.10 0.000 8.676375 67.00853
pretty_happy |
sex |
female | 1.005775 .1409373 0.04 0.967 .7642296 1.323665
educ | 1.104624 .0246543 4.46 0.000 1.057344 1.154018
age | .9902186 .0040156 -2.42 0.015 .9823794 .9981205
satfin | .463942 .0485022 -7.35 0.000 .3779862 .5694446
_cons | 9.862793 4.738469 4.76 0.000 3.846358 25.29008
not_too_happy | (base outcome)
The logit coefficients of educ across two binary models are .072 and .100, respectively. They are both significant. The first binary model compares category 1 with category 3, and the second model compares category 2 with category 3.
2c. The odds ratios for educ across two binary comparisons are 1.075 and 1.105, respectively. They indicate that the increase in years of education is associated with the increase in the odds of being very happy and the odds of being pretty happy versus being not too happy.
2d. The odds ratios for satfin across two binary comparisons are .264 and .464, respectively. They indicate that the less satisfaction with financial situation is associated with the decrease in the odds of being very happy and the odds of being pretty happy. In other words, more satisfaction with financial situation increases the odds of being pretty happy and very happy. Please note that the satfin is coded as follows: “pretty well satisfied” = 1, “more or less satisfied” = 2, and “not satisfied at all” = 3.
2e.The two equations can be expressed as:
ln = +sex +educ –age –satfin
ln = +sex +educ –age –satfin
. listcoefmlogit (N=1953): Factor change in the odds of happy
Variable: (sd=0.498)
| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
1 vs pretty happy | 0.1300 1.240 0.215 1.139 1.067
1 vs not too happ | 0.1358 0.876 0.381 1.145 1.070
pretty happy vs 1 | -0.1300 -1.240 0.215 0.878 0.937
pretty happy vs not too happ | 0.0058 0.041 0.967 1.006 1.003
not too happ vs 1 | -0.1358 -0.876 0.381 0.873 0.935
not too happ vs pretty happy | -0.0058 -0.041 0.967 0.994 0.997
Variable: educ (sd=3.123)
| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
1 vs pretty happy | -0.0273 -1.596 0.111 0.973 0.918
1 vs not too happ | 0.0722 2.945 0.003 1.075 1.253
pretty happy vs 1 | 0.0273 1.596 0.111 1.028 1.089
pretty happy vs not too happ | 0.0995 4.458 0.000 1.105 1.365
not too happ vs 1 | -0.0722 -2.945 0.003 0.930 0.798
not too happ vs pretty happy | -0.0995 -4.458 0.000 0.905 0.733
Variable: age (sd=17.677)
| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
1 vs pretty happy | -0.0028 -0.939 0.348 0.997 0.952
1 vs not too happ | -0.0126 -2.839 0.005 0.987 0.800
pretty happy vs 1 | 0.0028 0.939 0.348 1.003 1.050
pretty happy vs not too happ | -0.0098 -2.424 0.015 0.990 0.841
not too happ vs 1 | 0.0126 2.839 0.005 1.013 1.250
not too happ vs pretty happy | 0.0098 2.424 0.015 1.010 1.190
Variable: satfin (sd=0.751)
| b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX
1 vs pretty happy | -0.5646 -7.641 0.000 0.569 0.654
1 vs not too happ | -1.3326 -11.608 0.000 0.264 0.368
pretty happy vs 1 | 0.5646 7.641 0.000 1.759 1.528
pretty happy vs not too happ | -0.7680 -7.346 0.000 0.464 0.562
not too happ vs 1 | 1.3326 11.608 0.000 3.791 2.721
not too happ vs pretty happy | 0.7680 7.346 0.000 2.155 1.780