Feddersen Monthly Memo –September
- reading logs should be filled out nightly and initialed at home
- daily, strategies learned will include comprehension strategies including using text to figure out the meaning of new words, decoding unknown words, describing characters, and writing summaries
- DRA testing will begin September 6th, this is a test that will find the students’ current reading levels for reading instruction, students will read aloud a passage, answer oral/written questions based on level
Math: Next units are Number and number sense (place value, rounding, comparing), addition & subtraction, word problems. Students will be required to complete REFLEX as homework at least once a week. Timed tests will be given weekly. Memorizing addition facts is extremely important this year. Dreambox will be added to homework in a few weeks but you may have your child log in at any time.
Social Studies: We will continue the government unit and have a unit test(not yet scheduled). In addition, our first PBL(project based learning) project will be an “election” for each 3rd grade classroom’s SCA (student council) officer. Past SCA officers from my last two years classes and our school councilor came in and explained the job description. Our class voted and we have 6 students running for office, each with a campaign group. Students will be creating a poster, speech, and video as a team to try and get their candidate elected. On “election” day, the student with the most votes will be the class SCA officer, 2nd most votes will be the alternate officer. This will all be completed during school and the candidates are not allowed to bring anything to pass out to aid in election to keep things fair. Campaign groups will be formed this week.
Writing: Personal Narrative is our first unit. Students will experience prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Mini lessons will provide strategies for writing complete sentences, using correct punctuation, capitalizing proper nouns, writing a complete paragraphs, and using descriptive words. In addition, we will begin learning cursive handwriting.
Word Study: DSA tests were given last first week. Based on scores from these tests, groups were formed. This week will be the first list of words. Words will be studied for 2 weeks and a test every other week. Homework choices and directions have been glued inside each student’s word study notebook which will be kept in the homework binder. Word Study homework is twice a week, with the 2nd week being a practice test on Thursday. Words should be sorted under correct heading. Each test will include 3 bonus words following the pattern that have not been practices. To receive a 4, 2 of the 3 bonus words must be spelled correctly and 1 or less of studied words spelled and sorted correctly.
- Thanks for working with me to make sure the students have nutritional snacks. Thanks for signing the planner daily and helping with homework as well!
- One way I like to get to know my students is to see what they enjoy doing out of school such as sports, recitals, etc. If your child would like me to come, please send in the schedule or time & date, and I’ll do my best to find a time that works.
- If you have read this memo, print out a copy and sign for your child or write in the planner you read it, and he/she will receive a classdojo point!
Mrs. Feddersen
Kid Safe Search Engines for research on the internet
Googles Kids
Safe Search
Fact Monster
Ask Kids
Go Gooligans
Kidz Search
On Lowes Island home page, there are more available sites to use.