20th January 2009 / AGENDA ITEM 6
1.0Matter for consideration
1.1The Committee to consider giving approval to the evidence used for the full compliance of the Core Standards for Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
2.1To consider the evidence in preparation for the Committee to make comments against the Trust’s level of compliance with the Core Standards.
3.0Summary of key issues
3.1NHS Trusts in England and Wales are given an annual rating by the Healthcare Commission. The result of this is partly determined by each Trust’s self-assessment of its performance and the views of various external bodies, including Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
3.2It is the duty of this Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to submit comments on the performance of NHS Trusts operating in Blackpool over the course of the year from 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2009. All views that the Committee submit will be reproduced, verbatim, in the NHS Trusts’ annual declarations.
3.3At its meeting on 14th October 2008, the Committee agreed that it would examine
evidence in relation to the Core Standards C4a and C8a in connection with Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
3.4Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust were given full compliance with the Final Public Declaration by the Healthcare Commission and the Strategic Health Authority in April 2007. The Trust is fully compliant with the Core Standards.
3.5The Trust is now asking for the Committee to approve the compliance with certain relevant core standards – C4a and C8a. The evidence to prove compliance with the relevant standards has been disseminated to the Committee for them to approve.
3.6The Committee has asked for evidence in relation to compliance with the following Core Standards:-
- C4a
- C8a
3.7The Core Standard C4a ensures that the Trust keep patients, staff and visitors safe by having systems to ensure that the risk of healthcare acquired infection to patients is reduced, with particular emphasis on high standards of hygiene and cleanliness, achieving year on year reductions in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have disseminated evidence to prove compliance with this core standard and this has been attached at Appendix 6(a) and Appendix 6(b).
3.8A presentation will be delivered to the Committee regarding Infection Prevention and Control in relation to Healthcare Commission core standard C4a and a copy of this has been attached at Appendix 6(c) for Members’ information.
3.9The Core Standard C8a ensures that the Trust support their staff through having
access to processes which permit them to raise in confidence and without prejudicing their position, concerns over any aspect of service delivery, treatment or management that they consider to have a detrimental effect on patient care or on the delivery of services. Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have disseminated evidence to prove compliance with this Core Standard and this has been attached at Appendix 6(d).
3.10A presentation will be delivered to the Committee regarding Raising Concerns in relation to Healthcare Commission core standard C8a and a copy of this has been attached at Appendix 6(e) for Members’ information.
3.11Further evidence will be available to Members at the meeting in the form of an Evidence Matrix and accompanying folder of evidence and a CD.
4.1As requested by the Committee members, the following person may be invited to attend the meeting to speak on the matter:
- Mrs Johanne Lickiss, Consultant Nurse Infection Prevention and Control, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- Mr Damian Gallagher, Deputy Director of Human Resources, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Relevant officer:
Mrs Johanne Lickiss, Consultant Nurse Infection Prevention and Control, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Tel: (01253) 303874, e-mail
Mr Damian Gallagher, Deputy Director of Human Resources, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Tel: (01253) 303722, e-mail
Appendices attached:
Appendix 6(a): Completed Healthcare Commission Inspection Guidance for C4a.
Appendix 6(b): Summary of evidence on the Healthcare Commission Core Standard C4a
Appendix 6(c): Presentation on Infection Prevention and Control
Appendix 6(d): Completed Healthcare Commission Inspection Guidance for C8a.
Appendix 6(e): Presentation on Raising Concerns
Background papers:
Websites and e-mail links for further information: