JALC Little VolsBasketball League Rules
- Player Eligibility/Coaches’ Meeting/Skill Assessment
- All players must be in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. Homeschooled players must be between ages of 6-12.
- The league is co-ed and is therefore open to both boys and girls
- A coaches’ meeting will be held the week before the first games where all league rules will be reviewed.
- Following the meeting, there will be a skill assessment where all registered players will participate in specific drills
- Following the assessment, coaches will select teams and official rosters will be created.
- Players who are not registered will not be allowed to participate in the skill-assessment, practices, or games
- Gym Use
- All games will be played at Tri-C Elementary School in Carterville.
- The first games will start at 8am
- Entrance into the gym is not allowed any earlier than 20 minutes before the start time of the first game
- Everybody must exit the gym within 15 minutes after the final game has completed
- Teams may begin warming up for their game after the previous game has completed and the players have exited the floor. Be courteous when waiting for the previous team to remove their items from the bench.
- All games in the 1st/2nd grade division and 3rd/4th grade division are given a 45-minute time slot
- All games in the 5th/6th grade division are given a 1-hour time slot
- All property/equipment belongs to John A. Logan College or Carterville Unit 5 and will be respected
- Team Requirements
- The league will aim to have three separate divisions. A division for 1st/2nd graders, a division for 3rd/4th graders, and a division for 5th/6th graders. However, depending on the number of registrations, this may be adjusted to two divisions.
- Team shirts will be ordered and given to each player. Each team will be represented by a different color shirt.
- At least 3 players per team must be present in order to start a game. Each team must play an equal number of players on the court at one time. If a discrepancy exists between numbers of players, coaches may agree to fairly even up the number for that day’s game
- For example, if Team A only has 3 players present, but Team B has 5 present, Team B may agree to let one of their players play with Team A, therefore allowing for a 4 vs. 4 game.
- Inappropriate communication towards any of the workers WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. This includes from players, coaches, parents, or fans. Any individual who even remotely crosses the line will be asked to leave the building. This includes cursing, berating the officials, or any physical misconduct.JALC security will be called if necessary.
- As a safety precaution, no jewelry may be worn by players during the game. This includes necklaces, rings, earrings, etc.
- Game Rules
- The 1st/2nd grade division will use 27.5” youth-sized basketballs and the height of the goal will be 8 feet.
- The 3rd/4th grade division will use a 27.5” youth-sized basketball and the height of the goal will be 9 feet.
- The 5th/6th grade division will use a 28.5” girls-sized basketball and the height of the goal will be 10 feet.
- Gameswill be two, 15-minute continuous clock halves. The clock will only stop for timeouts, injuries,substitutions and during the final 1 minute of the second half.
- There will be a 5 minute break for halftime
- Each team will have two, 60 second timeouts.
- Substitutions will be made every 5 minutes. All players must be substituted in and out of the game evenly.
- Games will begin with a tip-off
- The 1st/2nd grade division will shoot free throws from 12-feet
- The 3rd/4th grade division will shoot free throws from the regulation distance of 15-feet, but violations for crossing the line will not be called
- The 5th/6th grade division will shoot free throws from the regulation distance of 15-feet, and violations for crossing the line will be called
- When a shooting foul is committed, the player fouled will be allowed two free throws. Each free throw made will be worth one point.
- If a shooting foul is made while shooting a 3-pointer, the player will attempt three free throws worth 3 points
- If a player is fouled and scores (and-1 scenario), they will then be awarded one free throw that is worth 1 point.
- Personal fouls will not be tallied. Only team fouls will be kept.
- Upon the 7th team foul, teams will be in the bonus and awarded to shoot a free throw. Only one free throw will be shot and that free throw will be worth two points.
- The defensive team may not guard an opponent until the ball has crossed half-court.
- A team has 10 seconds to pass the ball from the backcourt into the front-court.
- If a game is tied after regulation, there will be a 2-minute overtime with the clock stopping only for the final minute. If the game goes to a second overtime, the first team to score after the jump ball will win the game.
- For any technical fouls, the player receiving the technical must exit the game for the remainder of that half. Therefore, a technical received in 2nd half means that player may not return to the game, even if it goes into overtime. The opposing team will be rewarded two free throws (each worth one point) and possession of the ball.
- Any player who receives two technical fouls throughout the course of the league will be subject to a 1-game suspension
- An intentional or flagrant foul will result in two free throws, team possession of the ball, and ejection of the player who committed the foul.
- All games will have one referee
- Miscellaneous
- Players and coaches are required to shake hands with the opposing team at the conclusion of each game
- A player who is bleeding must be removed from the game until the bleeding has been controlled
- No food, alcohol, or tobacco is allowed in the gym. Bottled water or sports drinks only.
- All teams must throw away any bottles, cups, or trash from their bench following the game
- Spectators are allowed during the games but are required to follow all rules and display proper conduct. JALC reserves the right to remove any spectator(s) from the facility during basketball games for the purpose of public safety. Spectator(s) will be removed due to disparaging language and/or unsportsmanlike conduct which interferes with the normal and efficient running of the game.
- JALC campus security will be called if players or spectators become unruly or uncooperative.
- Schedule
- One weekly team practice will be designated on a certain night of the week
- A game schedule will be created and forwarded to coaches following the skill-assessment and player draft
- Games will be played weekly on Saturday mornings