11. The fighting begins… (three words)
12. Term of a senator (two words)
15. Someone who riles up the masses through speeches
18. Term for a government that violates the “deal” to protect essential rights
21. Patching up differences; making up
22. Period in which many American newspapers were founded (two words)
26. The power to judge laws
31. The Confederation’s reliance on this led to high inflation (two words)
32. Reflecting northern values, the Northwest Ordinance provided for public ______by setting aside one section in every township.
36. A loose organization of local governments
38. “inalienable” right
39. An indiscriminate, unnecessary killing of many people (Boston is called one, but was not)
40. Economic theory that said trade was a zero-sum game
46. This 1763 law banned settlement West of the Appalachian mountains
48. Leader of the American army, he kept that army in the field
52. The power to make laws
53. Prime Minister who wanted to force Americans to pay taxes
54. Prohibited in the Northwest Territory
55. Group that used violence to intimidate loyalists (three words)
56. Term describing a governmental system in which national and local governments share power
63. Author of an inflammatory pamphlet that convinced many people that the rule of King George should be challenged (full name)
65. His Rebellion at the end of the French and Indian War led to a very unpopular law.
69. An agreement to form a government to protect essential rights
72. A government in which the people can participate
74. Site of the Constitutional Convention
75. Rule by the uneducated masses
76. Someone who wants a strong national government
77. Stopped the British from seizing weapons and opened the War for Independence with a running battle
78. “We hold these truths to be ______” (drop the hyphen)
79. Did not take sides in the Revolutionary War
80. Led a rebellion that convinced many Americans that the Confedeation was too weak (first and last names)
81. A system in which executive and legislative powers are combined
82. Historian who argues that ideas were the most important basis of the Revolution
1. Enlightenment thinker who proposed the separation of powers
2. Author of the document that announced America’s separation from Britain (two words)
3. State that proposed the great compromise
4. Someone who supported independence
5. Did not send a representative to the First Continental Congress
6. Arguing for the overthrow of a government
7. State of no government
8. Document that announced America’s separation from Britain (three words)
9. A system designed to prevent tyranny by separating legislative and executive powers
10. Root word for between
13. What trade did the South agree to give up in 1808?
14. Rhode Island’s nickname (two words – drop the apostrophe)
16. Wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights (precursor to the Bill of rights) (first and last name)
17. Ordinance that organized the Western Territory
19. Colonial commander
20. Britain’s legislature
23. Citing America’s failure to pay debts, Britain refused to turn over forts in the ______(compass direction)
24. Someone who refuses to take sides
25. Organizer of the Committees of Correspondence
27. Concept that states that people have to agree to be ruled by government (four words)
28. State that proposed the small state plan
29. Economic system in which every trade is seen as a win-lose proposition
30. State that proposed the large state plan
33. “inalienable” right; changed from Locke’s “property” (three words)
34. Law that created a new set of taxes on documents, tea, and sugar (two words)
35. “inalienable” right
36. Pamphlet that convinced many Americans to decide to fight against British rule (two words)
37. A situation when EVERY person or state agrees
41. Two house legislature
42. Sought a strong executive at the Constitutional Convention
43. Adjective describing a government where the national government has complete authority over local government
44. Historians who argue that economic considerations were the primary cause of the Revolution
45. A tax on imports
47. Change
48. Prime Minister who sought reconciliation
49. Boundary of the Northwest Territory (two words)
50. The power to enforce laws
51. A government in which the people elect representatives to work for them
56. Brokered compromises at the Constitutional Convention
57. A government in which only one person participates
58. Added to answer many people's fears of tyranny and ensure ratification of the Constitution (three words)
59. Loyalists
60. Location of the “Tea Party”
61. Philosopher who was the most influential Enlightenment thinker in America
62. One house legislature
63. Loyalist
64. Material designed to sway opinions
65. “Give me liberty or give me death”
66. Kept notes on the Constitutional Convention
67. Pennsylvanian who opposed taxation without representation but sought compromise (full name)
68. The lack of the power to ______fatally crippled the Confederation
70. are expected to support the economy of the mother country.
71. Number of fifths the Constitution counts slaves as (what an awkward sentence!)
73. At the Peace of Paris, America gained land to the ______River