The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 28th November 2016, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.
Present: The Mayor Cllr Matthew Lloyd (ML), Deputy Mayor Terry Dagnall (TD), Councillors: Brian Cloke (BC), Keith Hardcastle (KH), Dave Edwards (DE) Eric Saxby (ES) Patrick Wilkinson (PW), Lucy Carter (LC), Felicity Walmsley (FW),
Jayne Moxon (JM) Town Clerk, Kerri Dawson (KLHD) Deputy Clerk
Press: 0 Police: Public: 8
Minute / Points raised or agreed / ActionBy
6053 / Fire evacuation procedure announced.
Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered by Cllr Stewart Winters.
To Co-opt Councillor for the South Ward. Co-opted Councillor to sign their declaration of office and return their Register of Interests by 23.12.16. Both candidates gave a brief introductory speech prior to a vote taking place. Mr C Hollingworth received 2 Votes. Mr D Hillman-Barnett received 7 votes. Mr Hillman Barnett duly elected and took his seat. Declarations of office signed. Register of interests are due back by the 23.12.16.
Declarations of Interest:
To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.
Minutes: To confirm (or receive) that minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place.
Confirmation of Town Council minutes 7.11.16. Subject to Cllr Stewart Winters being included in the list of those present, the minutes of the meeting were AGREED with one abstention.
Receive minutes from: Christmas Lights and Tourism committee 15.11.16. Received.
Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. Agreed. Police report was circulated in advance of the meeting. All present were reminded of the police public engagement meeting on Tuesday at 7pm in the Meridian Centre. Philip West, representing churches in the South Holderness spoke about his concern for the MIU closure. Cllr BC gave him an over view/update of the current situation and highlighted that Hedon, Hornsea and Withernsea medical practices were opposing the proposals. Another member of the public asked for more press/media coverage. Cllr LH advised that the press were invited to the rally on Saturday. A member of the public suggested door to door canvassing.
Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Report circulated. Pest control will be visiting all areas reported for rats.
An injury claim has been passed onto our insurers.
No further response since the Clerk spoke with Mr Clark. Some of the required references/documentation has been received.
Men in Sheds have replaced a bench in the greenhouse which they use for potting use only.
Ward Councillors are considering a newsletter so residents can see what they are doing and what they are involved in whilst representing people in the community.
Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Cllr Dave Tucker spoke regarding the MIU and bed closures; as a former ward manager he has raised questions with the Clinical Commissioning Group. He advised the criteria to get into Withernsea Hospital is tight. He has a meeting in Wakefield to discuss ambulance rota/cover systems and will report back. Cllr Lyn Healing suggested each Councillor writes in to the Holderness Gazette raising their concerns about the MIU and loss of beds. The momentum must be kept up. A video of residents views and concerns was suggested which will be discussed further.
The East Riding Yorkshire Council is against the proposed cuts.
Attendance at the Police public engagement meeting tomorrow is required at 7pm in the Meridian Centre. Lack of publicity identified.
Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from WTC members representing the WTC at external meetings, including:
Regeneration Seafront Improvement Sub Group meeting 15.11.16.(BC/DE). The Group is now chaired by Cllr Brian Cloke; who is supportive of the first stage of the Withernsea Pier as it is a great asset to Withernsea. Suggestion has been made to open the Pier Towers in the summer season for use as a tourist information area.
Hoardings from around Teddy’s former night club are being re-located locally.
The re location of ‘wolf’ to be confirmed.
The fountain project requires an agreed fully funded maintenance plan before the project proceeds.
It was agreed to adjourn the meeting to allow the Big Local chairman to speak.
Mr Crawley advised that ERYC said from the start of the fountain talks that they would fund maintenance
Meeting resumed
Big Local matters. (DE).The AGM was poorly attended. Officers and trustees to be elected at their next meeting. A brief list of projects supported was given.
Building Carer Friendly Communities 22.11.16. (DE). Not attended.
Police and Partners meeting 17.11.16. Not attended.
ERNLLCA AGM 18.11.16. Advice given re use of Cloud storage.
In addition Cllr Brian Cloke attended a SHAPE meeting on 24th November and is now the Chairman of the group. They are writing to the CCG stressing some important points about the MIU and bed closures. A workshop will be held in January 2017 with improved notice expected.
Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.
Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.
To consider endorsement of the Boundary Commission proposal to retain the Beverley and Holderness Constituency. A response will be sent by the Town Clerk. AGREED.
To consider request for statement from WTC re. comments made in December 2015 by the former Mayor. It was resolved to issue the following statement “Withernsea Town Council has previously assured the member of the public who complained about former Town Mayor, Patrick Spicer, that the comments made by him were not the views of the council and that he had no authority to speak on behalf of the council. Withernsea Town Council is happy to re-affirm this statement” and AGREED to put a piece in the Holderness Gazette.
To agree date, members and location for the next Council Surgery. Cllrs BC.DE and KH will attend the next surgery on 7th January 2017. Meridian Centre availability to be checked.
To consider footpath audit findings – Cllr DE. Cllr DE and Mr Grinney carried out the audit. Some repair jobs to the football field path and cemetery indentified for the spring. Written report requested.
To consider report on Valley Gardens footpaths – Cllr DE. Verbal report given re paths on Valley Gardens. The Clerk asked for a written report.
To consider report from Cllr DE re: Allotment 1, Kirkfield. The allotment needs a clear up. Bed frames and mattresses left by former tenant.
To consider items for ERYC Overview and Scrutiny Committees for scrutiny in 2017 /18. The proposal to close the MIU and hospital beds will be put to the over view and scrutiny committee, by WTC. AGREED. Cllrs PW and BC would like to attend the meeting.
Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made.
Application 16/03608/PLF for the erection of a first floor balcony seating area to side at Café Premier, 21-23 Seaside Road, Withernsea for Mr P Clements.
It was AGREED with 1 against to make no comment on this application and 1 abstention.
Application 16/03517/PLF for the widening of existing vehicular access at 325 Queen Street, Withernsea for Mrs Bell.
Application AGREED with 2 abstentions.
Councillor’s reports.
Cllr TD encouraged all new councillors to join other committees of the council.
Cllr BC thanked everyone who helped on with Switch-On night and the Deputy Clerk for organising it.
The Clerk will arrange a training day for ES, LC, FW and DHB.
Meeting adjourned to allow Mr Crawley – Chairman of Big Local to speak. Their last event was held at the time of adverse weather. All information is on their website including their annual report and all projects supported from £250-£250,000. Ideas welcome for future projects.
Meeting closed 8pm. - End / DHB