Independent reading plays a significant role in developing and enriching comprehensive literacy as well as building confident and motivated readers. When students take full responsibility for their reading, they gain the necessary practice of reading strategies such as self-selecting materials, identifying the “just right” level, navigating texts, comprehending, and sharing literature. Through independent reading and associated activities students take control of their reading, leading to more confident, motivated, and enthusiastic learners.
Reading Expectations
In 7th grade, students are expected to read, log, and respond to 10 books during the course of the school year. These books are to include books read over the summer and those self-selected by students and read outside of school, in addition to the required academic reading.
While there is a quantitative requirement for the log, the quality of reading is of equal importance. Students should select books that are enjoyable, but not too easy, and challenging, but not too difficult. Book choices should also demonstrate a variety of genres.
Reading Responses
During the course of each marking period, students will be notified of class time dedicated to reading and responding to their independent reading selections. On these announced dates, students will participate in small or large group discussions where they will deliver a “book talk” about their selected book.
What is a Book Talk?
A book talk is a brief, 3-7 minute presentation of a book and will do the following:
- Discuss title and author
- Show front and back cover
- Read aloud the lead or interesting/exciting part of the story
- Connect book with teacher’s/students’ lives
- Pose questions
- Offer brief synopsis
- Connect book with a similar book
- Tell a little about the plot of a character
- Identify the theme
- Provide a “hook” in order to capture listeners’ interests
Grading Policy
The independent reading log will be graded twice per quarter. Each log will be worth 15 points, totaling 30 points per marking period. Teachers will use the 7th Grade Independent Reading Log rubric to grade the log and response.
7th Grade Independent Reading Log Rubric
Excellent3 / Fair
2 / Poor
Genre Variation / Book selections demonstrate a variety of genres. There are no more than 3 books per genre (unless the log exceeds 10 books). / Book selections demonstrate some variety of genres. One or two genres are repeated more than 3 times. / Book selections demonstrate little variety of genres. Nearly all books are in the same genre.
Reading Level Quality / Book selections demonstrate student awareness of his/her independent reading level; books are not too easy or too difficult. / Some book selections demonstrate student awareness of his/her independent reading level; some books included are too easy or too difficult. / Book selections do not demonstrate student awareness of his/her independent reading level; many books included are too easy or too difficult.
Collaboration / Student effectively collaborates with partners on self-selected books, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. / Student adequately collaborates with partners on self-selected books, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. with prompting. / Student ineffectively collaborates with partners on self-selected books, building on others’ ideas, and paraphrasing others’ ideas.
Text Analysis / Student explicitly draws onprepared evidence by referring to the text and reflecting on ideas under discussion. / Student sometimes draws on prepared evidence by referring to the text and reflecting on ideas under discussion. / Student rarely draws on prepared evidence by referring to evidence in the text and reflecting on ideas under discussion.
Presentation / Student presents claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details. / Student presents claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically; pertinent descriptions, facts, and details are included but are not connected to ideas. / Student presents claims and findings, but in an unfocused, non-coherent manner; pertinent descriptions, facts, and details are underdeveloped or absent.
Historical Fiction
Date / Title / AuthorRealistic Fiction
Date / Title / AuthorFantasy/Science Fiction
Date / Title / AuthorNon-Fiction/Informational
Date / Title / AuthorDrama/Poetry
Date / Title / AuthorAdditional Books
Date / Title / Author