Sine and Cosine Modeling ProjectName ______
IB Math Studies II
In this project, you are going to go online and find an example of data with periodic behavior. Then, you are going to use your knowledge of how to find a sine or cosine model to determine the model that best fits the data.
- Data
Go online and find periodic data.
Some website suggestions are but are not limited to:
Yearly Average Temperatures for every country or region in the world.
Choose a region of the world – data for the average temperatures for all the months of the year show on next page.
Tidal Levels for all bodies of water – you need to click on area, then which body of water, then predictions to get the data you are looking for.
Choose a state. Then choose a body of water. Then gather data for either time or height that includes 1 full cycle.
Sunrise/Sunsets: Choose the region of the world you want. You will need to choose the times that make sense for each month. You need to add one hour from March to November to take into account daylight savings times.
- Display of Data –
You should make a table of both of the data in Microsoft Word and then enter the data in the calculator. You need to take screenshots of the data in a scatter plot on your calculator.
- Modeling –
Show the steps you used to find the model for your data (do this by hand on your paper after you print it out)
Be sure to show me the final model for each set of data either by taking a screenshot of your y = OR just writing it under the screenshot with the model on the screen.
Then take screenshots of the data with the model on the screen.
- Conclusion – What did you learn by doing this project – doesn’t have to be mathematical in nature – it could be about technology or the data you chose.
Data -- Show table in word beside scatter plot.
Amplitude and Period and Vertical Translation
Discuss steps required to find each of these values for your data. Enter the function into your y = and take a screen shot.
Amplitude and Period and Vertical Translation and Horizontal Translation.
Discuss steps for how you found the vertical translation. Put the final answer in your y = and take a screen shot.
Rubric for Sin/Cos Modeling Project Name ______
______Data (5) – Data is periodic and displayed in a table
______Display of Data (15) – All graphs are present and correct
______Modeling (20) – All 4 steps of finding the model are present and clearly stated.
______Conclusion (10) – Conclusion is present and well written.