Women’s Rights


1. Women followed England’s example

a. Running in front of horses

2. 1848 – Seneca Falls

a. Declaration of Sentiments

3. Organizations:

a. 1869 – NWSA

a. fighting in Congress

b. 1869 - AWSA

a. fighting in states

c. 1966 – NOW

a. equality in workplace

3. Federal Acts

a. 1893 – CO lets women vote

b. 1920 – 19th Amendment

c. 1960 – FDA approves birth control pills

d. 1963 – Equal Pay Act

e. 1973 – Roe vs. Wade

a. safe and legal abortion

f. 1978 – Pregnancy Discrimination Act

g. 1994 – Violence Against Women Act


1. Women’s Role

a. no vote, husband has control, no property unless widowed

b. women are few in the west / have more power

2. 1920’s

a. flappers, new ideas of women

a. seen as deteriorating society

b. clothing shorter – WWI rationing

a. showing knees, calve

b. birth control

a. women have power to control life

c. Car - changed dating

d. Alcohol

a. women drinking in bars, more equal

3. 1930’s – Great Depression

a. huge destruction of family unit

a. women becoming breadwinners

b. FDR – 1st woman in cabinet

a. Eleanor Roosevelt – fought for everyone

4. 1940’s – WWI

a. Rosie the Riveter

b. Sexual Evolution

i. Sinatra, bobbysoxers

ii. Relationships pushed with men going to war

5. 1950’s – Return to Normalcy

a. backwards movement / women back to the home

i. gov’t told women to return home

1. housing boom – track homes

b. advertising

i. TV consumerism - products for women in the home

ii. Ideal mother - Leave it to Beaver etc.

6. 1960’s & 70’s

a. birth control approved

a. women have the right to choose home/career

b. Feminism movement

a. learns from civil rights movement

1. civil disobedience – bra burning, pageant protesting

c. 1963 - Feminine Mystique - Betty Freidan