Wrangle Parish Council Notes

A Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 13 May 2010 attended by Cllrs G Danby (Chairman), P Featherstone, B Kime, R Featherstone,

B Bowles, B Ingham, T Ashton and T Wright. Also present: County Cllr Bedford. Apologies accepted from Cllr A Brown, Borough Cllrs M Dennis and J Grant

There were no members of the public present.

To Receive Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

There were no Police present, but the following report had been received:

1 minor road traffic collision in Sea Lane; 5 incidents of anti-social behaviour; 2 thefts at Main Road and Sea Lane; 1 incident of criminal damage at Common Road and 1 burglary at Church Close.

Declarations of Interest

Cllr Kime declared an interest in ‘planning’ and signed the book accordingly.

Approve Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 06 April 2010, previously circulated, were approved and signed as a true record.

Stagecoach Bus Service

Stagecoach have agreed to pick up and drop off passengers in the area of Jesters on the Main Road. Brylaine are being contacted by LCC to request that they do the same. The Stop at the Bede Houses will be assessed.

Plans Received

B/10/0116 – G H Kime & Co – Extension of time implementation of extant planning permission ref B/07/0108/OUTL: outline planning permission for residential development (up to 27 dwellings) at site of G H Kime & Co, Main Road – SUPPORT

Planning Decisions fom Boston Borough Council

B/10/0075 – Fell 1 pine tree, remove overhanging branch from pine at Old School House, Main Road – GRANT, the tree will be replaced when the time for planting is right.

B/10/0039 - Mr Kenning - Construction of an open fronted cart shed design garage (four bays) at Jubilee Cottage, Main Road - GRANT

Recreation Field

The Management Committee are arranging for a long term lease to be drawn up between the Trustees and the Parish Council, the lease can only be for seven years at a time. An AGM for the Recreation Field will be arranged after the lease is sorted out by the solicitor, approved by the Charity Commission and the Parish Council agree to it in principal. The lease agreement will safeguard the Recreation Field should Parish Councils ever have to merge with neighbouring Parishes or even be taken over by District or County Councils.

A new water pipe has been laid and is working. The water meter has been checked and new figures sent to Anglian Water.

Vandals have broken the electric meter box and smashed the glass of the meter, this will be reported to E-on. Vandals have also broken the window in the pavilion. Some youths have threatened to prise the notices off the pavilion, if anyone sees them doing this could they please report it to the Police or a Parish Councillor.

The Road Hog bus visits the Recreation Field once a fortnight for the use of children in Wrangle.


The repairs to the A52 will be started after the bank holiday. Other matters and repairs to be reported: Ivery Lane – surface breaking up and side breaking up; Claxy Bank – surface breaking up at junction with Wrangle Bank as well as large pot holes in this area; Ivery Lane/Gold Fen Bank junction – roadsides breaking up; the centre of the road at Wrangle Bank between Double bank and Park lane is breaking up; Soulby Lane end of Tooley Lane – pot holes; Broadgate from Gold Fen Bank junction to Wrangle Bank junction has a number of surface pot holes; Gateroom Lane has areas where the surface is breaking up; Mill Lane – the road sides are breaking up at the junction with Camms Lane, the junction with Sea Lane and pot holes at the Sea Lane junction too; Hall Lane – a number of potholes along the lane; Nut lane – bad potholes to be reported again; the Camms Lane nameplate is missing again; A bad pot hole on the A52 opposite the Church End junction; a number of surface holes at Greengate; several potholes in Chapel Lane; surface holes in Brick lane and Common Road and a white tyre/planter is encroaching the highway at Broadgate. Claxy Bank is very bumpy and has got worse over the last 2 to 3 months, this will be reported to highways.

Please report potholes to the Parish Council Clerk on 01205 270352

Best Kept Village Competition 2010

Wrangle has been entered into the Best Kept Village competition again this year. Judging takes place in June, July and August. Points are given for the lack of litter, graffiti etc. The general tidiness of the village gains points and the overall ‘cared for’ appearance of the village gains points.

Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 01 June at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall.