The meeting was held Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at the Rogers Library.
New club president Darryl Wagoner WA1GON opened the meeting and introduced himself as the new club president, being elected at the December 12, 2017 membership meeting and elections.
Secretary Harold Sobotka introduced newly elected club vice president Doug Shultz, KD5DAS, and newly elected club treasurer Gregg Doty, KF5ZIM.
Members and guest participated in a meet and greet introduction. A total of 10 members & guests signed the attendance log. The original copy of the attendance log is attached to the minutes of the meeting, and is retained in the secretary file.
The treasurers report was given by treasurer Gregg Doty, indicating a balance in the club Treasury of $2033.35. The treasurers report was approved by vote of the membership.
A copy of the treasurers report is attached to the minutes of the meeting and is retained in the secretary file.
Brief discussion was made reference VE Testing for ham radio licensing, which is headed up by member Larry Bilderback with assistance of his wife Doris. The VE Testing discussion was informational for benefit of guests and new members to help them be aware of the VE testing program by Larry and Doris Bilderback. The club gratefully acknowledges the dedicated work of members Larry and Doris Bilderback. VE Testing is offered each last Saturday of the month at 3 PM at the Rogers Library. November is the exception when VE Testing is offered the third Saturday of November. VE Testing is not offered in January, 2018 at the Rogers Library. See club web page for schedule.
President Darryl discussed the situation regarding the library meeting room, in that the room is occasionally not available to the club as promised by the library, as the schedule is occasionally altered when others with priority require use of the room. No action was taken regarding possibly meeting in a different location.
Discussion was held concerning the club Logo. Club treasurer Gregg Doty agreed to work on putting together ideas/suggestions for a new logo. Gregg also made suggestion that the club put together an informational packet for benefit of new and/or prospective members.
President Darryl discussed the idea of possible organization of a new area ham group which might be made up of the leadership of each ham club in the area. Purpose of the new group is suggested to have an area wide group of hams to better assist and work at larger area events, and to have a consensus of area ham clubs to better deal with various problems and issues common the hams and ham clubs in the region.
Antenna tuners and antenna bridges was a topic of discussion. It was explained that MFJ company offers both of these items but pushes the antenna tuners as they are much more costly, thus more profitable to the company. Member Loren Lawrence presented information on antenna tuners and antenna bridges, which was interesting and informative. He explained db math, stating that +10 db = 10 times the signal, and that -10 db = 1/10th the signal. And that in db math, + 3 dbm = 2 times the signal, and that -3 dbm = 1/4th the signal.
Member Loren Lawrence discussed in detail the White Rock Classic Race event, which will be held Saturday February 3, 2018. Loren asked for volunteers to assist with ham radio communications at this event.
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned before 9 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Harold Sobotka, secretary.