DCF/ASO Interface Committee Meeting

July 29, 2008


Ø  Report from DCF on Residential Utilization

Ø  Status of Family Focus Groups

Ø  IICAPS Consultant Proposal

Ø  DCF Reorganization

Attendance: Heather Gates, CHR; Irv Jennings, FCA; Sweets Wilson, Catholic Charities; Cecilia Rowland, YCSC; Kathleen Carrier, Families United; Karen Sylvia, Boys & Girls Village; Kristin Holdt, YCSC; Patricia Marsden-Kish, Family & Children’s Agency; Alice Forrester, Clifford Beers Clinic; Llonia Gordon, FAVOR; Regina Moller, Village for Children; Pasquale Giordano, Bridges; Dave Tompkins, Chilren’s Home; Rosemarie Burton, Klingberg; Lori Szczygiel, Value Options and Gary Steck, Wellpath.

I.  Report from DCF on Residential Utilization

a.  Formal report delayed due to Karen’s medical leave.

b.  Meetings between DCF and providers are on-going.

c.  Is there data about success of reunification of children post residential.

d.  Out of state placements – question about level of family involvement.

II.  Status of Family Focus Groups

a.  Update on process

III.  IICAPS Consultant Proposal

a.  Reviewed proposal

b.  Heather to renegotiate

IV.  DCF Reorganization

a.  Discussion about rumors, but nothing concrete