Section J, Attachment N
Exhibit N-1 – Table 1
System Definitions
# / System Type / System1.1.01 / Mech. /
Chilled Water
1.1.01.A / A. Description / Production – Water chillers at *JSC consist of large central plant systems (up to 2000 tons) and individual packaged systems serving specific selected facilities. The central plants, buildings 24 and 28, provide chilled water internally and through the utility tunnel or direct buried to the mall buildings for use as HVAC or process cooling. The emergency power building, building 48 provides chilled water internally and through the utility tunnel to the Mission Control Center (MCC) buildings (30L, 30M and 30S) to be used in HVAC cooling. The chiller auxiliary support equipment in buildings 24, 28, and 48, is the equipment/components required to support the operation of a plant chilled water system or a backup to provide chilled water when the plant chilled water systems not available.Distribution/Use – The chilled water piping system contains approximately eight miles of primary supply and return piping that connects the central/auxiliary plants to the mall facilities and building 48. This system includes the direct buried chilled water supply and return feeds from both building 24 and 28 that connects in the tunnel. The Building 48 chilled water distribution system provides chilled water supply and return to the MCC and helps feed the tunnel system when necessary. The building 48 system can either produce chilled water or redirect building 24 and 28 chilled water as required.
Closed loop cooling systems are those systems that use a chilled water heat exchanger to provide a secondary cooling water loop to provide cleaner cooling water for sensitive/critical equipment.
1.1.01.B / B. Output / Production – The contractor shall operate chilled water systems as necessary to ensure chilled water is continuously supplied to facilities to satisfy the load. The central/auxiliary plant chilled water systems must be maintained in such a manner as to ensure that there are always two spare chilled water systems available to be placed in service at all times. During mission support periods the building 24 and 28 systems must be available to immediately support the additional load from the MCC if necessary. The roof mounted backup water chiller at the central plant shall be available at all times to support critical air handler 24-6 operation in the event of a plant chilled water outage. The building 48 chilled water system shall continuously satisfy the MCC load and shall provide chilled water at 44F +/-1F or as directed by NASA. The building 48 system shall maintain at least one chiller in a standby condition available to be placed into immediate service with one chiller down for maintenance/repair and with a two chiller load. All chilled water systems shall be maintained such that freon leaks are repaired within 30 days of discovery. The contractor shall operate the chilled water systems that are the most energy efficient based on lowest $/ton operational cost per chiller unit except during outages, equipment training, or weekend equipment rotation operation to maintain equipment reliability. All systems shall be free of water leaks.
Distribution/Use – All chilled water distribution systems shall deliver a continuous chilled water supply from the point of production to the facility and shall be maintained free of leaks. All chilled water systems shall be controlled at each HVAC system to meet the requirements for cold deck temperatures as specified in the JSC Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter Seasonal Adjustment Plan and to meet building temperature and humidity requirements. Closed loop cooling systems shall meet the equipment requirements for flow, temperature, and capacity and be free of leaks.
1.1.01.C / C. Components / Production – The chilled water system components include but are not limited to, chilled water pump, filter, evaporator, condenser and economizer section, electric motor or steam turbine driver, gear box, compressor, oil return units, control panels and the field control systems, heat exchangers, pumps, surface condensers, hot well pumps, piping, refrigerant piping, refrigerant valves, instrumentation including PLC’s, flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, pneumatic controls, etc., makeup water tanks, side stream filters, compression tanks, freon recovery units, and freon boil off vessels.
Distribution/Use – The tunnel chilled water system may include but are not limited to the following: piping, cathodic protection system, insulation and aluminum jacketing, air vents, valves and associated brass tags, instrumentation including flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, etc. All chilled water systems include the chilled water system inside the facilities. The components of the chilled water system may include, but not be limited to, pumps, strainers, instrumentation including flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, etc., gauges, controls, orifice plates and other flow elements, compression tanks, control valves and associated controls, valves, fittings, pipe, labels and insulation.
Closed loop cooling systems may contain, but not be limited to, any combination of heat exchangers, pumps, piping, fittings, labels, valves, flow indicators, compression tanks, strainers, filters, auto air eliminators, insulation, instrumentation, and controls.
1.1.02 / Mech. /
1.1.02.A / A. Description / That system which supplies conditioned air to a space or facility, to maintain required temperature humidity conditions.1.1.02.B / B. Output / The space to be conditioned shall be maintained at temperatures specified in JMI 8836.1 for personnel comfort and/or equipment requirements. Air exchanges and indoor air quality shall be provided to meet current ASHRAE recommendations. Discharge air temperatures from HVAC units shall be as directed in Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter Seasonal Adjustment plans. Provide indoor air quality such that visual inspection of the supply air ducts, diffusers and cooling coil section (including coil, pan, piping, insulation and walls), of the air handler shall reveal no biological growth, algae, fungus, mildew, etc. Spot Coolers shall be installed and operated, including condensate removal, for short term (less than 6 months) facility configuration changes.
1.1.02.C / C. Components / These systems are defined to include chilled water, direct expansion systems, and PTOA’s (Pre-Treated Outside Air), interior and exterior locations including but not limited to, mechanical rooms, computer rooms, general office areas, laboratories, vaults, and overhead installations. This may also include but not be limited to central station units, portable spot coolers, window units, D/X split systems, fan coil units, condenser units, package units, and floor mounted computer room type units. Components shall be defined as, but not limited to, coil (CW and refrigerant), fan, constant and variable frequency drive units, motor drive, belt, filters, control valves, reboiler, condensate collection pans and piping, hot water coils, steam coils, refrigerant coils, gas fired furnace section, overflow protection devices, humidity control heaters (hot water and electric) and instrumentation, humidifiers, accelerometers, compressor and associated instrumentation and controls, gauges and other instrumentation and controls specific to the air handler systems including flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, etc., air distribution systems such as mixing boxes, variable air terminals, fans, heaters, ducting, dampers ,and insulation.
1.1.03 / Mech. /
Cooling Towers
1.1.03.A / A. Description / Cooling towers/condenser/cooling water systems are heat rejection systems that provide cooling water for condensing refrigerants in HVAC/Chillers or other cooling applications.1.1.03.B / B. Output / All condenser/cooling water systems shall continuously satisfy the plant and/or facility loads and shall provide condenser water to the plants at 86 F to 90 F on design days at 80 F wet bulb temperature while utilizing an optimum number of cooling tower cells. The contractor shall provide a water treatment program to maintain mild steel corrosion rates less than 2.0 mils per year and copper corrosion rates less than .2 mils per year and the program shall treat the water and tower areas for algae and biological growth. When any bacterial growth is detected that poses potential harm to personnel or equipment, as determined by the JSC Occupational Health Office, an aggressive treatment program must be maintained until the algae/bacteria growth is destroyed. The system shall be free of leaks. The building 24 plant condenser water system shall be maintained to be able to support the two additional backup chilled water systems as required in section 1.1.01.B. Condenser water quality shall be maintained within the chemical limits as specified on JSC Form 1426, Water Analysis Log for Cooling Towers in Buildings 28 or 48.
1.1.03.C / C. Components / Cooling tower/condenser/cooling water systems are defined as containing, but not limited to, all or any combination of cooling towers, heat exchangers, piping, filters, fittings, labels, fans, gear boxes, flow elements, basins, pumps, valves, fire detection and protection equipment, chemical feed pumps, chlorine supply system, chemical treatment systems, side stream filtration, controls, accelerometers, and instrumentation including flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, etc.
1.1.04 / Mech. /
Compressed Air
1.1.04.A / A. Description / Production – Buildings 24 and 28 shall provide dry, oil-free compressed air internally and through the tunnel or direct buried to the site buildings to be used as instrument or shop air. Building 48 shall provide dry compressed air internally through the tunnel for building 30M if the central plant cannot provide sufficient quantity or pressure. Included are systems that supply and distribute dry, compressed breathing air to the building for use as breathing air. Also included are starting air systems that supply and deliver starting air to starting air motors on diesel engines.Distribution/Use – The compressed air distribution system is a piping network approximately four miles in length, both tunnel and direct buried, that connects the central/auxiliary plant outputs to the JSC facilities and the building 48 output to the Mission Control Center. The compressed air systems are defined to include the compressed air system inside the facility described as instrument, shop, plant, and breathing air. All *JSC facilities are equipped with either an independent control/shop or breathing air compressor or have a backup control air compressor when supplied with plant air.
1.1.04.B / B. Output / Production – The building 24 plant air system shall continuously satisfy the site load and shall provide oil free compressed air to the site buildings at a nominal 125-psig +/- 3 psig with a maximum dew point of – 40 °F +/- 5 °F or as directed by NASA. The building 28 plant air system shall operate at 140 PSIG +/-3 PSIG with a maximum dew point of –40 °F +/- 5 °F or as directed by NASA. The plant compressed air system shall have one additional utility air compressor available to be placed in service at all times as a standby compressor. The dew point air output from the desiccant dryer system shall be maintained and the desiccant shall be replaced, heater elements replaced, or other repairs made as required to ensure the dew point requirement. The plant air system shall be operated at 150-psig +/- 3 psig. The starting air system for the power engines shall provide compressed air whenever needed at 150-psig +0/-5 psig or as directed by NASA.
Distribution/Use - The compressed air distribution system shall deliver a continuous supply of compressed air from the point of production to point of use at the required quantity and pressure. The instrument air pressure shall be regulated to a nominal 20-PSI +/- 1 PSI. The breathing air system shall deliver dry, compressed breathing air to the building at 150 PSI +/- 3 PSI (or as directed by NASA), certified for breathing and conforming to sampling per American National Standard Commodity Specification for Air, Compressed Gas Association, Inc. (ANSI/CGA G-7.1-1989 or latest version.)
All *JSC compressed air systems shall maintain current certification of all pressure systems and components per JHB 1710B, and current **Pressure Systems Inventory Recall such that no component or system inspection date can be found to be out of compliance. All *JSC compressed air systems shall be free of leaks.
1.1.04.C / C. Components / The *JSC compressed air systems may include but are not limited to, air compressors of all types (both Central plant and facility), air receiver tanks, air dryers of any type, filters, piping, cooling systems, pumps, instrumentation, including flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, etc., controls, relief valves, check valves, associated gauges, pressure regulating stations, oilers, condensate traps; pressure protective devices; valves; fittings; and labels, cathodic protection systems, pressure regulating stations, filter stations.
1.1.05 / Mech. / Steam & Condensate
1.1.05.A / A. Description / Production – The building 24 steam system shall provide steam through the utility tunnel and provide for condensate return to and from the site buildings. This steam is utilized for at the facilities for domestic hot water, space heating, humidification and process uses. Some *JSC buildings have low-pressure steam boilers for heating and high-pressure steam boilers for test applications.
Distribution/Use - The utility tunnel steam supply/condensate return system is a piping system approximately three and one half miles in total length that connects the building 24 output to the JSC mall facilities. In the facility the steam is reduced in pressure as required and distributed to the point of use. The system includes that portion that collects and returns condensate produced from the steam system. The condensate is collected in condensate return units or through tunnel steam traps and returned to the plant from the mall facilities through the tunnel return condensate piping system.
1.1.05.B / B. Output / Production – The steam system shall continuously supply and satisfy the site load with 400 psig superheated steam to the plant header system and shall reduce this high-pressure steam to 100 psig plus or minus 10 psig in the summer. The output pressure shall be adjusted as required in the heating season to maintain 100 psig at building 35 to meet the building load requirements and may be adjusted as directed by NASA. The output steam shall be desuperheated to approximately 300 °F at the plant pressure reducing/desuperheating stations. The plant steam system shall have one additional boiler available to be placed in service at all times as a warm standby boiler. The condensate return shall be deaerated at building 24 and shall be chemically treated with phosphate to be within 15-25 mg/liter and sulfite to be within 20-40 mg/liter prior to use in any of the plant boilers. The supply steam to the site shall be treated with amines for a condensate water pH of 8-9 to ensure condensate pipe integrity. The contractor shall ensure condensate return, to be at least 85% of supply, from the site buildings by verifying condensate return units and all steam traps are operating properly. The contractor shall ensure that the return condensate to the plant is pure by checking condensate return water quality for hardness with a laboratory color change test each shift. Potable water that shall be used as a makeup in the condensate system shall be softened to less that 2 mg/liter, maximum hardness. Steam production systems in *JSC buildings not served by the JSC central plant shall be capable of supplying continuous steam as required to satisfy the Fall and Summer Energy Guidelines.
Distribution/Use - The tunnel steam supply/condensate return system shall continuously supply steam from the plant production system to the facilities and return condensate from the facilities to the plant. All zones of the tunnel steam/condensate system shall be maintained in service at all times to ensure a continuous supply of steam and return of condensate from mall buildings. Only brief exceptions of this requirement will be permitted in an effort to locate potable water hardness leaks, repair failed condensate return units, or as required by a utility procedure. Distribution systems other than the tunnel shall provide the quantity and quality of steam required for the end use. All steam/condensate valves shall be in an operable state with no actuators missing and all valves, traps, etc. shall be labeled with brass tags containing the valve station number and pressure systems inventory information. The steam system shall deliver adequate quantity and quality of steam to the building from the tunnel to meet facility requirements.
All *JSC steam systems shall maintain current certification of all pressure systems and components per JHB 1710B, and current **Pressure Systems Inventory Recall such that no component or system inspection date can be found to be out of compliance. All *JSC steam systems shall be free of leaks.
1.1.05.C / C. Components / Steam/condensate production distribution and return system and support components of the steam system may include but are not limited to, storage tanks, deaerator vessels, condensate pumps, boiler feedwater pumps, hot well pumps, plant boilers, pressure reducing/desuperating stations, chemical storage tanks, chemical feed pumps, water softener, water dealkalizer vessel, steam traps, condensate return units, natural gas scrubber, fuel oil supply pumps fuel oil storage tank, feedwater economizers, boiler oxygen trim controls, other boiler controls and instrumentation, plant master pressure controllers that control the boiler master loop, steam/condensate/chemical/, and fuel piping, gas meters for the boilers, condensate flow meters, make-up water meters, piping, insulation including aluminum jacketing, supports, expansion joints, instrumentation, flow devices, probes, delta-Pressure switches, etc., pressure reducing/regulating stations, gauges, hot water converter vessels; boilers; steam coils in outside air units; reboilers; relief valves and pressure protective devices; valves; fittings, pumps, condensate traps, valves; fittings, flash tanks, and labels.