LATEST UPDATE as of 7 March 2011

The Secretariat of Divine Worship, in collaboration with the International Commission on English in the Liturgy, has completed an exhaustive review of the final text of the Roman Missal, Third Edition to prepare the texts for publication. This final review and copy-editing assured the accuracy and proper formatting of the text files before turning them over to publishers of ritual editions of the Missal as well as participation aids and catechetical resources. In addition, during this time the final arranging of the chants for various texts of the Missal was completed.

On January 3, 2011, the text and music files were transmitted to the seven liturgical publishers who will be releasing ritual editions of the Roman Missal. Publishers can begin marketing, promotion, and pre-orders for the Roman Missal on February 1, and shipment and delivery of the ritual editions will begin on October 1. First use of the new text of the new Roman Missal will be on the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011.


Even though the texts will be available for catechesis before the “must use” date, IT WILL NOT BE LICIT TO USE THESENEW TEXTS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE MASS PRIOR TO THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, 2011.

IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE UPDATE: Bishop Lori has appointed a committee to prepare a program of catechesis for the implementation of the new English translation: Monsignors Kevin Royal, Alan Detscher, and Andy Varga; Fathers Robert Kinnally and Sam Scott, Deacon Tony Detje and Damien O’Connor. Members of the committee welcome your questions and concerns. A program of catechesis for all major target audiences of the diocese is being prepared for the months ahead. More information will be published here as events are finalized.

Monsignor Alan Detscher and Monsignor Andy Varga will be guest panelists on the radio program THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK on March 20 and April 3. Hosted by Father Mark Connolly and Father Ray Petrucci, this ABC syndicated show is aired every Sunday morning throughout the country. The March 20 program is already available at

The BISHOPS’ COMMITTEE ON DIVINE WORSHIP, a standing committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has the responsibility for all matters relating to the Liturgy in the dioceses of the United States. Its web pages on the USCCB website provide current and accurate information on the status of the new translation and its publication, along with FAQ’s, Sample Texts, General Resources, Parish Resources, and information in Spanish.


“Become One Body, One Spirit in Christ” is a multi-media catechetical resource on the liturgy. To prepare for the implementation of the new edition of the Roman Missal, an international group of scholars have been working with the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) to develop a helpful resource to aid pastors and parishes in providing formation and instruction about not only the new texts but about the nature and purpose of the liturgy, the history of the Mass, and detailed lessons on the various parts of the Mass.


The FEDERATION OF DIOCESAN LITURGICAL COMMISSIONS is a national organization composed primarily of members of diocesan liturgical commissions, worship offices and/or the equivalent diocesan liturgical structures. These diocesan liturgical personnel, appointed by their bishops, have responsibility for the promotion of the liturgical life of their dioceses. The FDLC serves as an official collaborating agent between the local churches through diocesan worship offices and liturgical commissions and the USCCB Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship (BCDW).

FDLC is working in collaboration with the USCCB/BCDW to provide a wide range of catechetical resources in preparation for the implementation of the new translation.

RECOMMENDED FDLC RESOURCES available include economical full-color tri-fold pamphlets for parish distribution, master copies of educational bulletin inserts for local reproduction and a variety of scholarly materials for additional study and parish planning.