Minutes of Executive Meeting
Monday 6February 2012
Bray Room 4, State Library
Meeting opened at 5.00 pm
- Present
WilfPrest (Chair), LaurenGobbett,Greg Slattery, Jacinta Weiss, Annette Mills
- Apologies
Carol Fort, John Bannon
- Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting & noting of Minutes of September General Committee Meeting.
Minutes of the Meeting of 3 December 2011 were confirmed. Moved Greg, seconded Jacinta, that the minutes be accepted as a true and correct record. Carried.
- Business Arising:
Has been added to the History Month program. SLSA will take bookings and telephone enquiries. Bev Scott SLSA marketing happy to support and promote. What we need to do now is decide the composition of the forum. All agreed need at least four panel members.
Lauren suggested Ianto Ware from Renew Adelaide. He is interested in the use of vacant buildings and could talk about old buildings and reuse. Lauren is happy to approach him.
Action: Lauren to approach Ianto Ware
Wilf suggested Peter Goers, Carol Fort, Margaret Anderson and Heather Nimmio from the National Trust. Jacinta is happy to approach Peter and Wilf will approach the other three.
ActionWilf to approach Carol Fort, Margaret Anderson, and Heather Nimmio
Jacinta to approach Peter Goers.
b)Annual Lecture
Babara is available and happy to do two lectures this year on “Australia’s Gastronomic Heritage”.
Goolwa will happen on the 1 August 6pm-7.30pm
Adelaide will happen on the 2 August
Wilf has heard from Jo Pike from Country ArtSA. She is currently on holiday, back 28 Feb, but basically supportive..
Wilf has contacted Vanessa at Alexandrina Council and Wednesday 1 August is ok to book the venue at Goolwa. If we do this through Country ArtSA they will cover the cost of venue hire.
The Historian of the Year presentations will occur atthe Adelaide lecture only. Annette suggested that if the lecture is held at SLSA then we could have the awards presentation in the Treasures Wall area.
Action:Wilf will contact Alan Smith to discuss this further
[Lauren left at 6pm]
Discussion around charging for the lectures. At this stage the Exec agrees gold coin donation for Goolwa and to charge for the Adelaide event. Discussion to be continued at a future meeting.
c)Strategic planning workshop
Wilf thanked Jacinta for use of the venue at CBC. Wilf thought the workshop was a positive experience. Kate has given Wilf a draft document and he will meet with Kate tomorrow to talk through it. Wilf reported that Kate was dubious about our current structure – the general committee is not properly integrated into general activities. She suggests we have a committee with a number of subcommittees.
Wilf will circulate Kate’s draft to all general committee members, for discussion at the next general committee meeting on 5 March.
d)Membership letter Press Release and Announcement
Lauren and Jacinta have met and created a mailout list.
Annette offered to send Jacinta previous HCSA lecture attendees.
Membership form needs ‘corporate members’ to be changed.
Wilf would like to see a final draft before it is sent out.
Action Annette to send email addresses of HCSA lecture attendees
a) New members
New members this month : Muriel Matters Society
Royal Geographical Society of SA
Adelaide University Art and Heritage
Christian Brothers College
Action: Lauren will add these to the email distribution list
b) Membership statistics
Wilf would like for this item to be a standing item on the agenda. The purpose is to inform us of new members, and also membership statistics on a 12 month basis i.e. to compare March 2011 with March 2012 membership numbers.
- Website report
Annette asked about whether to ask Ursh about Google analytics to learn if we can get some visitation statistics to our website. All present agreed this was a good idea.
- President’s report
Wilf reported that as directed at the December Committee meeting he had written and had published by the Advertiser (26/12/2011) a ‘Proclamation Day message’.
In response to a letter from the Heritage Council of SA asking for a Register Committee nominations andfollowing feedback from the Executive Wilf had submitted a nomination form forNorman Etherington
The letterhead templates which Alison Fort created for us have the incorrect PO Box address. Please disregard the email Wilf sent with these attached and incorrect copies. Correct copies will be sent.
- Treasurers report
Greg reported that the term deposit had matured and he has reinvested the sum at 5.68% for 5 months and 28 days.
For the last term deposit the rate was 5.1% and generated $307.50
The current account has $3,300.65
The term deposit holds $5,000.
Wilf added that Kate Reynold’s facilitation services still needs to be paid and no account has yet been received.
- Any other business
a)Indigenous representation
Wilf asked about this again. Annette suggested if Wilf has a meeting with Suzanne Miller perhaps she could recommend some-one who works at the SA Museum.
b)Historian of the year awards
Jacinta gave a summary of where the press release she has prepared has been sent. Greg and Wilf mentioned a couple of other important regional papers. Jacinta thinks television coverage would be good for example ABC’s 7.30 SA, but we would need something visual to support this.
Would like Jay Weatherill to give the presentations and all agree it would be good if John Bannon could make the initial approach.
Action: Wilf to follow this up
Next steps are to let all our members know about the awards.
Action Jacinta to send press release to Lauren so she can send through to members and sponsors
Discussion around a forum and awards to appear on a flyer to market. Wilf is happy to delegate this task for Jacinta to follow up and Jacinta is willing to do this.
c)Style guide
Alison Fort is preparing a style guide for us.
Action: Wilf to send the draft of this around to all
10.Dates of Future Meetings2012
2 April
7 May
2 July
6 August
1 October
5 November
General Committee:
5 March
4 June
17 September (following AGM)
3 December
Monday or Tuesday, 3 or 4 September 2012: to be confirmed
Meeting closed at 7.00 pm