Name ______Date ______
APUSH period ___Mrs. Hornstein
Extra Credit Assignment
You have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 10 points in your average for the marking period by completing the following assignment. Choose ONE of the movies below. You may only complete this assignment for a maximum of 2 out of the 4 marking periods. Grades are generally lower marking periods 1 & 2 so you may want to use this opportunity then. I highly recommend you complete these assignments over long weekends or breaks if possible as they should never interfere with your required work for the class. This is not only an opportunity for bonus points, it is a wonderful chance for you to see how Hollywood has represented the historical events we study. Many of the depictions are highly inaccurate, yet they still offer a great learning opportunity for us. We will be watching historical films after the AP Exam and this activity will prepare for the type of evaluation we will be doing. You may access the synopsis of the films at the IMDB links provided. Have fun! Please see me immediately if you are confused or need guidance. Watch the board for due dates. Assignments will not be accepted late. Most films may be rented from the local or county library, Blockbuster, and/or Netflix. If there is an alternative film that would be appropriate that you would like to use, please speak to me about it in advance.
Assignment: View the historical film. Write a 3-page typed essay and include the following:
1)Your name, the names of any classmates who watched the film with you (you must each hand in your own paper), the date, and the name of the movie.
2)A brief (1-2 paragraph) synopsis of the plot of the movie (what happened, who was involved, etc.)
3)Answers to the following questions (all of them):
- How does this movie relate to what we have studied in class?
- What historical events, issues, or controversies is this film trying to address? Be specific and cite events, dates, and documents that are relevant to the plot of this movie.
- Is this movie a good representation of history? Did it treat the issues accurately (to the best of your knowledge)?
- Was it balanced or did it have a point of view? If so, what was it?
- What is your opinion of the film? Would you recommend it to other history students? To the public in general? Explain. Comment at length about the quality of the film as both entertainment and historical representation.
- If you were in charge of re-making this film, what would you do differently to increase the historical accuracy of the film? What would you include and what you leave on the cutting room floor?
4. Any additional comments or questions you had about the film.
MP 2:
Iron Jawed Angels
not rated (HBO)
All Quiet on the Western Front
Inherit the Wind
Cinderella Man