
House No. 745, Main Ibn-e-Sina Road, G-11/2

Phone No. 9267588, Fax No. 2111376


INVITATION FOR BIDS NO. PIFRA-II/Proc/308/AMS/2012/Vol-IV DATED April 20, 2014


Following further amendments are made in the above IFB published in the Daily ‘Pakistan Today News’ (combined) and Daily ‘Ash Sharq’ dated March 04, 2014 and the Bidding Documents issued thereunder:

I.  Para 7 of the said IFB (as previously amended vide Corrigendum published in the press on April 20, 2014) has been further amended and substituted with the following, in order to afford necessary time to the prospective bidders for inspection of site of AMIS Data Center before finalization of their bids:

“7. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 1100 hours on Friday, May 23, 2014. Bids need to be secured by a bid security equivalent to 2% of total cost of the bid valid in the currency of the bid for a period of 120 days starting from the final date of submission of bids, in the form of Unconditional Bank Guarantee in favor of Project Director, PIFRA, enclosed with the bid. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address given below at 1130 hours on May 23, 2014.”

II.  The existing Storage (SAS) Specification for all Database/Application Servers, File Servers and Domain Controller/Antivirus Servers mentioned in the Bidding Document may be amended and substituted with the following:

Storage (SAS) / Minimum Two (02) TB Installed Storage, 15K SFF, 2.5 Inches, 146 GB/300 GB.

III.  The following further works details are relevant to the AMIS Data Center in addition to PIFRA’s response against bidders query at Sr. No. 14 circulated to all the bidders vide letter No: 1388/PIFRA/Proc/355-Pre-Bid Meeting/AMIS/2014 dated 16.4.2014:

a.  Dismantling works including removal of wooden wall, windows, electrical wiring/accessories and brick masonry wall.

b.  Waterproofing/repair work on wall against seepage of water.

c.  Brick masonry, plastering and paint work as per approved layout/drawings.

d.  Complete electrical works against approved layout.

e.  Provision of aluminum glass partitioning work, aluminum glass doors and furniture (made of glass & metal) as per approved layouts.

f.  Provision and installation of CCTV system with at least 3 Nos. cameras for the Data Centre.

g.  On approval of PIFRA for design layout prepared by the supplier, the supplier will prepare and submit detailed drawings, BOQs and specifications of the Data Center to PIFRA for approval.

Director General (Procurement)

PIFRA Directorate,

House # 745, Main Ibne Sina Road, G-11/2,

Islamabad (Pakistan)

Phone: 92-51-9267588

FAX: 92-51-2111376

Email: .