Fernwood Nursery - Sempervivums 2011
Howard and Sally Wills / From:Fernwood
Peters Marland
Devon,EX38 8QG
Telephone: 01805 601446 / Email:
Email: Website:
Order form
The best time to buy sempervivums is between late spring and early autumn. We normally start dispatching orders towards the end of April and continue until September.
Our 2012 list will be produced at the end of April.
Plants are sent by First Class post, bare rooted, wrapped in paper with a name label attached. They are dried off prior to dispatch as in this condition they can survive for several weeks in the post. However, it is best to plant them as soon as possible after receipt. In dry weather they can be gently watered in to settle the soil. There is no need to worry if there are very few roots. New ones will be formed quickly when the rosettes are in contact with the soil.
This order form lists the varieties that we have available for sale by mail order. Some are in short supply so, if possible, please list a few substitutes. If a variety is out of stock, we will make a refund unless otherwise requested. Alternatively, send an open cheque marked ‘not to exceed’ for the cost of plants ordered and we will adjust the amount if necessary. (AGM = RHS Award of Garden Merit, 2009)
Mail order prices
All varietiesare individually priced. The size of plant provided will depend on availability but we normally try to send at least two rosettes or a rosette with developing offsets.
Plants are sent by 1st Class Post and for plant orders of £10.00 and over, prices include postage and packing to UK addresses. Below £10.00, please add £2.00 postage.
Export orders
We can send plants to all countries within the European Union (EU) without the need for a Phytosanitary Certificate. Plants are sent by Air Mail and with no soil on their roots. Please add 5% to the cost of the order to cover the cost of Air Mail.We can export to other countries but please enquire first about postal costs and import/export regulations.
Mixed collections
If you would prefer to leave the choice of varieties up to us, we can supply mixed collections of plants. Collections will normally contain a selection of Sempervivum species and cultivars that are attractive, easy to grow plants showing a range of different colours and forms. All plants will be individually named. Plants in mixed collections are priced at £2.00 each. (e.g. 5 different = £10.00, 10 different = £20.00etc.) We can also supply mixed collections of Jovibarba heuffelii cultivars at £3.00 per plant.
Please let us know if there are any varieties that you already have, and we will avoid using these when we make up the collection.
NCCPG National Collections®
We hold the Plant Heritage (NCCPG) National Collections® of Sempervivum, Jovibarba, and Rosularia. We welcome visitors to the nursery but please telephone first to arrange a time.
We also give talks to garden societies on a range of plant related topics. Please see our website for details.
Cultivation of Sempervivums
Most enthusiasts grow sempervivums in containers but they can also be planted out in rockeries, walls, sink gardens and flowerbeds where they will soon develop into attractive cushions of rosettes. If small offsets are planted directly into the ground, care must be taken to prevent them from becoming covered over by other plants or weeds.
Sempervivums are found growing naturally in mountainous regions so they are adapted to withstand extremes of temperature. They do not like wet or shaded conditions so they should be grown in a well-drained soil and exposed to full sunlight. A south facing bank or rockery is ideal.
Most varieties are completely hardy and grow best outdoors. A few types may require protection from excess moisture in the winter. A simple transparent shelter of glass or plastic to keep off the worst of the winter rain is all that is usually required. Alternatively, a few offsets of the more delicate varieties can be potted up and over-wintered in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse.
Suitable compost for growing plants in containers is John Innes No.1 or No.2 to which should be added about 25% sharp grit for extra drainage. Sempervivums also grow well in soil-less compost provided that good drainage is provided. Although they can tolerate very poor growing conditions, most plants seem to grow best in compost that contains a good supply of nutrients. We add slow release fertiliser granules to the compost at the recommended concentration for alpines. (3g/litre)
A top dressing of horticultural grit around the neck of each plant improves drainage and prevents the plant from being splashed with mud during heavy rain.
Sempervivum and Jovibarba book. Our,52 page, A5 softcover book provides a good introduction to growing, studying and enjoying sempervivums.It is in full colour and contains over 300 photographs. Price:£3.50 plus £1.20 postage.
Sempervivum and JovibarbaCD-ROMOur CD-ROM contains over 1700 photographs of Sempervivum and Jovibarba species and cultivars in our NCCPG National Collections®. Price £6.00 plus 70P postage. (Please note: The contents of the CD-ROM can only be viewed on a computer.)
Our website contains more information about the plants in our collections, and our garden and nursery.
Order summary
(A) Sempervivum, Jovibarba, Rosularia species No. ordered ______,Cost=(B)Jovibarba heuffelii species and cultivars No. ordered ______,Cost =
(C) Sempervivum cultivars No. ordered ______,Cost =
Mixed collection Sempervivum @ £2.00 each No. of plants required ______, Cost =
Mixed collectionJovibarba heuffelii @ £3.00 each No. of plants required _____,Cost =
SempervivumandJovibarbabook@ £3.50 + £1.20p+p= £4.70
SempervivumandJovibarbaCD-ROM @ £6.00 + 70Pp+p= £6.70
Book and CD-ROM ordered together –£10.00including p+p
Please add 5% for non-UK, EU orders
Please make cheques payable Fernwood Nursery. We are sorry but we cannot accept credit card payments although we can accept payments via PayPal to .
Special instructions:
(A)Sempervivum, Jovibarba, Rosularia – November 2011
Sempervivum species / Pricealtum / 2.00
arachnoideum (AGM) / 2.00
arachnoideum var. bryoides
arach.var. tomentosum(AGM)
arachnoideum ‘Hookeri’
atlanticum from Oukaimeden / 2.00balcanicum / 2.00
calcareum fromCéüse / 2.00
calcareum from Col Bayard / 1.50
calcareum from Gorges Sup. Du Cians / 2.00
calcareum ‘Guillaumes’(AGM) / 3.00
calcareum from Mt Ventoux / 3.00
calcareum fromPetite Céüse GDJ92.16 / 2.00
calcareum from Route D’Annot / 2.00
calcareum from Triora / 2.00
calcareum ‘Extra’(AGM) / 3.00
calcareum ‘Greenii’ / 2.00
calcareum ‘Limelight’ / 2.00
calcareum ‘Mrs Giuseppi’ / 2.00
calc.‘Sir Wm. Lawrence’(AGM) / 3.00
calcareum ‘Tip Top’ / 2.00
cantabricumsubsp. gredense GDJ 95.04 / 2.00
cantab.subsp. guadarramense from Navafria / 3.00
cantab. subsp. guadarramense from Pico del Lobo / 2.00
cantabricumsubsp. urbionense from El Gaton / 2.00
cantabricumsubsp. urbionense GDJ 94.09 / 1.50
cantabricumsubsp. urbionense GDJ 95.01 / 1.50
cantabricumsubsp. urbionense from Valvanera / 2.00
caucasicum / 2.00
charadzeae / 3.00
ciliosum var. ciliosum / 3.00
ciliosum var. galicicum / 3.00
dzhavachischvilii / 3.00
giuseppii ex Coriscao(AGM) / 2.00
giuseppii from Pena Espiguita / 2.00
giuseppii from Pena Prieta / 2.00
grandiflorum / 3.00
ingwersenii / 2.00
kindingeri / 2.00
kosaninii / 2.00
macedonicum / 1.50
marmoreum ‘Brunneifolium’ / 2.00
montanum from L’Arbizon / 1.50
montanum from Mt Tonale / 1.50
montanum from San Simone / 1.50
montanum from Sponda / 1.50
montanum fromWindachtal / 1.50
montanum subsp. stiriacum / 1.50
montanum subsp. stiriacum ‘Lloyd Praeger’ / 1.50
nevadense / 1.50
octopodes var. apetalum / 2.00
ossetiense / 2.00
pittonii(AGM) / 3.00
pumilum ×ingwersenii / 2.00
reginae-amaliae from Sarpun / 2.00
sosnowskii / 2.00
tectorum fromEporn / 1.50
tectorum ‘Alpinum’ / 1.50
tectorum var. andreanum / 2.00
tectorum var. boutignyanum
GDJ 94.03 / 2.00
zelebori / 2.00
Rosularia species
Alpestris / 2.00sp. from Sandras Dag / 1.50
sempervivum subsp. glaucophylla / 2.00
Jovibarba species
allionii / 2.00allionii x hirta / 2.00
arenaria from Monte Croce Carnico / 2.00
hirta fromBelianske Tatry / 1.50
hirta ‘Emerald Spring’ / 2.00
(B)Sempervivum, Jovibarba, Rosularia species: No. of plants ordered ______, Total cost = £______
(C)Jovibarba heuffelii
Geographical clones
subsp. glabra fromAnaba Kanak / 2.00subsp. glabra fromAnthoborio / 2.00
subsp. glabra fromDebar Road / 2.00
subsp. glabra fromHiala / 2.00
subsp. glabra fromLjubotin / 2.00
subsp. glabra fromOsljak / 2.00
subsp. glabra from Pasina Glava / 2.00
subsp. glabra from Radika / 2.00
subsp. glabra fromTreska Gorge / 3.00
subsp. kopaonikense / 2.00
‘Angel Wings’ / 4.00‘Aquarius’ / 4.00
‘Be Mine’ / 5.00
‘Beacon Hill’ / 4.00
‘Benjamin’ / 4.00
‘Bermuda’ / 4.00
‘Blaze’ / 5.00
‘Bronze Ingot’ / 5.00
‘Bulgarium’ / 3.00
‘Cherry Glow’ / 4.00
‘Compacta’ / 4.00
‘Copper King’ / 4.00
‘Cover Girl’ / 4.00
‘Fan Joy’ / 4.00
‘Fandango’ / 3.00
‘Gladiator’ / 4.00
‘Grand Slam’ / 4.00
‘GreenLand’ / 3.00
‘Green Stone’ / 3.00
‘Henri Correvon’ / 3.00
‘Hotlips’ / 4.00
‘Idyle’ / 5.00
‘Jade’ / 3.00
‘Lucky Bell’ / 4.00
‘Minuta’ / 4.00
‘Mystique’ / 4.00
‘Nannette’ / 5.00
‘Orion’ / 4.00
‘Patens’ / 3.00
‘Pellister’ / 5.00
‘Pink Skies’ / 3.00
‘Pink Star’ / 5.00
‘Red Rose’ / 3.00
‘Serenade’ / 5.00
‘Springael’s Choice’ / 5.00
‘Suntan’ / 4.00
‘Sylvan Memory’ / 4.00
‘Tan’ / 5.00
‘Tuxedo’ / 4.00
‘Violet’ / 4.00
‘Wotan’ / 4.00
(D)Jovibarba heuffeliigeographical clones and cultivars: No. of plants ordered ____ , Total cost = £______
Sempervivum cultivars–November 2011
CULTIVAR / Price £‘Aarnoudina’ / 2.00
‘Ageet’ / 2.00
‘Aida’ / 1.50
‘Alenco’ / 2.00
‘Aldo Moro’ / 2.00
‘Allison’ / 2.00
‘Amanda’ / 2.00
‘Arondina’ / 1.50
‘Atropurpureum’ / 2.00
‘Attraction’ / 2.00
‘Aureum’ / 2.00
‘Baby Skrocki’ / 2.00
‘Bascour Zilver’ / 2.00
‘Bella Meade’ / 1.50
‘Bijou’ / 3.00
‘Blood Tip’ / 2.00
‘Blue Boy’ / 2.00
‘Blue Moon’ / 2.00
‘Braunella’ / 3.00
‘Bronco’(AGM) / 3.00
‘Bronze Pastel’ / 2.00
‘Brown Owl’ / 2.00
‘Bungeana’ / 2.00
‘Burnished Bronze’ / 3.00
‘Caliph’s Hat’ / 2.00
‘Carmen’ / 2.00
‘Carnival’ / 1.50
‘Cavo Doro’ / 3.00
‘Celon’ / 3.00
‘Circlet’ / 1.50
‘Cotopaxi’ / 2.00
‘Crispyn’(AGM) / 2.00
‘Cupream’ / 2.00
‘Dark Cloud’ / 3.00
‘Dark Point’ / 2.00
‘Darjeeling’ / 2.00
‘De Kardijk’ / 2.00
‘Deep Fire’ / 2.00
‘Downland Queen’ / 2.00
‘Dyke’ / 3.00
‘Elvis’ / 2.00
‘Exhibita’ / 2.00
‘Fair Lady’ / 1.50
‘Fame’ / 2.00
‘Fat Jack’ / 2.00
‘Fire Glint’ / 2.00
‘Flaming Heart’ / 2.00
‘Fluweel’ / 2.00
‘Ford’s Spring’ / 2.00
‘Fronika’ / 2.00
‘Fuego’(AGM) / 3.00
‘Gallivarda’(AGM) / 3.00
‘Gamma’ / 1.50
‘Genevoine’ / 2.00
‘Georgette’ / 2.00
‘Green Dragon’ / 1.50
‘Green Ice’ / 3.00
‘Greyolla’ / 2.00
‘Gulle Dame’ / 2.00
‘Hall’s Hybrid’ / 1.50
‘Happy’ / 2.00
‘Hart’ / 2.00
‘Havana’ / 2.00
‘Heigham Red’ / 2.00
‘Hep’ / 2.00
‘Hester’ / 2.00
‘Hidde’ / 2.00
‘Hopi’ / 2.00
‘Imperial’ / 2.00
‘Irazu’ / 2.00
‘Isabella’ / 2.00
‘Jacquette’ / 2.00
‘Jadestern’ / 2.00
‘Jelly Bean’ / 2.00
‘Jungle Fires’ / 3.00
‘Justine’s Choice’ / 1.50
‘Kai’ / 2.00
‘Kappa’ / 2.00
‘Katmai’ / 1.50
‘Kelly Jo’ / 1.50
‘Kiara’ / 2.00
‘Kimba’ / 1.50
‘Koko Flanel’ / 2.00
‘Korspelsegietje’ / 2.00
‘Krater’ / 2.00
‘Lilac Time’(AGM) / 3.00
‘Limbo’ / 2.00
‘Lion King’ / 3.00
‘Lively Bug’ / 2.00
‘Lynn’s Choice’ / 2.00
‘Magnificum’ / 2.00
‘Maigret’ / 2.00
‘Maria Laach’ / 2.00
‘Melanie’ / 2.00
‘Midas’ / 2.00
‘Minuet’ / 1.50
‘Moerkerk’s Merit / 2.00
‘More Honey’ / 2.00
‘Mondstein’ / 2.00
‘Mulberry Wine’ / 2.00
‘Mystic’ / 2.00
‘Neon’ / 2.00
‘Nico’ / 2.00
‘Niobe’ / 2.00
‘Noveau Pastel’ / 2.00
‘Noir’ / 2.00
‘Oddity’ / 2.00
‘Othello’(AGM) / 3.00
‘Pacific Opal’ / 3.00
‘Pacific Purple Shadows’ / 3.00
‘Palissander’ / 2.00
‘Passionata’ / 2.00
‘Pastel’ / 2.00
‘Peggy’ / 3.00
‘Phoebe’ / 2.00
‘Pink Astrid’ / 2.00
‘Pink Puff’ / 2.00
‘Pink Star’ / 2.00
‘Pippin’ / 2.00
‘Proud Zelda’ / 2.00
‘Purdy’s 50-6’ / 2.00
‘Purple Haze’ / 2.00
‘Pygmalion’ / 1.50
‘Queen Amaelia’ / 1.50
‘Quintessence’ / 3.00
‘Rauer Kulm / 2.00
‘Red Pink’ / 2.00
‘Red West’ / 2.00
‘Reinhard’(AGM) / 2.00
‘Rhone’ / 2.00
‘Rita Jane’ / 2.00
‘Roseum’ / 2.00
‘Rosie’ / 2.00
‘Rotkopf’(AGM) / 2.00
‘Rubra Ash’ / 2.00
‘Rubra Ray’ / 2.00
‘Rusty’ / 1.50
‘Saga’ / 1.50
‘Seminole’ / 2.00
‘Sharon’s Pencil’ / 2.00
‘Shirley Moore’ / 2.00
‘Sigma’ / 1.50
‘Silver Cup’ / 2.00
‘Silver Jubilee’ / 2.00
‘Silver Thaw’ / 2.00
‘Sioux’ / 2.00
‘Slabber’s Seedling’ / 2.00
‘Smokey Jet’ / 2.00
‘Snowberger’ / 2.00
‘Soul’ / 3.00
‘Squib’ / 3.00
‘Strider’ / 3.00
‘Tarita’ / 3.00
‘Terlamen’ / 2.00
‘Terracotta Baby’ / 3.00
‘The Rocket’ / 2.00
‘Titania’ / 2.00
‘Topaz’ / 1.50
‘Tordeur’s Memory’ / 3.00
‘Trail Walker’ / 2.00
‘Tree Beard’ / 2.00
‘Trine’ / 1.50
‘Triste / 1.50
‘Tristesse’(AGM) / 3.00
‘Truva’ / 2.00
‘Twilight Blues’ / 2.00
‘Undine’ / 2.00
‘Vignola’ / 2.00
‘Virgil’ / 3.00
‘Virginius’ / 1.50
‘Waldalina’ / 3.00
‘Ward’s No.2’ / 2.00
‘Wasti’ / 2.00
‘Weirdo’ / 2.00
‘Westerlin’ / 2.00
‘White Bouguet’ / 1.50
‘Willhelm Tell’ / 2.00
‘Woolcott’s Variety’ / 2.00
‘Xaviera’ / 2.00
‘Yanisha’ / 2.00
‘Yolanda’ / 2.00
‘Yvette’ / 3.00
‘Zaza’ / 2.00
‘Zepherin’ / 2.00
‘Zilver Moon’ / 2.00
‘Zulu’ / 2.00
(C)Sempervivum cultivars: No. of plants ordered ______Total cost = £______