SSS Advisory Board Minutes

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Present: Stephanie Cisewski, Krista Falk, Danielle Ferestad, Elizabeth Gruber, Casey Hoffman, Mason Narel, Jason Rosas Ramirez, Amy Schick, Megan Spreeman, Sean Szydel, Autumn Vaassen, Barbara Vue, Tony Xiong, Bruce Ouderkirk, Andy Strowig


·  Secretary’s Report: No report was given since the last meeting was a holiday party.

·  Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $544.81 after deposit of $96.59 from fundraiser.

Old Business:

·  Election Results

The election results announced at the last meeting are as follows: President: Tony Xiong; Vice President: Stephanie Cisewski; Secretary: Megan Spreeman; Treasurer: Danielle Ferestad; Publicity Officer: Sean Szydel; Social Chair: Eyasu Ogbazghi.

·  Mega Foods Fundraiser

It went well despite having few volunteers. Bruce, Tony, Megan and Sammi bagged groceries and raised $96.59.

·  SSS Board Applications

Please fill the applications out! All returning members must do this!

New Business:

·  Blugold Organizations Bash (BOB) Event

Tony made a reservation, and we have a table. It is on Wednesday, February 4th, 2015, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tony will send out a doodle poll for volunteers because we must have a minimum of two people at the table at all times. Sean will update our display board.

·  T-Shirts

We needed to delay ordering the t-shirts that we decided on last semester due to concerns about using the university logo. Tony will double check the use of the logo so we can start sending out applications for ordering t-shirts. T-shirts will be about eight to ten dollars each for students if the Board pays part of the price.

·  Events for 2015

§  Ideas we discussed for fundraisers included bagging groceries at Mega Foods again or arranging with Burrachos to get part of the receipts for an evening. (Sean will check with Burrachos.)

§  Suggestions for community service included Community Table (Danielle will check into this), Humane Society (Danielle will check into this), Hope Gospel Mission (Tony will check into this), and nursing homes (Mason will check into this).

§  Our first social event for the semester will be a Valentine’s Day Party! The Advisory Board will purchase pizzas and soda to provide at the event. We will play games, do some taste-testing, and possibly watch a movie. Stephanie will look into reserving a room in Chancellor’s. Tony will send out a doodle poll for the pot luck.

·  Constitution Updates

We need to revise our constitution. Normally we create a constitution revision committee and will do so again this year. Stephanie will update us on the current constitution at the next meeting.

Open Floor:

·  Danielle, who works at Career Services, offered to help with resume building for the upcoming career conference! Email her if you have any questions: .

·  See Andy or Laura about job shadowing, Strengths Finder, Strong Interest Inventory, or any of the many resources available to SSS/AIM participants.

·  The Board is considering doing a Strengths Finder training so all members could be trained in this resource.

Upcoming Events:

·  Tickets to Cirque Zuma Zuma, Thurs, Feb. 5, 7:30 pm, Zorn Arena

·  Goal-Setting Workshop, Weds, Feb. 11, 1:00 pm, Schneider 223

--Submitted by Megan Spreeman

Next meeting will be held on Tues., Feb 10, at 5:00 pm, Ojibwe B (330B)