Annual General Meeting

UBC Robson Square

Monday October 7, 2013


2012/2013 Board Members

President Jasmine Jagpal Balson

Treasurer Kellie Duckworth

SecretarySarah Rosenthal

Director of MembershipMaya Alonso

Director of CommunicationsRobin Harris

Director of EducationSheila Kennedy

Director of RegulationMaria Dinney

Director of Ethics and ResearchVacant

Student LiaisonKarissa Klassen

Proxies: 0

Quorum: Present (49)

Chair: Anders Ourom


1.0 Call to Order / Meeting called to order at 1:15pm.
1.1 Introduction of Board of Directors / Jasmine introduced the current directors.
1.1.1 Approval of AGM Chair / Motion to approve Anders Ourom as AGM Chair moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
1.2.1 Approval of Rules of Order / Motion to adopt Rules of Order moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
1.2.2 Approval of Voting by Videoconference / Motion to approve voting by videoconference moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
1.3 Additions to & Approval of Agenda / Motion to approve agenda moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
1.4 Amendments & Approval of 2012 AGM minutes / Motion to approve amended minutes moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
2.0 Executive Reports / Executives gave highlights of their reports. Full Executive Reports are available in the 2013 AGM package on the BCTRA website.
Motion to approve executive reports moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
2.1 President / Jasmine Jagpal Balson spoke about the accomplishments of BCTRA over the year. Some accomplishments include: offering frequent and high quality education opportunities for free or low cost (as well as accessible over teleconference or videoconference throughout the province; forming a social committee and celebrating TR month; getting our finances in order; allocating more monies to education grants and creating student grants; continuing to work in partnership with educators and employers, and working well together to maintain board stability and succession.
Strategic planning this year included an evaluation of the mission statement. With member feedback, we have been able to revise the mission statement into an updated declaration of our purpose that is grounded in therapeutic recreation values, accurately reflects the people to whom we target our services, and covers the roles and responsibilities we have as an organization. Board has replaced the director position titled “ethics and research” to “director at large” to be elected at this year’s AGM.
Finally, The board will be exploring how the addition of paid staff could benefit our organization.
2.2 Treasurer / Kellie Duckworth reviewed some of the specific items from financial report. Banking institution has changed from HSBC to VanCity. Upon the switch of banking institutions a contingency fund has been established and an association credit card has been obtained. June was the end of the fiscal year, the books were completed and an audit was completed by an independent bookkeeper and auditor. Since this audit, financial spreadsheet has been updated.
2.2.1 Presentation of Financial Report / (Financial report attached.)
2.2.2 Motion to accept the financial statement for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 / Motion to accept 2013 financial report moved and seconded. / Motion carried.
2.3 Secretary / Sarah Rosenthal gave review of administrative duties and how she supported the board. Such as compiling information from a survey that was completed re: member’s needs.
Will continue to work on creating a manual for future board of directors after term of secretary has ended.
2.4 Education / Sheila Kennedy gave review of education activities such as: coordinated, implemented and evaluated the Norma Stumbo all day workshop held on April 15th, 2013; implemented two teleconference sessions (osteofit and conscious caregiving); expanded the education grant; organized the education session for the AGM event on October 7th; Provided support to Interior Health in planning their TR Education event for this fall.
2.5 Regulation / Jasmine Balson gave review of role of Director of Regulations in Maria Dinney’s absence. Spoke about: main focus of last year being to support members and provide resources for those working towards certification; researched steps professionals in BC must take to work towards licensure through connecting with our Ministry of Health and other professional TR associations that have been working towards licensure for many years; identified need in creating a working regulations task group
2.6 Membership / Maya Alonso gave review of membership duties. “Frequently asked questions” and “Top Ten Reasons to be a member” documents have been created and posted to the website to provide answers to questions that came forward to answers and questions that come forward by both members and non-members. Hoping the new website will ensure membership process is a lot more seamless in the future. Student membership drive was held to encourage more students to get engaged with BCTRA.
2.7 Communications / Robin Harris gave review of position of Director of Communications. Last year the new BCTRA website was launched.
2.8 Ethics & Research / Vacant – no report
2.9 Student Liaison / Karissa Klassen gave review of Student Liaison position. A lot of work has been done to keep students aware of news that is happening with the BCTRA, including upcoming events, as well as continued encouragement to become members with the association. A survey was completed of the TR students at Douglas College to see in what areas the BCTRA can better serve the student members.
3.0 Ordinary Resolutions
3.1 Ordinary Resolution / a) “Be it resolved that BCTRA membership criteria include the TR diploma grads (previous to the degree program) be recognized as professional members at any time despite grandfathering clause”. Submitted by Lynda Gray
b)“Whereas: BCTRA is a member driven association,
Whereas: students who are graduating into professional practitioners are the future of our profession,
Whereas: we had a provision for students moving from student membership to professional membership,
Be it Resolved: that the BCTRA Board of Directors research, locate, and reinstall the ½ price professional membership for student members transitioning to professional member status”
Submitted by Jo-Anne Harrison. / Motion Tabled for consideration by BCTRA Board of Directors
Motion Tabledfor consideration by BCTRA Board of Directors
3.2 Revised Mission Statement / Sheila Kennedy introduced special resolution to approve amended mission statement. Motion moved and seconded.
Whereas: The BCTRA Board of Directors evaluated the Mission Statement and identified the need to update it to more accurately reflect the purpose and work of the organization,
Whereas: the BCTRA Board of Directors revised the current Mission Statement at their annual Strategic Planning meeting
Whereas: feedback was sought on this from a variety of people, both from members and from people outside of the field,
Whereas: the proposed revised Mission Statement for BCTRA is as follows:
BCTRA is dedicated to promoting and developing the profession of therapeutic recreation in British Columbia by:
  • Inspiring excellence and enthusiasm in practitioners through consistent and high quality education and professional development, access to resources, membership engagement, and mentoring opportunities
  • Advocating for and maintaining standards of practice, code of ethics, membership, and continued competence criteria for the benefits of our members, partners, the public, and key stakeholders
  • Providing leadership to advance and grow the field through strategic planning, advocacy, and increasing public awareness
Be it resolved: that BCTRA members accept the above revised Mission Statement as written, effective immediately. / Motion moved, seconded, and carried
3.3 Board of Directors’ Fees / Sarah Rosenthal introduced special resolution to waive membership fees for active board of directors. Motion moved and seconded.
Whereas: the BCTRA Board of Director positions are volunteer roles filled by members for two year terms,
Whereas: the tasks and responsibilities related to each position on the BCTRA Board of Directors requires a weekly time commitment,
Whereas: BCTRA Board of Director positions receive no monetary compensation for the time and effort they commit to the society through their roles,
Be It Resolved: that the BCTRA Board of Directors who volunteer their time receive their membership dues free of charge for the two years they complete on the Board, beginning with the first membership renewal immediately following the AGM at which they were voted to the Board of Directors. / Motion moved, seconded, and carried.
3.4 By-Law Replacement / Jasmine Jagpal-Balson introduced special resolution to amend and replace existing bylaws. Motion moved and seconded.
The BCTRA by-laws were rescinded and replaced as approved by BCTRA’s members at the 2013 AGM. In the interest of space, the by-laws are not reproduced here but are available to members on BCTRA’s website. / Motion moved, seconded, and carried.
4.0 Presentation of Awards / Sarah Rosenthal facilitated awards.
4.1 Rachel Dobek Student Award / Tricia Rachfall nominated Jen Gilchrist / Jen accepted.
4.6 Volunteer Appreciations / Members who volunteered their time during 2012/2013 year were thanked by the board of directors.
5.0 Election of Board members / 2013 elections were conducted. Floor was open for nominations.
5.1 Treasurer / Kellie Duckworth nominated Donna Zwickel. / Donna became new Treasurer.
5.2 Secretary / Sarah Rosenthal nominated Meghan Archibald. / Meghan became new Secretary.
5.3 Director of Membership / Maya Alonso nominated Brenda Kinch. / Brenda became new Membership Director.
5.4 Director of Regulations / Sarah Rosenthal nominated Jennifer Bromley. / Jennifer became new Regulations Director.
5.5 Member at Large / Jasmine Jagpal Balson nominated Melanie Carlyle. / Melanie became new Member at Large.
6.0 Adjournment / No further business. Moved and seconded that meeting be adjourned. / Meeting adjourned at 2:47pm.