Year 11 PPEs (Pre-public examinations)

Week beginning 7thMarch 2016


1. Make a revision timetable so that you can plan your revision.

2. Try different ways of revising:

Mind maps



Highlight key words – reduce your notes

Revision apps/websites

3. BUG the question in the exams – Always read the questions!

BUBBLE command words

UNDERLINE key points


4. Find out from your teacher what a model answer looks like so that you can reach your target grade.

5. Spend at least two hours on revision each night.

6. Attend all revision sessions available to you.

7. Turn off all mobile devices whilst revising!

8. Get plenty of sleep before your exam and eat well.

9. Make sure that you have all the equipment you need for each



Monday 7th March 2016
9.00 / 11.30
Maths (all Yr11) 105/120 mins / GCSE P.E (23 students) 75 mins / Science
(all Yr11)
60 mins
Tuesday 8th March 2016
9.00am / 11.30am
French Opt B
Geography Opt B 105 mins
History Opt B 75 mins
Leisure & Tourism 90 mins
Sociology Opt B 90 mins
Health & Social Opt B 60 mins
Business Studies Opt B 90 mins
Food Opt B 60 mins / Geography Opt C 105 mins
History Opt C 75 mins
French Opt C
Health & Social Opt C 60 mins
Media Studies Opt C 90 mins
Wednesday 9th March 2016
9.00am / 11.30am
Ethics (198 Students) 90 mins
Psychology Yr 13 90 mins / English Lit Yr 13 x 1 120 mins (11am)
History Opt A 75 mins
Geography Opt A 105 mins
Child Development Opt A 90mins
Business Studies Opt A 90 mins
Thursday 10th March 2016
9.00am / 11.30am / 1.30pm
Maths (all Yr11) 105/120 mins / Science (all Yr11) 60 mins / Science
(all Yr10)
60 mins
FRIDAY 11th March 2016
9.00am / 11.00am
Law Yr 12 90 mins
English Literature 105 mins (all yr 11)
English Resits 6th Form (22) / General Studies (58 students) 120 mins
Law Yr 13 60 mins


Year 11 Revision Sessions

Subject / When / Where / Teacher
Geography (CA/Revision) / 8.00am – 8.40am / VLC / HXW
Geography (check dates with staff) / 3-4pm / BT5 / BMM
Geography / 1pm – 1.30pm / BT4 / BMM/CSS
Business Studies / 1pm – 1.30pm / B35 / PM
History (Year 10 & 11) / 3-4pm / VLC / AWW / NW
Drama (14th March, 11th, 18th& 25th April) / 3-4pm / B23 / SHD
Core Science / 3-4pm / B38 / AA
Business Studies (after half-term) / 3pm – 4pm / B35 / PM
Geography (CA/Revision) / 8.00am – 8.40am / VLC / HXW
Geography / 1pm – 1.30pm / BT4 / BMM/CSS
Social Sciences / 1pm – 1:40pm / BT2 / MRL / LM
Maths / 3-4pm / B29 B27 / CDS / MJC
History (Year 10 & 11) / 3-4pm / VLC / AWW
Ethics / 3-4pm / B03 / GTC / JHC
Art / 3-4pm / AB1 / KXJ
BTEC ICT / 3-4pm / B36 / DJL
Textiles / 3-4pm / FT1 / TP
BTEC Sport / 3-4pm / PE1 / MAG
Media / 3-4pm / EM19 / ARK
Ethics / 1pm – 1:30pm / B03 / GTC / JHC
Ethics / 3-4pm / B03 / GTC / JHC
Maths / 3-4pm / B28 B26 / BB / RCB
Additional Science / 3-4pm / VLC / DKS
English / 3-4pm / English / MAR
Physical Education (Yr 10 & Yr 11) / 3-4pm / PE1 / MRG
3D Product Design / 3-4pm / TS3 / MXM
Food & Nutrition / 3-4pm / FT2 / DB
BTEC ICT / 3-4pm / B36 / DJL
Child Development / 3-4.30pm / BT3 / LVM
Additional Science / 3-4pm / B42/43 / HCW
Ethics / 1pm – 1:30pm / B03 / GTC / JHC
Sociology / 1pm – 1:30pm / BT7 / MRL
Drama / 1pm – 2pm / B23 / SHD
Maths / 3-4pm / B33 B30 / TLW / MAS
Ethics / 3-4pm / B03 / GTC / JHC
Food & Nutrition / 3-4:30pm / FT2 / DB
Health & Social Care / 3-4.30pm / BT3 / LVM

* GCSE as organised with Mrs Cornish (Tues/Weds after school)

Year 11 PPE examinations

Week beginning March 7th 2016

Exam is Monday March 7thth during lessons 3 and 4

Format of the exam:

The exam will be 1 and 15 mins long


Section One- 10 multiple choice questions = 10 marks

Section Two- Short answer style questions = 58 marks in total

Section Three- Two extended questions worth 2x 6 marks= 12

The whole paper will carry a total of 80 marks.

Grade Boundaries.

Tests during the course of year 10 were marked out of 40 due to it being end of topic tests.

To replicate the final exam paper which you will sit in May 2016 the boundaries out of 80 are as follows. Look carefully at what is your target grade.

A* / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / U
66/80 / 61/80 / 56/80 / 52/80 / 43/80 / 36/80 / 29/80 / 22/80 / < 22

Topics that need to be revised:

  1. Health and Physical Activity (Pages 1-5 in revision guide)
  • This includes definition of a healthy active lifestyle and mental/physical/social benefits of taking part in regular physical activity.
  • Definition of aesthetic appreciation with suitable examples
  1. Factors that affects our choices of physical activity (Pages 6-10 in revision guide)
  • This includes CHIRPS
  • Roles other than participant (page 12 in rev guide)
  • Sports participation pyramid (pages 13 and 14 in rev guide)
  • Initiatives and common purposes to increase participation and develop talent (page 16)
  • Agencies Sport England/YST/NGBs and how they promote sport
  1. The skeletal system and the effects of exercise
  • Functions of the skeletal and the names of the bones (page 82)
  • Joints (pages 83-85)
  • The skeleton and exercise – short and long term effects
  • Injuries to the skeleton and their treatment (page 87-89)
  1. The muscular system and the effects of exercise
  • The names of the muscles and how they work (pages 76-79)
  • The muscular system and exercise (Page 80)
  • Injuries to the muscles (pages 87-89)

Year 11 topics studied since September- March

Health Fitness and Exercise

  • Definitions that relate to Health, Fitness and Exercise
  • Performance, Specific fitness, (page 17-18)
  • Components of health related and skill related fitness
  • The definitions relating to health and skill related components (Pages 19-26)
  • The importance in different sports of the components of fitness.
  • PARQ –What it means and why we would fill one in (Page 27)
  • Fitness tests for health and skill related fitness components (27-32)
  • Principles of Training –SPORT and FITT (33-36)
  • Methods of training (39-44)
  • SMART Targets (37-38)
  • Short and long term changes to CV and Respiratory systems (70-75)

Hints and tips for preparation:

  • Start early and give yourself plenty of time
  • Make notes/cue cards/write out definitions/put up post it notes at home in places you will remember e.g. definition on wardrobe door
  • Revise little and often 10-15mins have a break then go back look at hints and tips in the revision guide.
  • Look at some of the tests you have done over the year- very often the same questions will come up.

Stretch and challenge for top grades:

Remember you are aiming for your target grade so your score will be different to other people in the group.

Good use of English giving clear concise definitions and good examples will ensure secure marks.

Application of knowledge can you explain how thing affect other factors e.g. increasing numbers in sport/why choices are made.

If you have the basis of a good answer this will allow you to develop it to a higher level and so access the higher marks e.g. 4/4 rather than 1 or 2 marks.

Remember some of the ways you had to correct questions last year. Many of the exam questions are re-cycled and the same answer is asked for in a different way.

Year 11 examinations


Exam board - WJEC

Format of the exam:

Listening exam – 20%

Reading exam – 20%

Topics that need to be revised:

Personal and social life:

Self, family, friends, home life, shopping, meals, healthy living, illness and accident, free time, fashion, relationships, future plans.

Local community:

Home town, school, education, local environment, pollution, recycling, local facilities, comparisons with other towns and regions, weather and seasons.

The world of work:

Work experience, part-time jobs, future careers, technology (sending messages, accessing information.

The wider world:

Travel and holidays, media, social issues (e.g. life of young people today, homelessness, crime, drugs, healthy living, religion, politics),life in the countries and communities where the language is spoken.

Hints and tips for preparation:

You will be issued with a TOPIC revision chart- complete as you revise.

Stretch and challenge for top grades:

For students attempting the ‘Higher’ paper, you will also need to look at the topic environment.

Useful websites & where to find help:

Username: Paignton Password: BROWNING – Go on Intermediate section.


- Past Papers

Year 11 examinations

Week beginning 7th March 2016


Format of the exam:

The examination will last for 105 minutes.

There will be THREE full GCSE questions, one on population and settlement, one on economic development and one on hazards. You must answer ALLthe questions.

Each question will be marked out of 25.

The case study question at the end of each topic question will have 3 marks awarded for SPaG, that 9 marks in total!

Topics that need to be revised:


World population growth and the Demographic Transition

Population pyramids

Overpopulation, under population, optimum population

Youthful population/ The Gambia

Ageing population/UK/East Devon

Population Management – Antinatalist policies – China One Child Policy and Pronatalist

Policies- Singapore

Pull and push factors influencing migration

International migration –Mexico to USA

Internal migration – Counter urbanisation- St Ives, Cambridge


Urbanisation in MEDCs and LEDCs - Kibera

Urban structure and land use models

Greenfield –Brownfield sites

Urban renewal and urban redevelopment

Sustainable cities - Curitiba Brazil, or Masdar City

Changes in shopping patterns over time – Exeter or Plymouth

Economic Development

What is meant by development?

Development indicators

The advantages and disadvantages of using economic and social indicators

Identifying and explaining why countries are at different stages of development.

How development can be affected by aid- different types of aid. E.g. bottom up, top down, tied aid, multilateral and bilateral aid.

A detailed aid project such – cooking stoves/ hood in Kenya delivered by Practical Action or a mini hydroelectric scheme delivered by Practical Action. Goat Aid, Computer Aid.

Industry – primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary – Iron and steel industry/M4 Corridor

Changes in industry

Multinational companies

Environmental impacts caused by industrial activity – Palm oil / Pearl River/ Galapagos


Tectonic Hazards – Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Causes – plate tectonics – types of plates

Responses and prevention

Case studies – Haiti Earthquake / Japanese tsunami

Those in bold are essential case studies

Hints and tips for preparation:

Use the revision guide which you will find on Paignton on Line.

Read the questions carefully and use the B.U.G. technique.

Look at the number of marks per question. A four mark question will require 2 developed points. 2x2

Study the resources carefully and provide evidence from the resources in your answers

Follow all instructions – if it says draw a labelled diagram or use evidence or data in your answer you must as marks are allocated for this.

Learn your case studies thoroughly, with specific reference to the place using place names, specific facts and data.

You should include at least 3 developed ideas in a case study question.

Be careful to ensure your case study matches the question if the question specifically asks for an MEDC or LEDC

Check your case study answer carefully to ensure that you do not drop SPaG marks.

Stretch and challenge for top grades:

Ensure that you demonstrate good Geographical understanding. E.g. if the question asks about sustainability refer to social, economic and environmental sustainability.

If the question asks for the effects be sure to be able to state primary and secondary effects or social, economic, environmental effects.

Ensure you use connectives in your answers. E.g. However, as a result of, consequently,

Useful websites & where to find help:


BBC Bite size -

Chapters on:



Urban environments

BBC Bite size-

Shopping patterns



School electronic revision book

Year 11 examinations

Week beginning 7th November 2016


Exam board - AQA

Format of the exam:

One written paper lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes

Topics that need to be revised:

Crime and Deviance


Social Inequality

Hints and tips for preparation:

Use the revision sheets and PLC to help you understand your strengths and use them to revise from.

Stretch and challenge for top grades:

Make sure you know the different sociological perspectives on topics to include in longer questions (Marxist, Functionalist, Feminist and the New Right)

Useful websites & where to find help:

Paignton Online- Revision Hub under Sociology

Your books

Progress folders

for past papers and mark schemes

See Mr Love

Year 11 examinations

Week beginning 7th March 2016


Exam board – Edexcel Pearson

Format of PPE the exam:

One Calculator Exam during PPE week

One non-calculator Exam during PPE week

1 hour 45 mins each (Foundation and Higher)

100 marks available on each paper

Hints and tips for preparation:

Practise past papers A LOT…

View the videos for Top 40 using JustMaths

Look over ‘Holiday Homework’ Booklets

Make use of PiXL app on your phones to practice questions

Complete all homework issued

Attend after school revision on Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday

after school

Make the most of extra maths sessions made available

Have your own calculator…and know how to use it

effectively. Show all of your working out and minimise

errors in technique.

Topics that need to be revised:

Foundation Tier only

Basic Number work, simple measure, co-ordinates, listing all the outcomes of an experiment or menu, drawing shapes with certain properties, simple probability, interpreting tables and timetables, tessellations, comparing fractions, decimals and percentages, finding the “best buy.”

Common Topics

Multi-step area problem solving, conversion graphs, drawing and interpreting statistical diagrams, putting numbers into formulas, recipe conversions, expanding and factorising, money calculations, angle properties involving parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals, perimeter, area and volume problems

All Higher Tier students

Designing a survey question, transformations, angle problems with regular quadrilaterals, bearings, cumulative frequency and box plots, simplifying powers and standard form, multi-stage probability, simultaneous equations, circle theorems.

Hints and tips for preparation:

Your teacher will go through some specimen questions leading up to your exam. Make sure that you show all working out when a question is worth more than one mark

Stretch and challenge for top grades:

The best Higher Tier students will also need to be able to have a good attempt at some or all of the following topic areas: factorising quadratic expressions, histograms with unequal class intervals, algebraic fractions, converting recurring decimals to fractions, surface area and volume of 3d shapes, transformation of graphs.

Other Useful websites & where to find help:

Doddle, BBC Bitesize, Mr Barton Maths

Year 11 examinations

Week beginning 7th March 2016

English Literature

Format of the exam:

TWO Papers

Paper 1:

Drama and Prose (An Inspector Calls and Of Mice and Men)

The examination will last for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Section A: Drama

Section B: Prose

A choice of TWO questions for each text. The questions will be either character, theme or setting.

The total number of marks for this paper is 60.

Each question will be marked out of 30.

Topics that need to be revised:





Re-read BOTH texts and collect quotes that you can link to the topics.

Paper Two:

Unseen Texts and Poetry Anthology

The examination will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Total marks - 40

Section A:

Either an unseen prose extract or an unseen poem.

This question is worth 20 marks.

Section B: Anthology Poems

A choice of TWO questions.

A printed copy of the anthology poems will be provided in the examination.

Useful websites & where to find help:


BBC Bite size -

York Notes

After school revision classes

Revision resources from your teacher/English office

Past exam papers – available from the English office

Year 11 PPE Examinations

Week beginning 7th March 2016

Leisure and Tourism

Exam Board: WJEC

Format of the exam:

The exam will be a full exam, consisting of two sections, lasting 90 minutes. The first section (section A) will be short answer response questions and section B will be longer responses.

Topics that need to be revised:

The exam will be based on the topics studied in class; especially those studied in Year 10 and include:

  • The reasons why people travel
  • Types of destinations – cities, seaside, countryside
  • Components of the tourism industry – for example, tour operators, accommodation.
  • Transportation
  • Impacts of tourism
  • Sustainable tourism
  • General continent and country location

Hints and tips for preparation:

Make sure you are using your exercise book and previous practice papers we have done in class. Smaller, frequent chunks of time for revision are better than long stretches of time.

Stretch and challenge for top grades:

Remember to explain your answer / idea, using full sentences and provide an example /case study which illustrate this.

Useful websites & where to find help:

Past papers and mark schemes in your folders.

Exercise books.

Revision guide provided to you in November.

Year 11 examinations

Week beginning 7th March 2016

Home Economics: GCSE Child Development

Exam board – OCR

Format of the exam:

  • Examination – BO13 Principles of Child Development
  • There will be one paper worth 80 marks. The exam is 1 ½ hours.
  • There will be 5 questions, some of which are divided into 2 or 3 parts. Some will require you to identify or describe, others to explain or discuss. One of the questions will be worth 15 marks and requires you to discuss 2 different concepts.

Look carefully at the descriptors; for 2 marks you need a 2 point answer (a “what” and a “how” or “why”).