Tumwater High School
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Membership Application
www.wafbla.org or www.fbla-pbl.org 2015-2016
FBLA is the oldest and largest national organization for students preparing for careers in business. FBLA prepares students for “real world” professional experiences. Members gain the competitive edge for college and career successes. More than a quarter of a million students participate in this dynamic leadership organization.
FBLA provides opportunities:
membership/application 15-16
Tumwater High School
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Membership Application
www.wafbla.org or www.fbla-pbl.org 2015-2016
· Travel
· Challenging competitions
· Scholarships and prizes
· Leadership development
· Community service experience
· Friendship and fun
membership/application 15-16
Tumwater High School
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Membership Application
www.wafbla.org or www.fbla-pbl.org 2015-2016
Members have the opportunity to compete for awards and recognition on the regional, state, and national levels in more than 50 different event categories including social media campaign, entrepreneurship, sales presentation, public speaking, job interview, desktop publishing, 3D Animation, network design, and many more!
Become a leader in your school, state, or country when you become an officer. Learn to lead! Develop friendships! Earn recognition! All of these adventures and more await you when you become a member of FBLA.
Directions: To become a member, please fill out and return this form along with your receipt for the dues. Membership Dues are $20 and must be paid by November 4, 2015 to participate in FBLA Conferences. Staple the receipt to this form and return to Adviser, Ms. Knight in B-4. Make checks payable to THS FBLA.
q Yes, I want to join FBLA!
Student Name: ______E-mail Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Home Address: ______City: ______State: _____ Zip: ______
Grade this school year: (Circle One) 9th 10th 11th 12th
Gender: o Male o Female Birthday: ______
I was recruited by: ______
What level of involvement do you want to have? o Very Active o Active o Somewhat Active
Parent/Guardian Information:
I have read the above membership application and I support my child’s interest in FBLA. I know that my child may need to dedicate outside of school time to accomplish our goals of event competition, community service, fun, and fundraising.
Are you able to volunteer to help if needed? o Yes o No
I prefer to be contacted by: Phone ______E-Mail ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______Signature ______
Adviser Use Only:
o This member has paid dues. o This member has been entered online. o Dues have been sent to the national center.
membership/application 15-16