/ Finnish Defence Forces International CentreCourse Department
HELSINKI / 13April 2015
6 - 12 JUNE 2015
at FINCENT in Helsinki, FINLAND
The Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) and Crisis Management Centre Finland (CMC FINLAND) established the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management in June 2008. Its core tasks are the development of civil-military relations and coordination in crisis management both for national crisis management capacity building and international crisis management missions.
The Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management endeavours to develop common and shared training in crisis management as well as promote an overall understanding of comprehensive crisis management.
The Integrated Crisis Management (ICM) Course was established 2008 and it is organised within the framework of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management. Next course will be conducted 6 JUN – 12 JUN 2015 at FINCENT’spremises (Helsinki, Finland). This ICM course will be conducted under the auspices of NORDEFCO (Nordic Defence Cooperation).
2.1 Purpose and Aim
In today’s global world conflicts and crisis have become multidimensional and complex, involving multiple actors with different kind of tasks and time phases. In order to respond to this significant transformation in recent years different concepts of integrated and comprehensive crisis management have been adopted by many international organizations such as United Nations, European Union, NATO and African Union.
ICM gives the students a solid background to understand the comprehensive approach in different context:
-United Nations Integrated Mission Concept
-General Context of Integrated Crisis Management (including organisations)
-Different mandates, priorities and working methods of different actors(Civilian, Military, Police, Humanitarian and Development actors)
-Collaboration and coordination among different actors
-Cross-cutting themes, importance of taking into consideration the local context when working in a crisis areas in post-conflict situation
The course encourages interactionand mutual learning between the students during the classroom exercises.
The course consists of theoretical lectures, case studies, team work, open conversation during the final phases of each study, learning by doing, by sharing knowledge and experiences.
Overall aim of the course is to enhance knowledge and understanding of the United Nations integrated mission concept, as well as to enhance collaboration and coordination among the different actors, namely military, civilian crisis management, humanitarian and development aid actors.
The number of students will be limited. Gender balance will be emphasized. The decision will be announced to the selected students in due time before the course.
3.1 Student Criteria
Preferably senior level experts equally addressed to:
-Military Experts
-Police Experts
-Humanitarian Experts
-Development Experts
-Civilian Experts
-Other Experts
An ideal candidate, would be currently working in a crisis area or be prospective participant in the future missions particularly interested in enhancing cooperation and collaboration between different actors in crisis management and peace building, has an ability to understand, speak and write English as working language and has basic knowledge of computers.
3.2 Permit for a military person for entering Finnish territory
Sending organizations are in charge of arranging the required permissions for a military person to enter Finnish territory and FINCENT (Request for Visit and Permit for a military person or unit for entering Finnish territory). Please consult your HQ or embassy for procedures. For FINCENT courses Security Clearance is not required.
Application procedure for all applicants will be handled by CMC Finland. Application form can be downloaded at CMC Finland’s website
5.1 Student Application procedure, payment and subsidies
The final deadline for applications is28 April 2015.
The application form should be sent to CMC Finland through the appropriate national channels NLT 28 April 2015 by e-mail. CMC Finland will reply to the participants with detailed information in due time before the course.
5.2 VISA application for approved students
Certain foreign nationals need a passport and a visa to enter Finland. It is the responsibility of the student or the sending organisation to apply for a visa well in advance, if needed. FINCENT will provide you with a visa support letter upon request. Please see The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs' website for more information:
5.3 Accommodation and meals
The cost of tuition, meals, and accommodation are free of charge during the course dates and arranged by FINCENT.Salaries, daily allowances and travel to and from Helsinki, Finland are at the responsibility of the sending organisation/ participants.
5.4 General
The pre-course material will be online in course’s e-learning platform (PVMoodle) in due time before the course. All other necessary information will be send directly to the accepted students (general information concerning travel arrangements, accommodations, clothing, programme etc.)
6.1 POC
Application procedure for all applicants will be handled by CMC Finland. For further detailed information, please contact CMC Finland
Phone: +358 295 450341
6.2 Application procedure
The application form can be found on the internet at
WELCOME to the Integrated Crisis Management Course!
Mailing list
Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN, New York, USA
Distribution to SHAPE and other PLT and NMRs,
Distribution via E-mail to:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Ministry of Defence, Finland
Ministry of Interior, Finland
Finnish Defence Forces Subordinate Establishments (PVAH)
Danish Armed Forces Operational Command, Denmark
Danish Defence Personnel Organisation, NATO & INTOPS Branch, Denmark
Norwegian Defence Personnel Agency, Norway
Norwegian Defence International Centre, NODEFIC, Norway
Swedish Armed Forces HQ, Sweden
Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, SWEDINT
Technical Advisor (PSO Training), Nordic Advisory and Coordination Staff – Eastern Africa
Embassy of Afghanistan (Norway)
Embassy of Albania (Sweden)
Embassy of Algeria (Sweden)
Embassy of Angola (Sweden)
Embassy of Argentina (Helsinki)
Embassy of Australia (Sweden)
Embassy of Austria (Helsinki)
Embassy of Azerbaijan (Sweden)
Embassy of Bangladesh (Sweden)
Embassy of Belgium (Helsinki)
Embassy of Benin (Denmark)
Embassy of Bolivia (Sweden)
Embassy of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Sweden)
Embassy of Botswana (Sweden)
Embassy of Brazil (Helsinki)
Embassy of Bulgaria (Helsinki)
Embassy of Canada (Helsinki)
Embassy of Cape Verde (Germany)
Embassy of Chile (Helsinki)
Embassy of China (Helsinki)
Embassy of Colombia (Sweden)
Embassy of Costa Rica (Norway)
Embassy of Cõted’Ivore (Denmark)
Embassy of Croatia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Cyprus (Helsinki)
Embassy of the CzechRepublic (Helsinki)
Embassy of Denmark (Helsinki)
Embassy of The Dominican Republic (Sweden)
Embassy of Ecuador (Sweden)
Embassy of Egypt (Helsinki)
Embassy of El Salvador (Sweden)
Embassy of Embassy of Estonia (Helsinki)
Embassy of France (Helsinki)
Embassy of Georgia (Sweden)
Embassy of Germany (Helsinki)
Embassy of Ghana (Denmark)
Embassy of Greece (Helsinki)
Embassy of Guatemala (Sweden)
Embassy of Honduras (Sweden)
Embassy of Hungary (Helsinki)
Embassy of India (Helsinki)
Embassy of Indonesia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Iran (Helsinki)
Embassy of Iraq (Helsinki)
Embassy of Ireland (Helsinki)
Embassy of Israel (Helsinki)
Embassy of Malta (Denmark)
Embassy of Iceland (Helsinki)
Embassy of Italy (Helsinki)
Embassy of Japan (Helsinki)
Embassy of Jordan (Germany)
Embassy of the Republic of Korea (Helsinki)
Embassy of Laos (Sweden)
Embassy of Latvia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Lebanon (Sweden)
Embassy of Liberia (Germany)
Embassy of Libya (Sweden)
Embassy of Lithuania (Helsinki)
Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Denmark)
Embassy of Macedonia* (Sweden)
Embassy of Malaysia (Helsinki)
Embassy of the Republic of Mali (Germany)
Embassy of Malta (Denmark)
Embassy of Mexico (Helsinki)
Embassy of the Republic of Moldova (Sweden)
Embassy of Mongolia (Sweden)
Embassy of Montenegro (Germany)
Embassy of Morocco (Helsinki)
Embassy of Mozambique (Sweden)
Embassy of Namibia (Sweden)
Embassy of Nepal (Denmark)
Embassy of The Netherlands (Helsinki)
Embassy of Norway (Helsinki)
Embassy of Nicaragua (Denmark)
Embassy of Niger (Germany)
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman (Germany)
Embassy of Pakistan (Sweden)
Embassy of Peru (Helsinki)
Embassy of The Philippines (Helsinki)
Embassy of Poland (Helsinki)
Embassy of Portugal (Helsinki)
Embassy of Romania (Helsinki)
Embassy of Russia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Saudi Arabia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Serbia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Slovakia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Slovenia (Helsinki)
Embassy of South Africa (Helsinki)
Embassy of Spain (Helsinki)
Embassy of Sri Lanka (Sweden)
Embassy of Switzerland (Helsinki)
Embassy of Syria (Sweden)
Embassy of Tajikistan (Germany)
Embassy of Tanzania (Sweden)
Embassy of Thailand (Helsinki)
Embassy of Tunisia (Helsinki)
Embassy of Turkey (Helsinki)
Embassy of Turkmenistan (Germany)
Embassy of Ukraine (Helsinki)
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (Sweden)
Embassy of the United Kingdom (Helsinki)
Embassy of the United States (Helsinki)
Embassy of Uruguay (Sweden)
Embassy of Venezuela (Helsinki)
Embassy of Vietnam (Helsinki)
Embassy of Yemen (Germany)
Embassy of Zambia (Sweden)
Internal FINCENT
* Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)