
14mh Faoilleach 2014 – 28mh Faoilleach 2015

Annual report

14th January 2014 - 28th January 2015

Comhairlenam Pàrant,





14TH JANUARY 2014 - 28TH JANUARY 2015


Co-chairs: Abigail Burnyeat & Ailsa Macintosh

Co-secretaries: Kirsten Donnelly & Caroline Hargreaves

Co-treasurers: Andrew Cameron & Fiona Cameron

There are14Parent Council members in addition to the post holders and all are involved in a number of different roles and working groups. Many parents, who are not formal members of the PC, also help with working groups and attend meetings. All your time and your help are much appreciated.


There has been a financial update at every meeting by the treasurers and the financial annual statement is available as a separate document.


Bun-sgoilTaobhnaPàirce has continued with a very successful year. There has been strong support from Edinburgh Council, the head teacher, teaching staff, support staff and volunteers. Working groups have been meeting regularly to support the smoothrunning of the school.


The working groups listed below were all highly active this year in looking at their own area of interest. A huge amount of planning and hard work has gone into the groups and there are many people who volunteer a great deal of time to make sure that these groups work smoothly and run for the benefit of the school and children. Many of these parents and carers are devoted to their group but are also modest and are not always given the public thanks they deserve; so our gratitude and thanks to all those who have served on groups or volunteered at the school, from braving the cold of freezing pitches to meetings with the council. Your time and hard work are very much appreciated. Thank you.

Spòrs | Sports

The sports teams were very active with a full list of out-of-school activities for the pupils. This included football, shinty and running club and involved organising training, matches and competitions. Our thanks to all those parents who give up their time to run these activities. There was some participation in the Scotmid sponsored run which raised funds for the school. There was also a program of school sports at lunchtimes which was so popular that the working group sought assurances that pupils who were not able to participate in one term would be able to the next.

Tachartais | Events

Events has now been defined as events for, and money from, within the school community. Events have organised a number of extremely successful occasions this year including a table quiz, Spring fair, auction, Halloween party, Christmas fair as well as raising money through the sale of tea towels, and bags. Another group, affiliated to events, organised a very successful, informative and fun multicultural week in conjunction with members of staff and pupils. Thanks to the many many parents who volunteered at these events.

TogailMaoineachaidh | Fundraising

Events and Fundraising were split this year with fundraising being defined as responsibility for collecting money from outside the school community (not parents). Fundraising has been instrumental in planning and writing bids for grants, often under great time pressure. Thank you to all those who have contributed to this. Also an 'easy fundraising' link was set up which gives money to the school by shopping through their link. Charitable status has been discussed and may be revisited as an idea for the future.

Gàradhagus A-Muigh | Garden and Outdoors

The garden group have met regularly and have established the garden as a place where the children can plant and grow seeds and each class has an area for which they are responsible.BocsaChluich was set up using a shipment container and lots of reused materials so the children could take part in found-object play. A play-ground designer has been appointedby the school and plans are being developed for the playground which should go ahead during the next year. Thank you to staff, parents and children for all their time and work in this area.

Cùram-Timcheall | Wrap-around

Òganan has seen a growing demand for places with 165 registered with the service in November. As well as providing childcare from 8am to 5.50pm during term time, Òganan has also run very successful holiday clubs. They are looking into forging new links with the curriculum to tie in with the homework club. Representatives from parents and Ògananmeet termly to review attendance levels, facilities, service, etc. and if parents would be interested in joining the group, including feeding into staff selection process, they would be very welcome to get in touch with the wraparound group. Thank you to those who have given their time to this group over the last year.

Leabharlann | Library

The funding is in place for the library to go ahead and the room is put aside. Books have been collected over the year, and soon the library should be up and running. Each class has a box of books which can be used as a mini library until the unit is running. The school is still looking for books that could be used in the library and are willing to take donations of age-appropriate books. Our thanks to the parent volunteers who have steered the library to getting to this point.

Còmhdhail | Transport

The transport group has been instrumental in working to establish more safe crossing points and road traffic signage as well as liaising with the council about cycle tracks and bus issues. Thank you to those parents who have given their time and thought to this.

Gnìomhan | Activities

Our thanks also go to those parents who run or helped with after-school or out-of-class activities including the Gaelic conversation group for parents, the very popular Code Club and Lego League for senior pupils and the creative arts and craft group. Your time and input is greatly appreciated by parents and pupils.

Conaltradh | Communications

This year the working group expanded and produced several newsletters for parents to inform them of news from around the school and Parent Council. The website has been regularly updated and posts sent through the parent council mailing list. Thank you to those parents who have worked on improving our communications and online information. There was also a change of address:

Ways to contact the Parent Council:

The website contains links to contact all the working groups

ThaComhairlenamPàrantuabhasachtaingeilairsonchocruaidh 's gun dodh'obraichnabuillagusnadaoinesaor-thoileach: cha bhiodh CP beò as an aonais.Taingmhórdhuibhairsonbliadhnashoirbheachaileile.

The parent council is hugely grateful for the dedication of the members and volunteers without whom the PC would not be able to run. Thank you for ensuring we have had another successful year.