Supplemental Table 1: Comparison of baseline dietary outcomes from Feeding Healthy Food to Kids with the 2007 Australian National Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (USA) and the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey

Study or Survey / Feeding Healthy Food to Kids Baseline / 2007 Australian Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey / 2007 Australian Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey / 2009 /2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey / 2007/2008 British National Diet and Nutrition Survey
Child age and number / 2 – 5 years
(n = 146) / 2 – 3 years
(n = 1000) / 4 – 7 years
(n = 1000) / 2 – 5 years
(n = 961) / 1.5 to 3 years
(n = 111)
Dietary assessment method / Australian Toddler Eating Survey Food Frequency Questionnaire / 24 hour recall / 24 hour recall / 24 hour recall / 4 day food diary
DLW sub study for EE
Estimated Energy requirement (MJ/day) / 4.4 (2 years)
4.9 – 6.9 (3 years) / 4.4 (2 years)
4.9 – 6.9 (5 years) / 5.2 – 7.3 (4 years)a / 4.2 (2yrs) - 6.7 (male 5 yrs active) / To add
Energy (MJ/day) / 5.53(1.61) / 6.35
36 -47% above upper EER range / 7.44 / 6.7 / 4.81.1
Energy density* (kJ/kg) / 3.18(0.69) / NR / NR / NR / NR
Total Fats - grams (g)
-  %E
Sat fats (g)
-  %Energy / 48.4 (15.6)
33.9 (4.7)
23.6 (8.4)
16.5 (3.4) / 57.4
NR / 66.5
NR / 54.4 - 54.9
19.6 - 20.6
NR / 43.5 (12.9)
34.3 (4.9)
19.0 (6.3)
15.0 (3.4)
Protein (grams)
-  %Energy / 55.4 (14.8)
17.3 (2.1) / 53.1 / 60.7 / 55.7 / 43.2 (9.5)
15.4 (2.6)
Carbohydrate (g)
-  %Energy
-  Sugars (g)
-  %Energy / 161.0 (53.8)
49.6 (5.5)
93.9.(33.1) / 201
NR / 238
NR / 206 - 206
108 – 111
NR / 152 (38)
50.3 (5.5)
76.7 (26.8)
25.0 (5.5)
Fibre (grams)/1000kJ / 2.89 (0.60) / 2.11 / 2.15 / 11.3 - 12.1 / NR
Core foods (kJ)
-  %Energy / 3884 (1089)
70.9 (11.4) / NR
65% / NR
67% / NR
Non-core foods (kJ)
-  %Energy / 1646 (994)
29.1 (11.4) / NR
35% / NR
33% / NR
Fruit (g) / 246 / NR / NR / NR / 113
Vegetables (g) / 94.5 / NR / NR / NR / 73

NR = Not reported kJ = kilojoule %E = percentage of total energy g= grams kg = kilogram

Reported as Mean (Standard Deviation) DLW = doubly labelled water EE = energy expenditure energy density = kilojoules per kilogram of food (not including water) per day

a) From National Health and Medical Research Council Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand, reference weights from Kuczmarski et al (2000) and estimated using Schofield (1985) equations for weight, height and age group 3–10.