Wyberton Primary School

Dear Mrs Paul,

Thank you for trusting us to complete this task for you. We have been busy gathering information and seeking the views of the children of Wyberton in regards to a bike or scooter shed for our school. We hope this is helpful to you.

We have asked the children in each class whether they travel by bike or scooter on a regular basis.

Here are our results:

As you can see, there are 20 KS1 pupils who travel by scooter and who travel by bike regularly, whereas in KS2 15 travel by scooter and 11 travel by bike. This gives a total of 28 who travel by bike regularly and 35 who travel by scooter.

We have looked around the school grounds to find a safe place to store our bikes. We think that there are two areas which could store our bikes and scooters. These can be seen in the images below:

At the front of school

At the side of the gate

We believe that it would be better for the storage to be at the front of school as we asked some of the cyclists and they felt that they did not want to walk far with their bike. Also, if it is at the front of the school then this would be safer for pedestrians as the children do not need to cross the school with their bike or scooter. It also promotes and encourages others to travel by bike or scooter as they will see people arriving by this method of transport and this might encourage them to do the same.

Designs available

We found many designs available online! These included modern scooter storage, which were quite expensive and some other more practical designs. We think that the results of our survey show that we do need scooter storage as well as bike storage. Therefore we propose…

We really liked the modern idea of a scooter pod as seen in the images below:

We feel that these would take up less space than conventional scooter storage facilities and could be placed near the KS1 playground, or at the front of school near the wheelie bin area. The scooterpod is made from recycled materials and are available in a range of colours – including our school colours of Red and Green. From the manufacturer’s website, these scooter pods are £350 and hold 12 scooters. Therefore we feel that we would need at least 2. However, we have managed to locate the scooter pod new, on eBay for a fraction of this price, at £149. We could then buy two costing £298. These can be found on the following website link:

This keeps within a smaller budget that you asked for.

As for the bike shed, the suggestions from our children informed us that we needed storage under shelter for those who come by bike in all weathers, as this will help to keep their bike protected. We have come to a dilemma with the budget when choosing the most suitable shelter. Our results show that we need a shelter for at least 30 cycles, however shelters for 30+ bikes range from £3000 upwards. Is this feasible? Here are the cheapest options we have found so far (we have searched extensively!):

Option 1 :Harlyn Bike Shelter for 30 cycles


(This can also be purchased for £3114 for 24 cycles)

Option 2:

There are cheaper options for buying the shelter and then the toast rack separately. For example:

£2043 for 20 cycles without toast rack.

The toast tack is £156 for 10 cycles so we would probably need 2 or 3 toast racks.

If you would like us to provide you with any further information, please get in touch with us again.

Many thanks,

School and Enterprise Council.