The Owl Times


Week of 1/17-1/21

Upcoming Events:

International Day

International Day will be on Jan. 27th. Our class will represent the USA. In preparation for this special day please bring in a new white t-shirt (labeled with name) by Tuesday, 1/17. We will be decorating these shirts in class. We will wear these shirts for International Day. All students should wear blue denim (skirts, pants) on this day. Since it is a short sleeve shirt, you can wear a black or blue long sleeve shirt underneath. If you have any patriotic accessories, feel free to wear that too. Thanks!

100th Day School

Our 100th day of School will be in early February depending on any snow days.The exact date will be given asit gets closer. Students will be dressing up as if they were100 years old. In my past years of teaching, we have had students with grey hair (baby powder works), mustaches, curlers, hairnets, walkers, canes, med alert bracelets, basicallyanything that makes a 5-6 year old look 100 - !It is a fun daybeing 100!

I will also be sending home directions to make a creation using 100 objects. This can be made with 100 mini marshmallows, 100 paper clips, 100 q-tips, etc. Be creative and have fun! I encourage your child to make groups of ten when counting.

Themes: Martin Luther King, Jr., Snow, Penguins, winter

Sight words: if, saw

Words so far:

the, is, his, I, a, are, and, to, go, as, has, at, as, my, was, can, an, on, like, me, be, he, we, she, got, it, all

Star Student: Peyton

Fundations: - We will continue tapping out sounds to read and write CVC words. Uppercase letters are also being introduced at a quick pace for review and for proper writing/letter formation and handwriting. Please reinforce at home when to use uppercase letters.

Feel free to cut out the alphabet squares and create three letter words (Consonant, Vowel, Consonant) on the back of the paper.


We will continue our Fiction Unit. We will be discussing character traits.


Lists and Labels Unit! We have begun our second book. Students will continue to draft and begin to revise and edit.


Subtraction. We will be finishing our chapter this week.

Please reinforce writing numbers 0-10 at home.

Show and Tell: new Schedule was sent home. Martin Luther King Jr./Diversity Theme

Clifford Activity: Schedule was sent home. Great job so far!! We love hearing about Clifford’s adventures.

·  Handwriting/Tapping worksheet: Due Friday

You can create three letter (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) words with the alphabet letter squares. You don’t have to hand this in.

·  Reading:


I will be quizzing the children on these words so keep practicing daily.

**Review sounds learned so far: You say the sound, they give you the letter and vice versa. Students should be practicing identifying the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet too.

Letters learned so far: a-z

Read each night for 15 minutes!

Books will be on one side of their reading folder that they can read at night. Like I stated above, feel free to read aloud to your child. He/she can read any easier books or the guided reading books that we worked on together in class.

Their sight words will be on the other side. Please review those daily and move them to the “learned” side once your child knows them. This folder goes back and forth to school each day.

·  Math:

Complete the math pages for fun to reinforce the skills learned in class.

Students will now have their first and last names on their name tags. Practice writing your first and last name with the first letter of each word being a capital letter and the rest lowercase.

Show and Tell Theme- Martin Luther King, Jr./Diversity