Appendix A: References
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Appendix A: References
Water-Based Activities
1. L&R Consulting Solutions Ltd (2003). ‘Catching the Wave’ – a watersports tourism action plan for Wales. Report to the Welsh Tourist Board. Provides a useful segmentation of the ‘market’ and trends within each segment (albeit with a focus on Wales).
2. University of Brighton (2002). Water-based Sport and Recreation: the Facts. See: Overview of supply and demand balance for water sports.
3. Sodo, C (undated). The Fisherman’s Guide to South Lakeland. Practical guide to fishing in the area, including brief explanation of the law, clubs etc.
1. Cumbria CC, LDNPA, YDNPA (2005). Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy.
2. Countryside Agency (2000). Improving access to woods, watersides and the coast – a joint report to government on the options for change. Ref CA33. Examines and rejects the case for inclusion of watersides and coastal land within the definition of open country used in CRoW.
3. LDNPA (2004). Management Plan for the Lake District. Chapter 10 – “Access and Recreation. The plan which the LDNPA is required to prepare by law.
4. Lake District National Park (2008. Local Development Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options
5. LDNPA (2005). Promoting Sustainable Tourism
6. Cumbria CC (2007). Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
7. LDNPA (2002). Tilberthwaite Ghyll Management Plan. Lake District National Park Authority, Kendal.
8. CIWEM (2005). Policy Position Statement – Recreational Use of Inland Waters. See: Provides a simple and useful segmentation of water-based recreational activities.
9. University of Brighton research for the Environment Agency – strategies for Water-Related Recreation:
a. Wales:
b. East of England: (draft)
c. South West England: (draft)
National Surveys
1. Henley Centre for Forecasting (2005).
a. Paper 2 – Demand for Outdoor Recreation (see:
b. Appendix C: Trends Assessment Workshop results. Report for Natural England
2. England/UK Day Visits Surveys 1994, 1998, 2002/03, 2005. Mainly by T&S Travel and Tourism.
3. Sheffield Hallam University (2004). Demand for Outdoor Recreation in the English National Parks. Secondary research, drawing on other sources, to assess trends in demands.
4. Sheffield Hallam University (2005). Demand for Outdoor Recreation in English National Parks – Examples of Good Practice. A report by Sheffield Hallam University for the Countryside Agency. Countryside Agency, Cheltenham. Follow-up study to the demand study, looking at good practice examples of managing demand.
5. Sport Scotland (2001). Calmer Waters. Sets out principles for managing access and recreation on water resources with some excellent case studies.
6. Environment Agency (2005). Public attitudes to Angling. See:
Coastal Access
1. Ipsos MORI (2006b). Coastal Access in England. Research study for the Countryside Agency. Market research into attitudes and demands for coastal access based on four case study locations – one in S Cumbria/N Lancs.
2. Peter Scott Planning Services (2003). North West Coastal Trail: Concept Feasibility Study. Report for the North West Coast Forum and North West Development Agency. Outlines the economic case justifying a new coastal trail from the Scottish and Welsh borders. (More work due to come out soon on this – see Will Williams from NE, just across the car park).
3. Tourism Associates and South West Tourism (2003). The Economic Value of the South West Coast Path. Report to the South West Coast Path team. A report demonstrating the massive economic benefits derived from the SWCP, although some believe the values to be exaggerated.
4. Natural England (2006). Analysis of study area stakeholder workshops. More detailed breakdown of comments and points made by participants in a series of workshops held in four case study areas, including S Cumbria/N Lancs.
5. Natural England (2007). Future Shoreline Change (with Current Defence Management).
6. North West Coastal Forum (2006). Making the Most of the North west Coast. See:
Management of Water-based Recreation
1. LDNPA Lake Management Plans and Strategies
a. Bassenthwaite Lake Management Plan (1999)
b. Coniston Water Management Plan (1992)
c. Derwentwater Management Plan (1996)
d. Haweswater Conservation Access and Landscape Plan (1993)
e. Thirlmere First Review (1989)
f. Ullswater Recreation Plan (undated)
g. Windermere – a management plan (1981)
h. Windermere Management Strategy (2005). See:
2. CCRU (Uni of Gloucestershire) (2007). Managing Recreation on Inland Waters in Wales: A review of approaches. CCW Policy Research Report No. 07/4. CCW Bangor. Review of approaches used to manage recreation on water resources, with a case studies from a wide range of locations.
1. Env Agency North West byelaws
2. LDNPA Byelaws
3. Caffyn, D (2004) The right of navigation on non-tidal rivers and the common law. Published by the author. A thorough review of legal matters but from the perspective of a canoeist testing his own hypothesis that the right of access for navigation exists on all rivers where it is physically possible to navigate, unless the law says otherwise (as opposed to current practice, which is vice versa).
Environmental Effects
1. Environment Agency (2000). Impact of Canoeing on Angling and Fish Stocks. Ref W266. Basically suggests that canoeing has no significant adverse effect on angling and fish stocks.
2. Penny Anderson Associates and Asken Ltd (200?). Recreation and Nature Conservation. Detailed review of a large number of outdoor pursuits, including water sports, and for each reviews the environmental effects (excludes marine activities).
Arkenford Ltd (2003). Watersports Participation 2003. See:
Arkenford Ltd (2006). Watersports and Leisure Participation Survey 2006. See:
Arkenford Ltd (2007). Kent Tourism Perceptions Research. Executive Summary. See
Bowles Green Partnership (2002). Assessing Needs and Preferences in relation to countryside recreation in the Lake District.
CIWEM (2005). Policy Position Statement – Recreational Use of Inland Waters. See:
Coles, T., Hudson, P., Stevens, E. (2003). The economic value of the South West Coast Path. Report compiled on behalf of the South West Coast Path team by Tourism Associates and South West Tourism.
Cumbria County Council, LDNPA (2007). Cumbria Rights of Way Improvement Plan. See:
Curry, N., Ravenscroft, N. (2000). Assessing the demand for countryside recreation: a case study in the county of Surrey Part II. Confidential report to the Countryside Agency SE and London Region.
Drew Associates Ltd, CJC Consulting Ltd, University Upon Tyne (2004). Research into the economic contribution of sea angling. Report for Defra. See:
England Leisure Day Visits Survey 2005. See:
Environment Agency (undated). South Cumbria Fisheries Action Plan. See:
FaberMaunsell and Asken Ltd (2005). Rights of Way Improvement Planning. Report for Cumbria County Council and LDNPA. See:
GB Leisure Day Visits (2003) See:
Henley Centre Headlight Vision (2005). Demands for Outdoor Recreation. Henley Centre Headlight Vision (2005). See:
Houghton H. (2005). Lake User Surveys: Why We Need Them. Paper submitted to the MIB.
Ipsos Mori (2006a). National Awareness Survey: Awareness of the Environment Agency and Public Use of Inland Waters. Report prepared for the Environment Agency.
Ipsos Mori (2006b). Coastal Access in England. Report for Natural England. See:
L&R Consulting Solutions Ltd (2003). ‘Catching the Wave’ – a watersports tourism action plan for Wales. Report to the Welsh Tourist Board.
LDNPA (2008) Lake District National Park LDF Core Strategy Preferred Options
Natural England (2007). Annex 5. Index of Multiple Deprivation. Map 7. See:
Peter Scott Planning Services Ltd (2003). North West Coastal Trail – Concept feasibility study. Report for North West Coastal Forum and North West Development Agency. See:
Scottish Natural Heritage (2005). Scottish Recreation Survey 2003/04.
Simpson, D. and Mawle, G.W. (2005). Public Attitudes to Angling 2005. Environment Agency, Bristol, 60pp.
Steward, H. (2001). Quality of Coastal Towns – an Interreg IIc project to promote sustainable tourism development in coastal areas. See:
University of Brighton, 2002. Water-based sport and recreation – the facts. See:
University of Brighton, G&L Hughes Ltd, ExeGesIS SDM Ltd (2008). A Strategic Plan for Water Related Recreation in Wales. Report for the Environment Agency Wales. See:
Lake Specific Studies
1981: Thirlmere – Statement of Opportunities
1988: Coniston Water – a survey of its future use by Rudy van der Kolk and Marc-Hein Oude Luttighuis
1988: Thirmere Plan First Review Consultation Report
1988: Visitor Survey Coniston Water by Marc-Hein Oude Luttighuis
1990: Haweswater Conservation, Access & Landscape Objective
1991: Coniston Water Management Plan Consultation Draft
1992: Coniston Water Management Plan
1993: Boat User Surveys on Conistion Water and Ullswater
1995: Derwentwater: Proposals for discussion on the future management of the lake
1996: Derwentwater Management Plan
1999: Bassenthwaite Lake NNR Management Plan
1999: High Dam Management Plan
2000: Stickle Tarn Management Plan
2001: Ennerdale Water Consultation Report
Bricker, K. S. and D. L. Kerstetter (2002). "An interpretation of special place meanings whitewater recreationists attach to the South Fork of the American River", Tourism Geographies Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 396-425.
Dalrymple, G. (2006) Valuing The Water Environment: A Review of International Literature. Report for the Scottish Executive. See:
Dalrymple, G., Hanley, N. (2005). Quoted in Dalrymple, G (2006).
Hanley, N., Bell, D. Alvarez-Farizo, B. (2002). Valuing the benefits of coastal water quality improvements using contingent and real behaviour. University of Glasgow. See:
Lindsey, G. and A. Holmes (2002). "Tourist Support for Marine Protection in Nha Trang, Vietnam." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Vol. 45, No. 4, pp 461-480.
Pereira, R., A. Soares, R. Ribeiro, and F. Goncalves (2005). "Public attitudes towards the restoration and management of Lake Vela (Central Portugal)." Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Vol. 14, No. 4, pp 273-281.
Priskin, J. (2003). "Tourist Perceptions of Degradation Caused by Coastal Nature-Based Recreation." Environmental Management Vol. 32, No. 2, pp 189-204.
Stewart, W., K. Larkin, B. Orland, and D. Anderson (2003). "Boater preferences for beach characteristics downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona." Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 69, No. 2, pp 201-211.
Appendix B: Survey Instruments
Survey Location:
Ambleside / Glenridding / Kendal / Ravenglass / NewcastleBarrow in Furness / Gosforth / Keswick / St Bees / Manchester
Bowness / Grange over Sands / Maryport / Ulverston / Birmingham
Broughton / Grasmere / Penrith / Whitehaven / Leeds
Cockermouth / Grizedale / Pooley Bridge / Workington / Liverpool
Quotas (complete at end):
Male / Aged 17-24 / 45-60 / Working FTFemale / 25-44 / 60+ / Not Working FT
Record respondent details for back checking purposes:
Respondent Name ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………...
Respondent Telephone Number …………………………………………………………….…………………………………
I confirm that this interview was conducted in accordance with the instructions received and in compliance with the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct, and that the respondent is unrelated and previously unknown to me.
Interviewer Name ………..…………………………….….Interviewer Signature: ………………………………..…………
Date: ………….…/………….… /………….…
Good morning/afternoon/evening.
The Lake District National Park is conducting a survey on leisure and recreation. Could you spare around 5 minutes to help us?
F:\TProjects\Transport Planning - Lakes, Rivers and Coasts Research LDNPA\On Street Survey\Final On Street Questionnaire.doc
0 / I am not interested in doing it / I have done it before but would not do it again1 / I have never done it but would potentially do it, I am interested in trying it
2 / I have sampled it before, and may do it again / Ask Q1.2 – Q1.6 immediately if code 2, 3, 4 or 5 to any at Q1.1
3 / I have done it more than once and would like to do it more and/or learn more about it
4 / I am experienced in it but do not do it often (anymore)
5 / I am experienced and do it often
Q1.1 How would you describe your interest or participation in each of the following activities in the UK? SHOWCARD A Read out each activity, insert code or each in column Q1.1
IF CODE 2, 3, 4 or 5 at Q1.1, immediately ask:
Q1.2 For this activity do you usually participate: SHOWCARD B Insert code in column Q1.2
1 / As an individual / 4 / In an organised group (e.g. educational/ youth /corporate)2 / With family / friends / 5 / As a charity/fund-raising or competitive event
3 / As a club activity / 6 / Other
Q1.3 Have you done this activity in the Lake District National Park? SHOWCARD C (MAP) Write in Y if yes or N if no in column Q1.3
IF N (no, they do not do the activity in the LDNP) to Q1.3 skip Q1.4 - Q1.6
IF Y (yes, they do the activity in the LDNP) to Q1.3 ask:
Q1.4 Have you done this activity on/alongside… Lakes? Rivers? Coasts? SHOWCARD C (MAP) Write in Y if yes or N if no in each column at Q1.4
Q1.5 On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all and 5 is completely, to what extent does the Lake District National Park meet your needs for this activity? SHOWCARD D Insert number (1-5) in column Q1.5
IF CODE 1 or 2 or 3 to Q1.5: Why not? Probe: Which needs are not met?
IF CODE 4 or 5 to Q1.5: How? Probe: Which needs are met? And how?
Q1.1Interest Insert code: IF CODE
2, 3, 4 or 5 ASK Q1.2– Q1.6 / Q1.2
Insert code: / Q1.3
In LDNP? Y / N:
IF ‘Y’ ASK 1.4-1.6 / Q1.4 / Q1.5
1-5 scale
Insert no.: / Q1.6
IF CODE 1 or 2 or 3 to Q1.5: Why not?
IF CODE 4 or 5 to Q1.5: How? Write in:
Lakes? Y / N: / Rivers? Y / N: / Coast? Y / N:
A. Windsurfing
B. Swimming outdoors (not in swimming pools)
C. Ghyll scrambling/ Canyoning
D. Fly-fishing
E. Kite surfing
F. Sub-aqua, such as scuba diving
G. Canoeing (flat, river-touring and ‘white water’)
H. Rafting
I. Rowing/Dragon boating
J. Sailing
K. Angling
L. Model boating
M. Pleasure cruising - trip
N. Pleasure cruising - self-drive
O. Sport powerboats
P. Personal Watercraft, such as Jet-skis
Q. Water-skiing
R. Walking/ Rambling/ Cycling/ Horse riding alongside lakes, rivers or the coast
S. Appreciating the scenery/ Picnics/ Wildlife/ alongside lakes, rivers or the coast
T. Photography / Painting alongside lakes, rivers or the coast
IF CODE 2, 3, 4 or 5 to ANY at Q1.1, ASK Q1.2 – Q1.6 then GO TO Q 1.8
IF CODE 0 OR 1 (‘not interested’ / ‘haven’t done it but might try’) TO ALL at Q1.1, GO TO Q1.7
IF CODE 0 (‘not interested’) TO ALL at Q1.1, GO TO SECTION 2
F:\TProjects\Transport Planning - Lakes, Rivers and Coasts Research LDNPA\On Street Survey\Final On Street Questionnaire.doc