BCSSA Meet Coordinator Package
Please read the Sanction Overview document (posted separately) before applying for sanction.
Complete the Sanction Request Form (posted separately) and mail it (with 75.00) to the BCSSA Office at least 14 days prior to the event. Sanction certificates will not be issued without payment. Late requests will be charged double.
The BCSSA Office will mail a sanction certificate to the Meet Coordinator. This MUST be displayed by the Recorder’s office during the competition. A sanction certificate is essentially a guarantee between the event organizers and the Association that the competition will operate according to SSC and/or BCSSA standards and procedures.
The BCSSA Officials Code of Ethics MUST also be visibly displayed during the competition.
Please make copies of the Accident Claim Report (for insurance purposes) and ensure injured skaters (or their parents if skater is a minor) receive a copy. These are to be submitted directly by the skater/family, to BFL Canada. At the insurers request, this form will not be posted publicly but will be included with your sanction certificate.
It is the Meet Coordinators' responsibility to ensure the following reports are filed after the competition.
Please e-mail the following documents to the ODC at:
within 14 days of all BCSSA sanctioned competitions. Forms are to be completed electronically.
Track Certification: To be filled out by a surveyor and signed by the Chief Referee.
Meet Coordinator Summary
Referee Summary: Referees can e-mail their reports directly to ODC. Follow up with your Chief Referee to ensure this has been done.
Officials List: An excel spreadsheet (not included in this package) is posted separately on the website under Officials Resources. List all officials/volunteers who work your event.
Please mail the following documents to the BCSSA Office within 14 days of all BCSSA sanctioned competitions.
Injury Report Forms: All injuries must be reported.
Incident Report Forms: All incidents must be reported. Examples: an altercation between participants, a parent/coach/official berating another person
Sanction Certificates: include copy of SSC certificate (if applicable)
Please post competition protocols to the BCSSA website AND e-mail them to the following:
BCSSA Office:
Bette Roberts - short track protocols only for skater data base:
Dee-Ann Stickel - long track protocols only for skater data base:
Alison Leach - for Records:
Clubs will be invoiced $2.00 per skater for Officials Development .
Location (Address and arena number if more than one sheet of ice):
Name Arena /OvalAddress
City / Postal Code
Track Type: (Check those that apply)
Short Track / 100m
Long Track / 333.3m Oval / Lane Width
(In Meters)
400m Oval / Lane Width
(In Meters)
Surveyed by: ______Date: ______
Sources of Survey Dimensions: ______
Name of Drawing: ______
Drawing No: ______Date of Drawing:______
Date of Last Revision: ______
Present Location of Drawing Used: ______
Signature: ______Print Name: ______
I have personally checked the above drawing and believe it to describe a track acceptable for holding the ______meet (enter name of competition on line)
on ______.
Month / Day / Year
Signature: ______Print Name: ______
Revised Oct 2012
British Columbia Speed Skating Association
PO Box 2023 Stn A
Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8
Phone: 604 746.4349 Fax: 604 746.4549
This form is to be filled out by the Meet Coordinator for all BCSSA Sanctioned competitions and
e-mailed ODC (with copy to the BCSSA Office) within 14 days. Please enter data directly into the document.
Date Held: / Format of Competition:Hosting Club: / Location:
Meet Coordinator: / Level:
Did you have an SSC Sanction: / ( ) YES ( ) NO
Number of Skaters / Officials Support: Multiply number of skaters x $2.00 and enter amount in the box to the right. Club will be invoiced. Not required for national events.
General comments, suggestions or recommendations on the organization of the competition
Signature: / Date:Revised Nov 2012
This form is to be filled out by the Chief Referee for all BCSSA Sanctioned competitions and e-mailed to ODC at: within 14 days. Please enter data directly into document.
Event: / Date:Number of races:
Evaluation of Officials: / A-Excellent B-Good C-Average D-Needs more training
(Choose one – delete the rest)
Chief Referee: / Level:
Level / Grade / Advance
Yes/No / Comments
Chief Starter
Meet Coordinator
Chief Timer
Chief Recorder
Lap Counter
Heat Box Steward
Chief Place Judge
Chief Track Steward
General comments, suggestions or recommendations on the organization of the competition:
Signature: / Date:
Revised: Oct 2012
British Columbia Speed Skating Association
PO Box 2023 Stn A
Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8
Phone: 604 746.4349 Fax: 604 746.4549
The purpose of this form is for SSC and BCSSA Risk Management to collect statistics on accidents/injuries that occur during Speed skating activities. It is the intention of SSC and BCSSA to collect this data only for the purpose of increasing the safety in the sport of speed skating and to report accident/injury safety prevention information back to the Clubs and Coaches. This form is to be filled out by a Club representative or the skater’s coach. At competitions where Medical assistance is present please ask the attending medical people to fill out the forms. This is a private document and should always be kept in confidence and all forms are to be mailed into the BCSSA office. Thank you.
Name: Skater #
Date / Time of injury: Club:
Activity type: Learn to skate: Short Track: Long Track:
Accident / injury occurred in: Training Competition
Skater’s ability level: Beginner Developmental High performance
Number of years in speed skating: years
Padding: Yes No Ice conditions: Good Average Poor
Medical attention required: Yes No Ambulance transportation required: Yes No
Description of accident/how the injury was sustained: Please indicate point of impact on above drawing and if you can, please also describe how this accident could have been avoided.
Completed by: Date:
Date participant/athlete returned to training/activity:
For use only if an incident other than an injury has occurred. Examples: an altercation between participants at the competition or a parent/coach/official berating another person at the competition.
Date and time of incident:Name of writer: / Position:
Location of incident:
This incident is a: / minor infraction / major infraction
Individual(s) involved in the incident:
Objective description of the incident (please be concise, accurate and non-judgmental):
Names of individuals who observed the incident:
Disciplinary action that was taken (if applicable)
Signature of writer: / Date:
Last revision 11/02 updated 06/06 Page: 1 of 1
The British Columbia Speed Skating Association has accepted the “Canadian Code of Ethics for Sport Officials” for their officials. The Code of Ethics is published in the Association newsletter at the beginning of each season and is sent out in the sanction package for each competition.
1. I shall have complete knowledge of all rules and competition procedures for officiating applicable to my sport relative to my official’s position.
2. I shall honour all commitments of which I have obligated myself.
3. I shall strive to set good examples during the course of competition; realizing the prime function of the official is to make competition an enjoyable experience for all participants.
4. I shall keep in mind that my important charge is the safety and general welfare of all those under my supervision.
5. I accept my duties as a public trust and remember my responsibilities extend to my fellow officials to whom I pledge complete allegiance and loyalty of support during the discharge of all officiating duties.
6. I shall keep myself mentally fit and shall wear with pride the accepted officials’ attire, maintaining a neat and creditable appearance.
7. I shall refrain from intimidating coaches and players and shall never question the integrity of my officiating colleagues.
8. I shall NOT tolerate any action by a coach or a participant, which may be physically dangerous to opponents.
9. I shall strive to render decisions firmly but without arrogance; fairly but without officiousness; and to render all decisions according to the rules regardless of the score, the individuals concerned, or partisan spectators.
10. I shall conduct myself at all times so as to instil in all competitors and other competition officials a respect for each and the other; to avoid obscene language and/or personal remarks; and shall strive to display the virtues of dignity and sincerity in a sportsmanlike manner.
11. I shall constantly review my work and seek to improve the standards of officiating as a means of dedication and loyalty to the sport I serve.
12. I shall strive to create good working relations with all sponsors, coaches, and managers with a show of respectful liaison and communication on all matters pertaining to my role.