Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee Meeting
held on Thursday 11 May 2006 at 2.00pm
in the Conference Room, Summerfield House
Mrs Elizabeth McDade (Chair), Non- Executive Board Member, NHS Grampian
Reverend Fred Coutts, Chaplain, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (Head of Spiritual Care)
Sister Gina Ghua (Roman Catholic Chaplain at ARI) – Deputising for Right Reverend Peter Moran
Mrs Helen Grant
Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications, NHS Grampian
Mrs Sue Kinsey, Lay Member
Reverend Muriel Knox, Chaplain, Royal Cornhill Hospital
Dr Amir Mahdy, Clinical Lecturer and Specialist Registrar, NHS Grampian
Mrs Kitty McDonald
Mr John McKinnon, Service Manager – Infection Control, NHS Grampian
Ms Grace Morrison, Community Forum Member
Mr Allan Reid, Acting General Manager, Scottish Ambulance Service North East Division
Ms Sylvia Spencer, Scottish Episcopal Church Chaplain – Deputising for Professor Peter Brunt
In Attendance:
Lyndsay Cassie, Personal Assistant, - Minuting Secretary
Item / Subject / Action /1. / Welcome and introductions:
The chairman thanked all for their attendance and round-the-table introductions were made.
2. / Apologies
Apologies were received from Jane Alton, Peter Brunt, Alistair Donald, Bill Mitchell, Harriet Mowat Jim Royan, Elinor Smith and Liz Tait.
3. / Minute of meeting held on 9 February 2006:
The minute of the above meeting was agreed as an accurate record of discussion.
4. / Matters arising:
4.1 / Update on intranet and website:
Fred Coutts advised that he was awaiting IT colleagues to progress with both the intranet and website to go live. Once this was up and running committee members were asked to feedback to Fred comments with regard to the content. Fred also advised that he would contact members individually to ascertain if they wished their names to be included in the membership of the committee on the website. / ALL
4.2 / Distribution of Spiritual Care Policy and Annual Report:
Fred Coutts advised he intended to distribute the Spiritual Care Policy and Annual Report once the website went live. Both would also be posted on the website. However, if there was to be further delay in the website going live then Fred would circulate the papers prior to going live. / FC
4.3 / Religions and cultures in Grampian booklet:
Fred Coutts advised that the above booklet had not yet been printed. This was mainly due to difficulties with the cover. However, Fred was confident that this would be printed in the very near future. Once printed this booklet would be distributed to wards and departments. Staff would also be advised of this booklet through Team Brief, Upfront, website etc. Allan Reid asked for the Scottish Ambulance Service to be included in the distribution. / FC/LG
4.4 / Communication with faith groups:
It was agreed that the above item should be deferred to a future meeting of the group.
4.5 / Informal arrangement between the Chaplaincy and Scottish Ambulance Service:
Fred Coutts advised that he had met with Allan Reid to discuss how extra chaplaincy hours might be met in the future. The detail of how this would be provided had still to be worked through. It was agreed that this issue should be kept as a
substantive item on the agenda.
5. / Spiritual Care Working Group – minute of meetings held on:
· 30 January 2006 (approved)
· 22 March 2006 (unapproved)
Laura Gray advised the above minutes were for information. Laura then provided the committee with some background to the working group. Laura advised that the working group had been established primarily to look at the proposed transfer to chaplains from the Church of Scotland to NHS Boards. Members of the working group included members of the Spiritual Care Committee along with finance and HR colleagues from NHS Grampian.
Laura further advised the committee around the process for Agenda for Change. Agenda for Change was a national project looking at ensuring that the same posts across Scotland were remunerated at the same level of pay and the same terms and conditions. Laura also advised that to date the Scottish Executive had not yet formally advised NHS Boards of the proposed change of employment of the hospital chaplains. Laura further advised that through the budget setting process NHS Grampian had been able to identify some resource to meet the pressure of funding chaplaincy services across Grampian. The working group would continue to monitor this situation to try and ensure NHS Grampian was best placed for future arrangements of the service. Fred Coutts advised that whilst it had been expected that the employment change would be as of 1 June 2006 it had now been put back until 1 February 2007.
6. / Recording of religion – patient admissions forms:
Fred Coutts advised that at the last meeting of the committee the chairman had requested a position statement with regard to the above issue. Fred had since produced a position statement and a copy was included with the papers for today’s meeting.
Fred advised that increased awareness of the need for patient confidentiality/data protection legislation had resulted in a reduction in the number of names passed to the faith group leaders. Fred proposed that a short-life working group be established to examine the problem and to seek ways for improvement. The committee agreed to this proposal. Representation would be from chaplaincy, medical records, nursing management from acute, mental health and community as well as members from this committee. Amir Mahdy, John McKinnon and Muriel Knox and/or Bill Mitchell agreed to represent the Spiritual Care Committee. It was agreed that the short-life working group would report to the Spiritual Care Committee.
7. / Spirituality in Healthcare Interest Group (SPHIG):
7.1 / Poster about events held on 16 March 2006:
The above item was for information.
7.2 / Note of meeting held on 20 March 2006:
The above items was for information.
8. / NHS Education Scotland and Quality Improvement Scotland – standards for chaplaining services in NHS Scotland:
Laura Gray advised the committee that NHS Education and QIS Scotland have developed draft standards for chaplaining services across Scotland. Committee members were requested to provide feedback on these draft standards to Fred Coutts who would in turn provide feedback to the national group. Laura also advised of a 1 day event that would be held on 27 June 2006 again if committee members wished to attend this event could they please contact Fred. / ALL
9. / Minute of Spiritual Care Development Committee:
The above item was for noting.
10. / Operational Issues:
10.1 / First Aid Course in Mental Health:
Fred Coutts advised the committee that a number of chaplains had attended a first aid course in mental health.
10.2 / Prayer rooms:
Fred Coutts advised that arrows would be positioned in prayer facilities to indicate the direction of Mecca.
10.3 / Roman Catholic On-Call System:
Fred Coutts advised that the Roman Catholic on-call system was now operational.
10.4 / Study Day – 2 November 2006:
Fred Coutts advised that the study day on 2 November 2006 would be on children’s issues and would be held in Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital.
10.5 / Information for Staff:
Amir Mahdy advised that information on religion was not just for patients but staff as well. It was agreed that this should be an agenda item for the next meeting.
11. / Ideas for format of meetings:
Laura Gray advised that at a previous meeting discussion had taken place around devoting part of the meeting to a presentation from faith groups. The committee agreed to this proposal and Laura Gray agreed to send out a letter inviting religious groups to come and speak to the committee. / LG
12. / AOCB:
12.1 / Health Care Chaplains Code of Conduct Handbook:
Fred Coutts handed out the above for information.
13. / Date of next meeting:
Thursday 10 August 2006, 2.00pm-3.30pm in the Conference Room, Summerfield House
(l:\board secretariat\lyndsay cassie\board committees\spiritual care committee\2006\minutes\may.doc)