Nov. 1st: Class # 9:
Presentation 1: Should Christians influence government? If so, to what extent and how?
1. Kenneth N.
2. Scwyana S.
3. Dorenda W.
Presentation 2: Biblically, what is the proper method for raising money for charitable activities (Orphans, widows, schools, public health?). Does it matter “who” is raising the money or “who” is administering the charity?
Nov 8th: Class # 10:
Presentation # 3: How would the Bible criticize the U.S. penal system (if at all), particularly in terms of (a) penalties assigned for crimes, (b) restitution to victims, (c) restoration of the offender, and (d) and the judicial process?
Presentation # 4: How would the Bible suggest we respond (a) personally and (b) socially to Latin American immigration?
Nov. 15th: Class # 11:
Presentation # 5: What is the biblical view regarding masculinity and femininity? How should we then live when it comes to marriage, the home, work place, and education of children?
- Constance C.
- Terry McD.
- George L.
Presentation # 6: What is the biblical view of “marriage?” What is your justification? Is co-habitation ever right? Are we as Christians discriminating against those who desire “same-sex” marriages, who seek to be legalized or certified by the state (and not by the church) by fighting against “same-sex” marriages?
1.Claude L.
2.Ronald C.
3.Kenneth W.
November 29th: Class # 12:
Presentation # 7: What is the biblical worldview regarding beauty? Is beauty in the eye of the beholder or is there objective beauty? If there is objective beauty, what is your justification? If there is no objective beauty, then why? How does that impact then the way we should live (e.g., our clothing? our homes? our yards? our persons?) In what ways is our identity impacted or shaped by “cultural” beauty (trends, marketing, advertisements, magazines)? Lastly, what really is beautiful according to Scripture?
- Sonya
- Kemmika.
Presentation # 8: What is the biblical worldview we should have regarding entertainment: TV, Music, and Movies? In what ways is our identity shaped by the entertainment? How should we biblically critique TV, Music, and films?
1. Kristina.
2. Nathan.
3. Schaeffer
December 6th: Class # 13:
Presentation # 9: How should Christians respond to (a) sexual addiction, (b) Christians who “struggle” with homosexuality, bisexuality, and lesbianism, and (c) sex-offenders both inside our churches and in our very neighborhoods?
- Tracy W.
- R. Sugar.
- Natasha W.
Presentation # 10: What does a biblical worldview of the environment look like? How does that inform/impact the way we live at home? What recommendations do you have for us who want to biblically environmental, esp. in our homes, what we drive, where we work, etc?
- Samuel G.
- Christian B.
Depending upon class size, each student (or groups of students) will make one of the following in-class presentations on topics (as dictated by professor).
I will hand out a class sheet on first night of class. You will sign up for project during the break or after class.
Once you sign up for the topic (along with date) you cannot change date. You have permission to trade (only once) with a classmate but you must have final approval from me and I must reflect that change on my website where I will post the official roster of dates, topics, and presenters in order to confirm that I officially accepted the change.
You cannot change the date for the presentation topic. The topics are fixed due to the structure of the course.
If you fail to give presentation the day your topic is due you will receive an F for this portion of your final grade (33.3%). Seriously, a doctor’s note is required if you are sick. If you become ill it is mandatory to inform me by e.mail at by noon Thursday so that I may properly prepare for the topic.
It is mandatory that you be punctual.
Here’s the format for presentations:
1. 45-minute presentation with 15 minutes of discussion.
2. Goal: Present the facts, debate the positions, and formulate a biblical worldview response. Remember, your presentation must relate to having a biblical worldview.
3.Handouts, charts, resources, & helpful bibliographies are highly encouraged.
4. Handouts do not need to reflect Turabian format.
5.Feel free to be creative as long as it is not at the expense of knowledge.
6.Your grade will be based on quality.
7.You may have to do extensive research to prepare for presentation.
8.Internet may be helpful but be careful in what sources you use. Make sure they are reputable sources.