Appium Installation guide

Installation guide


·  Appium is an open source , cross platform test automation tool for mobile apps

·  Hosted with GitHub

·  Appium is a test automation framework that can be used to automate native, hybrid and mobile web apps.

·  Based on WebDriver JSON wire protocol

·  Based on Client-Server architecture

·  Appium server written in Node.js


Automation supports for

·  Android

·  iOS

·  Firefox mobile OS

Supports all the webDriver Client libraries


·  Ruby

·  Python

·  JavaScript

·  PHP

·  C#

Common libraries for all the mobile platforms e.g. Android, iOS

Selenium WebDriver Interfaces implemented

Common API for both Native and web components


1.  JAVA IDE (Eclipse)

2.  Android SDK

3.  Selenium WebDriver Dependencies/Appium Java –Client Dependency

4.  Appium for windows (1.1.24)

5.  An Android device / Emulator

Android SDK Download and configuration:

Follow below link

System Configurations:

Environments variables & Path settings for Android SDK:-

·  JAVA home

·  Android home

Mobile Device Setup:-

  1. Enabling “Developer” options in android mobileGo to Settings > Developer options > Check USB debugging
  2. USB Connect mobile to Window
  3. Connect your mobile device to laptop/Desktop
  4. Open command prompt and type C:\> adb devices it will display list of devices attached.
  5. If not: Open Device Manager > Right Click on device > Properties > Update driver
  6. It will automatically download the device driver (make sure download Google USB driver in Android SDK)

Appium Configuration setup:

·  Download latest appium from :

·  When you go to appium folder double click on appium setup.exe

·  To start appium server you need to give the apk file path (Click on android logo in appium window)

·  Place your apk file location in :\AndroidSDK\sdk\build-tools\android-4.x\

·  To know package and activity names of the apk file go to command prompt then navigate to folder where apk file is placed under android sdk folder then run the following command “aapt dump badging <.apk>”

·  Click on start button on appium window to start the appium server

·  To finding out xpath of mobile application you can use UIAutomator view which comes with Android SDK or you can click Appium inspector

·  Launch emulator or connect device to the machine. Run adb command to check device is connected to your machine.

·  Below is sample code of webdriver in java for Appium in Junit framework.

Appium limitations:

1.  Limited support for hybrid apps testing

2.  Appium inspector for windows (esp.Win7) is not fully functional yet.