Elenco pubblicazioni dottorandi Ciclo XIX
- Giacomo Bormetti
Path Integrals and Exotic Options: Methods and Numerical Results, Bormetti, G.Montagna, N.Moreni and O.Nicrosini, Proceedings of the 31st Workshop of the InternationalSchool of SolidState Physics. Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity, Editors C.Beck, G.Benedek, A Rapisarda and C. Tsallis, World Scientific, (2005) p.336
Pricing Exotic Option in a Path Integral Approach, G.Bormetti, G.Montagna, N.Moreni and O.Nicrosini, Quantitative Finance 6, p.55 (2006).
- Massimo Brambilla
Maps of zeroes of the grand canonical partition function in a statistical model of high energy collisions, M. Brambilla, A. Giovannini and R. Ugoccioni, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 32, 859-870 (2006).
- Giulio Chiribella
Quantum information becomes classical when distributed to many users, G. Chiribella and G. M. D'Ariano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 250503 (2006).
Quantum erasure of decoherence, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, and F. Buscemi, Proceedings of the "38th Symposium on Mathematical Physics", Torun, Poland, June 2006.
Superbroadcasting and classical information, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, C. Macchiavello, P. Perinotti, and F. Buscemi, Phys. Rev. A. 74 (2006).
Applications of the group SU(1,1) for quantum computation and tomography, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, and P. Perinotti, Laser Physics 16, 1572 (2006).
Extremal covariant measurements, G. Chiribella and G. M. D'Ariano, J. Math. Phys. 47, 092107 (2006).
Joint estimation of real squeezing and displacement, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, and M. F. Sacchi, J. Phys. A 39, 2127 (2006).
Optimal estimation of squeezing, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, and M. F. Sacchi Phys. Rev. A 73, 062103 (2006).
Maximum likelihood estimation for a group of physical transformations, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, P. Perinotti, and M. F. Sacchi, Int. J. Quant. Inf. 4, 453 (2006).
Optimal estimation of group transformations using entanglement, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, and M. F. Sacchi Phys. Rev. A 72, 042338 (2005).
Extremal quantum cloning machines, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, P. Perinotti, and N. J. Cerf, Phys. Rev. A 72, 042336 (2005).
Inverting quantum decoherence by classical feedback from the environment, F. Buscemi, G. Chiribella, and G. M. D'Ariano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 090501 (2005).
Extremal covariant positive operator valued measures, G. Chiribella and G. M. D'Ariano, J. Math. Phys. 45, 4435 (2004).
Efficient use of quantum resources for the transmission of a reference frame, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, P. Perinotti, and M. F. Sacch Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 180503 (2004).
Covariant quantum measurements that maximize the likelihood, G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, P. Perinotti, and M. F. Sacchi Phys. Rev. A 70, 061205 (2004).
- Lia Lavezzi
Search for the Θ+(1530) pentaquark in antiproton 4He annihilation at rest, A. Panzarasa, G. Bendiscioli, A. Fontana, L. Lavezzi, P. Montagna, A. Rotondi, P. Salvini, E. Botta, T. Bressani, S. Costa, D. Calvo, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, S. Marcello, M. Agnello, F. Iazzi, B. Minetti, E. Lodi Rizzini, M. Corradini, L. Venturelli, A. Zenoni, A. Donzella, F. Balestra, M.P. Bussa, L. Busso, P. Cerello, O. Denisov, L. Ferrero, R. Garfagnini, A. Grasso, A. Maggiora, F. Tosello, D. Panzieri, O.E. Gorchakov, S.N. Prakhov, A.M. Rozhdestvensky, G.M. Sapozhnikov, V.I. Tretyak, C. Cicalò, A. De Falco, A. Masoni, G. Puddu, S. Serci, G. Usai, C. Curceanu (Petrascu), P. Gianotti, C. Guaraldo, A. Lanaro, V. Lucherini, Nuclear Physics A 779 pp.116–141 (2006).
Technical Progress Report for PANDA – Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons, M. Kotulla, …, L.Lavezzi, … et al., February 2005.
- Francesco Rossella
Hafnium-Doped Lithium Niobate Crystals: Electrical and Optical Properties. P. Minzioni, I. Cristiani, V. Degiorgio; P. Galinetto, F. Rossella; A. Morbiato, A. De Simone, E. P. Kokanyan, Proceeding of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 06).
UV light-induced IR absorption and photoconductivity in KTa1-xNbxO3. V. A. Trepakov, A. I. Gubaev, S. E. Kapphan, P. Galinetto,F. Rossella, L. A. Boatner, P. Syrnikov, L. Jastrabik, Ferroelectrics, 334(2), 389-399 (2006).
Structural phase transition and photo-charge carrier transport in SrTiO3. P. Galinetto, F. Rossella, G. Samoggia, V. Trepakov, E. Kotomin, E. Heifets, P. Markovin, L. Jastrabik, Ferroelectrics,337(1), 1351-1360 (2006).
Microraman and photorefractivity study of Hafnium doped lithium niobate crystals.F. Rossella, P. Galinetto, G. Samoggia, L. Razzari, P. Minzioni, I. Cristiani, V. Degiorgio, E. P. Kokanyan, J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. 15(1), 9-21 (2006).
EPR and optical absorption investigations of photochromic effect in nearly stoichiometric LiNbO3:Fe. A. G. Badalyan, M. C. Mozzati, G. Demaestri, P. Galinetto, F. Rossella, V. Bermudez, C. B. Azzoni, G. Samoggia, Mater. Sci. Forum 514-516: 152-155 Part 1-2 (2006).
Ferroelectricity in K0.992Rb0.008Ta0.96Nb0.04O3. E. Giulotto, V. Stasi, P. Galinetto, F. Rossella, G. Samoggia, V. Trepakov, P. Syrnikov, L. Jastrabik, Ferroelectrics, 320, 575-580 (2005).
Characterization of structural and photoinduced defects in pure and doped lithium niobate. M. C. Mozzati, F. C. Rossella, P. Galinetto, E. Giulotto, V. Bermudez, C. B. Azzoni, G. Samoggia, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 159-162 (2005).
Studio con Risonanza Paramagnetica e Microanalisi con Sonda Elettronica di frammenti colorati provenienti da vetrate medioevali del Monastero della Certosa di Pavia. C. B. Azzoni, D. Dimartino, F. C. Rossella, V. Marchesi, B. Messiga, M. P. Riccardi, Quaderni del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Università di Pavia, “Progetto d’Ateneo sulla Certosa di Pavia. Ricerche materiche ed analisi tecnico-scientifiche, Quaderno 3 (2005) , pp. 11-22.
Photorefractivity of Hafnium doped lithium niobate crystals: photo-transport properties, F. Rossella, P. Galinetto, G. Samoggia, L. Razzari, P. Minzioni, I. Cristiani, V. Degiorgio, E. P. Kokanyan, Proceeding of the International Workshop: «LiNbO3: from material to device, from device to system»_ Supélec, Campus de Metz, France, May 23-25 (2005).
Photoinduced charge transport in KTaO3:Be. P. Galinetto, F. Rossella, E. Giulotto, G. Samoggia, V. Trepakov, L. Jastrabik, P. Syrnkov, S. Kapphan, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 184-187 (2005).
Relationship between photorefractive activity and Raman scattering in lithium niobate crystals, E. Giulotto, R. DeContardi, F. C. Rossella, V. Bermudez - Opt. Mat. 27(1), 81-84 (2004).
Misura dei coefficienti elettroottici di cristalli di Niobato di Litio stechiometrici e congruenti, D. Grando, V. Bermudez, E. Diéguez, P. Galinetto, M. Marinone, F. Rossella, E. Giulotto, G. Samoggia, Proceedings of the 8thNational Congress “Strumentazione e Metodi di Misura Elettroottici” (“ElettroOttica 2004”), Pavia, 14-16 Giugno 2004.
Realizzazione di una apparecchiatura per misure di Termoluminescenza in ambito archeometrico. F.C.Rossella, D.Maghini, P.Guaschi, C.B.Azioni, Quaderni del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Università di Pavia, “Ricerche sulla ex-Chiesa di San Felice in Pavia, Quaderno 1 (2003) , pp. 101-115.
Datazione con Termoluminescenza di laterizi dalla chiesa di S. Felice a Pavia. C.B.Azzoni, F.C. Rossella, E.Sibilia, Quaderni del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Università di Pavia, “Ricerche sulla ex-Chiesa di San Felice in Pavia, Quaderno 1 (2003) , pp. 117-123.
Forbidden Raman Scattering in Pure and Doped Lithium Niobate. E. Giulotto, R. De Contardi, F. C. Rossella, V. Bermudez, OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Vol. 87, Photorefractive effects, materials and devices, P .Delaye et al. Eds. (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 2003), pp. 90-95.
- Massimiliano Bellomo
“Implementation and Performance of the Event Filter Muon Selection for the ATLAS experiment at LHC”
Ventura, A; Armstrong, S; Assamagan, Ketevi A; Baines, J T M; Bee, C P; Bellomo, M; Biglietti, M; Bogaerts, J A C (CERN) ; Boisvert, V; Bosman, M; Carlino, G; Caron, B; Casado, M P; Cataldi, G; Cavalli, D; Cervetto, M; Comune, G; Conde-Muino, P; Conventi, F; De Santo, A; De Seixas, J M; Díaz-Gómez, M; Di Mattia, A; Dos Anjos, A; Dosil, M; Ellis, Nicolas; Emeliyanov, D; Epp, B; Falciano, S; Farilla, A; George, S; Ghete, V M; González, S; Grothe, M; Kabana, S; Khomich, A; Kilvington, G; Konstantinidis, N P; Kootzw, A; Lowe, A; Luminari, L; Maeno, T; Masik, J; Meessen, C; Mello, A G; Merino, G; Moore, R; Morettini, P; Negri, A; Nikitin, N V; Nisati, A; Padilla, C; Panikashvili, N; Parodi, F; Pérez-Réale, V (Univ Bern) ; Pinfold, J L; Pinto, P; Primavera, M; Qian, Z; Resconi, S; Rosati, S; Sánchez, C; Santamarina, C; Scannicchio, D A; Schiavi, C; Segura, E; Sivoklokov, S Yu; Soluk, R A; Stefanidis, E; Sushkov, S; Sutton, M; Tapprogge, Stefan; Thomas, E; Touchard, F; Venda-Pinto, B; Vercesi, V; Werner, P.
2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, 16-22 Oct 2004; ATL-DAQ-CONF-2005-008; ATL-COM-DAQ-2005-005, ATLAS Note (2005).
“Muon Event Filter Software for the ATLAS Experiment at LHC”
Biglietti, M; Armstrong, S; Assamagan, Ketevi A; Baines, J T M; Bee, C P; Bellomo, M; Bogaerts, J A C (CERN) ; Boisvert, V; Bosman, M; Caron, B; Casado, M P; Cataldi, G; Cavalli, D; Cervetto, M; Comune, G; Conde, P; Conde-Muino, P; De Santo, A; De Seixas, J M; Di Mattia, A; Dos Anjos, A; Dosil, M; Díaz-Gómez, M; Ellis, Nicolas; Emeliyanov, D; Epp, B; Falciano, S; Farilla, A; George, S; Ghete, V M; González, S; Grothe, M; Kabana, S; Khomich, A; Kilvington, G; Konstantinidis, N P; Kootz, A; Lowe, A; Luminari, L; Maeno, T; Masik, J; Meessen, C; Mello, A G; Merino, G; Moore, R; Morettini, P; Negri, A; Nikitin, N V; Nisati, A; Padilla, C; Panikashvili, N; Parodi, F; Pinfold, J L; Pinto, P; Primavera, M; Pérez-Réale, V (Univ Bern) ; Qian, Z; Resconi, S; Rosati, S; Santamarina, C; Scannicchio, D A; Schiavi, C; Segura, E; Sivoklokov, S Yu; Soluk, R A; Stefanidis, E; Sushkov, S; Sutton, M; Sánchez, C; Tapprogge, Stefan; Thomas, E; Touchard, F; Venda-Pinto, B; Ventura, A; Vercesi, V; Werner, P; Wheeler, S; Wickens, F J; Wiedenmann, W; Wielers, M; Zobernig, G.
Computing in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 2004 CHEP 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, 27 Sep - 01 Oct 2004; ATL-DAQ-CONF-2005-008; ATL-COM-DAQ-2005-005; ATLAS Note (2006).
“The ATLAS Data Acquisition and High-Level Trigger: Concept, Design and Status”
B. Gorini, M. Abolins, G. Comune, Y. Ermoline, R. Hauser, B. Pope, I. Alexandrov, V. Kotov, M. Mineev, A. Amorim, N. Barros, L. Vaz Gil Lopes, I. Aracena, H.P. Beck, S. Gadomski, C. Haeberli, S. Kabana, V. Perez-Reale, K. Pretzl, E. Thomas, S. Armstrong, K. Cranmer, D. Damazio, M. Le Vine, T. Maeno, E. Badescu, M. Caprini, C. Caramarcu, J. Baines, D. Emeliyanov, J. Kirk, V. Perera, F. Wickens, M. Wielers, C. Bee, C. Meessen, F. Touchard,
M. Bellomo, R. Ferrari, G. Gaudio, A. Negri, D. A. Scannicchio, W. Vandelli, V. Vercesi,
M. Biglietti, G. Carlino, F. Conventi, M. Della Pietra, R. Blair, J. Dawson, G. Drake, W. Haberichter, J. Schlereth, J.A. Bogaerts, D. Burckhart-Chromek, M. Ciobotaru, P. Conde-Muino, A. Corso-Radu,R. Dobinson, M. Dobson, N. Ellis, E. Ertorer, D. Francis, S. Gameiro, S. Haas, J. Haller, A. Hoecker, M. Joos, A. Kazarov, L. Leahu, M. Leahu, G. Lehmann Miotto, L. Mapelli, B. Martin, J. Masik, R. McLaren, C. Meirosu, G. Mornacchi, R. Garcia Murillo, C. Padilla, T. Pauly,
J. Petersen, M. de Albuquerqu Portes, D. Prigent, C. Santamarina, J. Sloper, I. Soloviev,
R. Spiwoks, S. Stancu, Z. Tarem, L. Tremblet, N.G. Unel, P. Werner, M. Wiesmann,
T. Bold, M. Bosman, P. Casado, H. Garitaonandia, C. Osuna, E. Sole Segura, S. Sushkov,
B. Caron, R. Moore, J. Pinfold, R. Soluk, G.Cataldi, E. Gorini, M. Primavera, S. Spagnolo, A. Ventura, R. Cranfield , G. Crone, N. Konstantinidis, M. Sutton, A. De Santo, S. George, R. Goncalo, B. Green, G. Kilvington, A. Lowe, T. McMahon, A. Misiejuk, J. Strong, P. Teixeira-Dias, T. Del Prete, A. Dotti, C. Roda, G. Usai, M. Diaz-Gomaz, O. Gaumer, X. Wu, A. Di Mattia, S. Falciano, L. Luminari, F. Marzano, A. Nisati, E. Pasqualucci, A. Sidoti,A. Dos Anjos, W. Wiedenmann, H. Zobernig, M.L. Ferrer, K. Kordas, W. Liu, A. Gesualdi Mello, M. Seixas, R. Torres, H. Hadavand, Department of Physics, J. Hansen, S. Hillier, A. Watson, E. Woehrling, R. Hughes-Jones, T. Wengler, A. Khomich, A. Kugel, R. Männer, M. Müller, M. Yu, G. Kieft, S. Klous, J. Vermeulen, T. Kohno, S. Kolos, A. Lankford, S. Wheeler, A.Kootz, K. Korcyl, T. Szymocha, M. Landon, P. Morettini, F. Parodi, C. Schiavi, Y. Nagasaka,
N. Panikashvili, S. Tarem, C. Potter, P. Rheaum, S. Robertson, B. Vachon, A. Warburton, Y. Ryabov,
D. Salvatore, F. Zema, I. Scholtes, S. Sivoklokov, R. Stamen, S. Tapprogge, J. Van Wasen,E. Stefanidis, H. von der Schmitt, Y. Yasu.
Computing In High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 2006, Mumbai, India, 13-17 Feb 2006;
ATL-DAQ-CONF-2006-016; ATL-COM-DAQ-2006-030, ATLAS Note, (2006).
“The ATLAS Trigger Muon Vertical Slice”
A. Sidoti, M. Bellomo, M. Biglietti, G. Carlino, G. Cataldi, F. Conventi, T. Del Prete, A. Di Mattia, S. Falciano, E. Gorini, N. Kanaya, T. Kohno, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Lagouri, C. Luci, L. Luminari, F. Marzano, K. Nagano, A. Nisati, N. Panikashvili, E. Pasqualucci, M. Primavera, D. A. Scannicchio, A. Sidoti, S. Spagnolo, S. Tarem, Z. Tarem, K. Tokushuku, G. Usai, A. Ventura, V. Vercesi, Y. Yamazaki.
Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors: Frontier Detectors For Frontier Physics Pisameeting, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27 May 2006;
ATL-DAQ-CONF-2006-013; ATLAS Note (2006).
“Implementation and performance of the third level muon trigger of the ATLAS experiment at LHC”
S. Armstrong, K. A. Assamagan, J. T. M. Baines, C. P. Bee, M. Bellomo, M. Biglietti, J. A. Bogaerts, V. Boisvert, M. Bosman, G. Carlino, B. Caron, P. Casado, G. Cataldi, D. Cavalli, M. Cervetto, G. Comune, P. Conde Muino, F. Conventi, A. De Santo, J. M. de Seixas, M. Diaz Gomez, A. Di Mattia, A. dos Anjos, M. Dosil, N. Ellis, D. Emelyanov, B. Epp S. Falciano, A. Farilla, S. George, V. Ghete, S. Gonzalez, M. Grothe, S. Kabana, A. Khomich, G. Kilvington, N. Konstantinidis, A. Kootz, A. Lowe, L. Luminari, T. Maeno, J. Masik, C. Meessen, A. G. Mello, G. Merino, R. Moore, P. Morettini, A. Negri, N. Nikitin, A. Nisati, C. Padilla, N. Panikashvili, F. Parodi, V. Perez-Reale, J. L. Pinfold, P. Pinto, M. Primavera, Z. Qian, S. Resconi, S. Rosati, C. Sanchez, C. Santamarina, D. A. Scannicchio, C. Schiavi, E. Segura, S. Sivoklokov, R. Soluk, E. Stefanidis, S. Sushkov, M. Sutton, S. Tapprogge, E. Thomas, F. Touchard, B. Venda Pinto, A. Ventura, V. Vercesi, P. Werner, S. Wheeler, F. J. Wickens, W. Wiedenmann, M. Wielers, H. Zobernig.
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53:500-505, (2006).