Quiz 1RES 133 Energy Efficient Design & Development
Instructor: Cate O’dahlNorth Seattle Community College
Summer Lab 2015
Student Name ______
Number of Questions / Type of Questions / Point Value / Total Points Possible5 / True/False / 3 points each / 15 points total
15 / Fill-in the Blank/Short Answer / 3 points each / 45 points total
5 / Multiple Choice / 3 points each / 15 points total
Total Point Value
/ 75 points totalTrue or False
Three (3) points for each correct answer
Answer / Pts1 / Conservation efforts can help utilities avoid having to purchase additional energy on the spot market. / 3 pts
2 / Net Zero Energy Homes do not use any utility-generated electricity. / 3 pts
3 / Peak Oil refers to the amount of oil at the peak of the oil well. / 3 pts
4 / In simple economic terms, when oil production plateaus or maxes out, supplies will no longer be able to satisfy ever-increasing demand. Unless demand can be tempered, prices will skyrocket. / 3 pts
5 / Energy conservation can align energy production and consumption, averting or tempering inflationary pressure while protecting the economy. / 3 pts
Fill-In the Blank/Short Answer
Three (3) points possible for each question. If multiple answers are requested, all of the question must be answered to receive full credit.Partial credit will be applied for each correct answerof multiple answers.
Answer / Pts1 / Americans constitute less than ______% of the ______population, but consume ____ % of the world’s oil. / 1 pt each
2 / What is the greatest renewable energy resource? / 3 pts
3 / China is set to overtake the USA in energy consumption by the year ______. / 3 pts
4 / According to Scientific American’s Powering a Green Planet website video, there are several potential outcomes as a result of climate change. List two (2) potential outcomes resulting from climate change. / 1.5 pts each
5 / Since electricity is more efficient than internal combustion, the authors of Powering a Green Planet believe we can reduce world-wide energy consumption from present day levels by the year ______using ______, water, and sun. / 1.5 pts each
6 / According to US Energy Information Administration, US Energy Consumption can be divided into three (3) major sectors that provide opportunities for energy efficiency. What are the three sectors mentioned? / 1.
3. / 1 pt each
7 / Good solar exposure means that the south-facing wall, preferably the longest wall of the building, needs to be exposed to the sun from ____ a.m.
to _____ p.m. and not shaded by neighboring buildings, privacy fencing, ______trees, or anything else. / 1.
3. / 1 pt each
8 / Each kWh of electricity from a coal-fired power plant results in the production of ____ pounds of CO2 / 3 pts
9 / If a 25-watt CFL is on for 24 hours/day for a year, it will use ______kWh, compared to a 100-watt incandescent that will use _____ kWh. / 1.
2. / 1.5 pts each
10 / List and briefly describe one new fuel or new technology that can help us break our dependence on fossil fuels. / 3 pts
11 / List the three cargo freight transport options discussed in order of decreasing efficiency (most efficient first). ______/ 1.
3. / 1 pt each
12 / List three components of passive solar / 1.
3. / 1 pt each
13 / One component of passive solar design is placing ______trees on the south side of the building. / 3 pts
14 / One of the most important aspects of passive solar design is ______/ 3 pts
15 / List six (6) benefits of energy conservation / 1.
6. / 0.5 pts each
Multiple Choice
Three (3) points for each correct answer
: / Answer / Pts1 / Regional solutions to transportation include
A) Federal loans for consumers who use HOVs (High Occupancy Vehicles)
B) Light rail, smart grid, and electric charging stations
C) Adding lanes to highways and increasing toll roads
D) Replacing cars with camels / 3 pts
2 / Grayfield developments refer to
A) Revitalizing abandoned strip malls into mixed use or planned communities
B) Converting parking lots to pervious pavement
C) Painting grass grey to deflect solar heat gain
D) None of the above / 3 pts
3 / Oil provides what amount of current US energy needs:
D)40-50% / 3 pts
4 / In the Pacific NW, the greatest use of energy in a home is for
A) Lighting
B) Electronics
C) Space Heating
D) Water Heating / 3 pts
5 / About ¼ of the oil produced is used to heat homes, what other uses are there for oil:
A)gasoline, lubricants
B)plastics, pesticides and medicines
C)clothing, furniture, window coverings, and credit cards
D)All of the above. / 3 pts
Version: 2015-Summer; last updated: 7/7/15Page 1