UKTI Ref:11/0487

Your Ref:

5 May 2011

Dear Mr Farnet

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 2 April 2011.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’), you have the right to:

  • know whether we hold the information you have requested and;
  • be provided with that information (subject to any exemptions under the Act which may apply).

For information, UKTI is a non-ministerial government department. We have some 2,300 people who work on behalf of UKTI in 96 different countries and 160 locations, of which 1,300 are based overseas, and 1,000 across the UKsome of whom are private sector based delivery partners. Our aims include assisting over 23,000 UKbusinesses to trade overseas, and to attract over 750 inward investment projects to the UK. Whilst we normally hold information centrally and at aggregate level, we hold details at the level requested locally.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on all travel for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff?

The total amount spent on the Departmental travel contracts (for Air, Rail and Hotels) is as follows:

2008/2009 - £2,441,452

2009/2010 - £2,474,156

2010/2011 - £1,911,966

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on air travel for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff? Additionally, how much of these amounts was Charter, 1st Class, Business Class or Standard Class split by UK vs. International.

The amounts spent on the Departmental air contract are as follows:

UK EconomyInternational Economy

2008/2009 - £86,4142008/2009 - £180,803

2009/2010 - £91,5822009/2010 - £238,169

2010/2011 - £74,6012010/2011 - £340,437

UK Business ClassInternational Business Class

2008/2009 - £19,8612008/2009 - £1,544,184

2009/2010 - £25,1732009/2010 - £1,562,952

2010/2011 - £1,0552010/2011 - £979,124

UK First ClassInternational First Class

2008/2009 - £02008/2009 - £0

2009/2010 - £02009/2010 - £0

2010/2011 - £02010/2011 - £0

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on airport VIP assistance and lounges for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff split by UK vs. International.

The Department does not have an individual accounting code for this type of expenditure so unfortunately details cannot be supplied.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on rail travel for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff? Additionally, how much of these amounts was 1st Class and how much was Standard Class.

The amounts spent on the Departmental rail contract are as follows:

First ClassStandard Class

2008/2009 - £85,4962008/2009 - £83,971

2009/2010 - £112,3252009/2010 - £114,812

2010/2011 - £13,8102010/2011 - £150,388

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on taxi travel for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff?

The following amounts have been claimed by staff for taxi travel:

2008/2009 - £125,665

2009/2010 - £118,363

2010/2011 - £66,941

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on chauffeured vehicles for Royalty, Ministers, and Directors.

Unfortunately, the Department does not have an individual accounting code for this type of expenditure so details cannot be supplied.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on reimbursing car mileage for Ministers, Directors and Staff?

The following amounts have been claimed by staff for reimbursement of car mileage:

2008/2009 - £72,321

2009/2010 - £64,049

2010/2011 - £56,796

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on renting vehicles for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff?

The following amounts have been spent on the centrally raised Departmental car hire and lease car contracts:

2008/2009 - £12,635

2009/2010 - £21,794

2010/2011 - £30,490

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on hotel accommodation for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff spilt by UK vs. International.

The following amounts have been spent on the Departmental hotel accommodation contract:

Hotels UKHotels International

2008/2009 - £422,4452008/2009 - £18,277

2009/2010 - £303,3172009/2010 - £25,826

2010/2011 - £302,0072010/2011 - £50,544

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. In each of the financial years 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011 how much has the Department spent on subsistence for Royalty, Ministers, Directors and Staff?

The following amounts have been paid to staff in relation to claims for subsistence:

2008/2009 - £188,883

2009/2010 - £177,416

2010/2011 - £109,059

I regret that we cannot provide all the information you requested as the effort to administer your full request would exceed the limit prescribed by Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. This is £600, which represents the estimated cost of spending 24 hours in determining whether the Department hold the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Above this we are not obliged to comply with a request.

However if you were able to revise your request you might wish to consider limiting the scope of your request, e.g. the volume of information and/or the number of financial year’s information you require. This may help you revise your request within the cost threshold. Although we are happy to consider any request further, there is no guarantee that we will be able to comply.

  1. Please can you provide a copy of the Department’s travel and subsistence policy/procedures manual?

UKTI follows BIS travel and subsistence procedures (attached).

In response to requests for information about payments to Royalty, UKTI pays certain expenses, including accommodation and in-country travel costs (not air travel) for certain official overseas visits undertaken by HRH The Duke of York in his role as the UK Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, and associated expenses for his supporting staff. These overseas visits are undertaken in agreement with UKTI and in support of, UKTI objectives.

Air travel to and from countries and in-country, is paid for by The Royal Travel Office. Further information can be obtained from The Grant-in-aid for Royal Travel by Air and Rail Annual Report that forms part of the Royal Public Finances annual report. Details can be found on the British Monarchy website:

UKTI also supports a number of UK-based activities such as dinners and receptions that The Duke hosts. These activities complement and follow up overseas visits and meetings that The Duke has undertaken in support of UKTI’s objectives.

Costs for overseas visits and UK-based activities undertaken during financial years 2008/09 and 2009/10 are available on the UKTI website: Under section 21of the Freedom of Information Act we are not obliged to provide information that is readily available from other sources.

Comparable figures covering expenditure paid from UKTI budgets for overseas visits and associated UK-based activities undertaken during financial year 2010/11 will be available on the UKTI website following the publication of UKTI’s audited accounts for the year ending March 2011. As this information is intended for publication at a future date, it is currently withheld under Section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Appeals Procedure

If you are unhappy with the result of your request for information, you may request an internal review within two calendar months of the date of this email. If you wish to request an internal review, please contact me.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioners Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Yours sincerely

S Dooley

Management Accountant


1 Victoria Street
