CLTA Form 100 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or future violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral development.
CLTA Form 100.1 / Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or future violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral development.
CLTA Form 100.2
ALTA Form 9 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or future violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral development.
CLTA Form 100.4 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violation of identified provisions of CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.5 / Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violations of identified covenants of CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.6 / Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or future violations of identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.7 / Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violations of specific provisions of identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.8 / Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of enforcement of specific provisions of identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.9
ALTA Form 9.1 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Owner’s Policy on unimproved land. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral development.
CLTA Form 100.10
ALTA Form 9.2 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Owner’s Policy on improved land. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral development.
CLTA Form 100.12 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the enforceability of reverter rights contained in CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.13 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of any lien for assessments made pursuant to identified CC&R's over the lien of the insured mortgage.
CLTA Form 100.17 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss in the event identified CC&R's have not been properly modified.
CLTA Form 100.18 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise or attempted exercise reverter rights contained in identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.19 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violations of identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.20 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the enforcement or attempted enforcement of identified CC&R's based upon present violations.
CLTA Form 100.21 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss in the event plans and specifications have not been approved as required by identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.23 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise of surface rights for the extraction or development of minerals leased under identified oil and gas lease.
CLTA Form 100.24 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss in the event lessee under identified lease has a right to enter upon or use the surface of the land.
CLTA Form 100.25 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violation of identified CC&R's occasioned by subsurface oil drilling operations.
CLTA Form 100.26 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage to proposed or completed improvements under a FHA Project resulting from the exercise of surface or sub-surface rights for the extraction or development of minerals excepted from the description of the land.
CLTA Form 100.27 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the invalidity of the lien of the insured mortgage or the marketability of title following foreclosure occasioned by present violations of identified CC&R's.
CLTA Form 100.28 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of a final judgment enforcing specific provisions of identified CC&R's based upon present or future violations.
CLTA Form 100.29 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage to existing improvements resulting from the exercise of surface rights for the extraction or development of minerals excepted from the description of the land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B.
CLTA Form 101 / Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the lack of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over mechanics liens.
CLTA Form 101.1 / Intended for issuance with owner’s policies. Provides insurance against loss due to mechanics liens arising from work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion.
CLTA Form 101.2 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion over the lien of the insured mortgage.
CLTA Form 101.3 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at date of policy over the lien of the insured mortgage.
CLTA Form 101.4 / Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at date of policy.
CLTA Form 101.5 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Sets forth information with respect to recording of a notice of completion and provides insurance against loss with respect to recorded mechanics liens except as stated in the endorsement. Liability limited to amount set forth in endorsement.
CLTA Form 101.6 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Sets forth information with respect to recording of a notice of completion and provides insurance against loss with respect to recorded mechanics liens except as stated in the endorsement.
CLTA Form 101.8 / Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of mechanics liens over the lien of the insured mortgage arising out of work of improvement which is to be paid for in whole or in part from the proceeds of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage.
CLTA Form 101.9 / Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion with respect to land referred to therein. Liability limited to the amount set forth in endorsement.
CLTA Form 101.10 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of mechanics liens over the lien of the insured mortgage arising out of work of improvement referred to in an identified Notice of Completion with respect to the land referred to therein. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement.
CLTA Form 101.11 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of mechanics liens over the lien of the insured mortgage arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at Date of Policy on specifically described land. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement.
CLTA Form 101.12 / Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at Date of Policy with respect to specifically described property. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement.
CLTA Form 101.13 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics liens arising out of a work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion.
CLTA Form 102.4 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundations of the structure under construction at date of endorsement are within the boundary lines of the land and do not violate the CC&R's referred to in Schedule B.
CLTA Form 102.5 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundation of the structure under construction at date of endorsement are within the boundary lines of the land, do not violate the CC&R's and do not encroach upon easements referred to in Schedule B.
CLTA Form 102.6 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundations of the structure under construction at date of endorsement on an identified portion of the land are within the boundaries of identified portion of said land and do not violate the CC&R's referred to in Schedule D. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in the endorsement.
CLTA Form 102.7 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundation of the structure under construction on identified portion of the land are within the boundaries of the said identified portion of said land, do not violate the CC&R's referred to in Schedule B or encroach upon the easements referred to in Schedule B. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement.
CLTA Form 103.1 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise of the right of use or maintenance of an identified easement.
CLTA Form 103.3 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the enforced removal of improvements on the land which encroach upon an identified easement.
CLTA Form 103.4 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure of an easement described in Schedule A to provide ingress and egress to a designated street.
CLTA Form 103.5 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Owners or Loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage to existing improvements resulting from the exercise of surface rights for the extraction or development of water excepted from the description of the land or shown as reservation in Schedule B.
CLTA Form 103.6 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss in the event that any of the improvements located on the land encroach upon an identified easement.
CLTA Form 103.7 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure of the land to abut an identified physically opened street.
CLTA Form 103.8 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage to improvements constructed or to be constructed in accordance with identified FHA Project resulting from the exercise of the right to use the surface of said land for the extraction or development of water excepted from the description of said land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B.
CLTA Form 103.9 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the enforced removal of improvements constructed in accordance with identified plans which encroach upon an identified street.
CLTA Form 103.10 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise of the right of surface entry by the owner of land lying below the surface.
CLTA Form 103.11
ALTA Form 17 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. This endorsement provides much greater access coverage than that provided by any ALTA policy. This form provides coverage for loss if the insured doesn't have both actual vehicular and pedestrian access to and from a specifically identified street or road and if the street is not physically open and publicly maintained.
CLTA Form 103.12
ALTA Form 17.1 / Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. This endorsement is similar to Form 17, but insures access over an easement. This form provides coverage for loss if an insured easement does not provide both actual vehicular and pedestrian access to and from a specifically identified street or road and if the street is not physically open and publicly maintained.
CLTA Form 104 / Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage to a lender relating to the validity of an assignment of the insured mortgage, the existence of tax or assessment liens or other matters affecting the validity or priority of the lien of the insured mortgage and the existence of U.S. Tax Liens or bankruptcy proceedings affecting title to the estate or interest covered by the policy.
CLTA Form 104A / Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides the same assurances and insurance as CLTA Form 104.
CLTA Form 104.1 / Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure of an identified assignment to transfer the beneficial interest in the insured mortgage or the existence of any recorded reconveyances, modifications or subordinations thereof.