13 April 2004

The regular meeting of the Golden Township Board was called to order by chairman Walsworth at 7:33 p.m. The pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Present, Walsworth, Cargill, Wiegand, Fuehring & Kolosci.

The minutes of the last meeting were read motion by Fuehring support by Cargill to approve, all yes motion approved. Treasurers report read motion to approve Kolosci support by Wiegand, all yes motion approved.

Motion by Fuehring, support by Wiegand to approve Kolosci to attend the MTA countdown to election conference June 10 in Cadillac. Fuehring yes, Wiegand yes Walsworth yes, Kolosci yes.

A letter from Mrs. Brown was read regarding theHarrison rd. end and steps to beach grant. The clerk was instructed to send a letter to Mrs. Brown to tell her the board plans to apply for another grant even with the opposition from some.

Also read were letters from Mrs. Hedinger, the health dept. and the library.

The Zoning report was given by Zoning Administrator Jake Whepley.

Progress on the Zoning ordinance and Master plan were discussed.

The Chapa property clean was discussed and Whepley informed the board that Langlois had purchased the property and clean had begun.

Whepley suggested to the board that a resolution be passed to place GoldenTownship on the list for future grants thru WMSRC.

Whepley also reported that he had received (2) complaints about the GilLake property regarding the junk ordinance. Mr. Lake denied the allegations and said it would be impossible for him to comply.

Motion by Cargill support by Wiegand to accept the following resolution:

WHEREAS, GoldenTownship currently and actively supports and participates in the economic development district activities of the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC);

WHEREAS, GoldenTownship has identified a number of economic development projects that will improve our community;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Golden Towship requests that our economic development projects be included in the 2004 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Annual report of the WMSRDC; and that it is our intention to utilize this CEDS to fulfill the planning requirements of the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration. All yes, resolution adopted.

Motion by Cargill, Support by Wiegand to have the administrator Jake Whepley pursue the Lake violation and turn it in to the county, All yes, motion approved.

LemakLand division 64-006-036-300-01 Motion to approve Cargill, Support Wiegand. All yes, Motion approved.

Marciniak Land Division 64-006-009-100-06 Motion to approve Cargill, Support Fuehring, All yes, Motion approved.

Suman Land Division 64-006-022-100-04 Motion to approve Wiegand, Support Fuehring. All yes, Motion approved.

The Township steps project was discussed Walsworth will look into easement and Cargill will talk with the Building inspector.

Chairman Walsworth ask for a volunteer to look into purchasing a sign for Johnson square. Cargill said she would speak Danny Morat and see if they could come up with an idea.

Motion by Cargill, Support by Fuehring to the Oceana county Sheriffs Department patrol supplement up to $5,000.00 for the 2004 summer season. Fuehring yes, Wiegand yes, Cargill yes, Walsworth yes, Kolosci yes. Motion approved.

Motion to accept a Financial institution resolution moved by Fuehring support by Wiegand to designate the following financial institutions for the deposit and investment of GoldenTownship funds to be utilized at the discretion of the Golden Township Treasurer during the fiscal year 200-2005. West Shore Bank, Shelby State Bank, Fifth Third Bank and Huntington Bank. Fuehring yes, Wiegand Yes, Cargill yes, Walsworth yes, Kolosci yes.

Motion by Wiegand Support by Cargill that the Golden Township Board will hold its regular board meetings for 2004, every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Township Hall, Mears, Mi. All yes, Motion approved.

Motion by Fuehring, support by Walsworth to approve the 2004 Aerial Photos project thru Equalization with Cargill looking into the cost of higher resolution and to have the final say with board approval. All yes, Motion approved.

Motion by Wiegand, support by Cargill to approve the July 2nd. Fireworks display by the Silver Lake Sand Dunes Area Chamber. All yes, Motion Approved.

Bob Henry from the Silver Lake Sand Dunes Area Chamber told of the Apple festival the chamber would like to host. They would like to place a banner over Hazel rd and SilverLake rd.

Motion by Cargill, Support by Fuehring to approve a 25’x 2” banner to be placed over Hazel rd and SilverLake rd. between the dates of May 24th and September 20th. All yes Motion approved. Kolosci will fill out the application and return it to the road commission.

Resolution of support for Harrison Rd Lake access project.

See attached.

The Chamber then ask that the Township board purchase new directional signs for Silver Lake including their logo cost per sign $104.00 with 4 signs to be purchased totaling $416.00 to be placed by the road commission with the townships approval.

Motion to by Fuehring, support by Cargill that $416.00 be taken from the road fund to purchase 4 new directional signs to be placed by the road commission at the designated locations to be determined by the Chamber. Cargill yes, Fuehring yes, Wiegand yes, Walsworth yes, Kolosci yes.

Kolosci will send a letter and include the motion.

Motion by Fuehring, Support by Cargill to switch from Swihart Port-a-potties to all Seasons. All yes, motion carried.

Don Snyder addressed the board regarding the noise from the Sand dragway. He formally requested that the GoldenTownship board follow its own noise ordinance and be done at 11:00 p.m.. He and neighbors also stated they have a problem with the P.A. system, and the camping.

Kolosci was instructed to send a letter to Mr. Phaff informing him of the complaints and asking him to please attend the next general meeting on May 11 to address the problem.

Road bids on the “Snake trail’ were discussed, it was felt that the bids were all more than the township was willing to spend, the project has been abandoned.

Clean up of the dumping along the “snake trail” was an issue and the cost of different ideas will be looked into for clean up.

Starting a Clean up day was discussed Whepley said he would speak with Tim Tariske about the costs.

Motion by Fuehring, support by Wiegand to pay the following bills, Walsworth yes, Cargill yes, Fuehring yes, Wiegand yes, Kolosci yes. Motion approved.

10667CARL FUEHRING$161.61

10668CARL WIEGAND$115.69

10669CONNIE CARGILL$1405.41

10670DEAN BERENS$214.66


10672FLOYD WHEPLEY$1052.62

10673HELEN LEFLER$118.59

10674LAURA KOLOSCI$1102.62

10675WILLIAM ENSIGN$209.86


10645PAMELA WALKER$2350.00


10666TED BEATTIE$50.00


10648FREMONT COOP$97.39



10651LARSON & SON$20.97






10657STS COMPUTERS$99.99



10660HART FIRE DEPT.$15320.75








10678TERRY WIEGAND$50.00

10679AVERY WILSON$50.00

10680BILL KOLENDA$50.00

10681LEO TERRYN$50.00


Motion to adjourn by Cargill Support by Fuehring, all yes motion approved.

Meeting adjourned 9:20 p.m.

Respectively submitted by:

Laurie Kolosci Clerk