Leadership: Proficiency Area5: Learning Environment

60Points per Certificate



General Objective

The purpose of this component is to provide training opportunities:
Effective school leaders structure and monitor a school learning environment that improves learning
for all of Florida’s diverse student population.

Specific Objectives

Upon completion of this component, participants will be able to:

  1. The leader maintains a safe, respectful and inclusive student-centered learning environment
that is focused on equitable opportunities for learning and building a foundation for a
fulfilling life in a democratic society and global economy by providing recurring
monitoring and feedback on the quality of the learning environment and aligning
learning environment practices with system objectives, improvement planning,
faculty proficiency needs, and appropriate instructional goals.
  1. The leader initiates and supports continuous improvement processes and a
multi-tiered system of supports focused on the students’ opportunities
for success and well-being.
  1. To align diversity practices with system objectives, improvement planning,
faculty proficiency needs, and appropriate instructional goals, the leader
recognizes and uses diversity as an asset in the development and implementation
of procedures and practices that motivate all students and improve student learning,
and promotes school and classroom practices that validate and value similarities
and differences among students.
  1. The leader engages faculty in recognizing and understanding cultural and
developmental issues related to student learning by identifying and addressing
strategies to minimize and/or eliminate achievement gaps associated with
student subgroups within the school.

Description of Activities

The Department of Education, district, and area consortium partnerships sponsor a variety of face to face and online learning workshops or conferences throughout the year on selected leadership topics correlated to the Standards for School Leaders. The sessions are advertised through the year and are conducted by qualified personnel. This component will make it possible for administrators to receive inservice credits for participation in one or more inservice events cumulative to a maximum of 60 hours. The objectives, course content, etc. will be determined by the DOE, district and area consortium partners.

Evaluation of Participants

Evaluation of the specific objectives will be determined by the session leader or designee through analysis of student performance data affected by training activities, portfolios maintained by the training participant, documented observation, rubrics developed for special area curriculum, teacher-provided test results/grade books, or curriculum alignment data.

Evaluation of Activity

An online evaluation for this activity will be conducted through the Santa Rosa Professional Growth System.