46 Schoolhouse Rd.
Brinnon, WA 98320
August 19, 2014 - 4:00 p.m.
Brinnon School Library
Attendance: Joe Baisch, Bill Barnet, Sue Bettinger, Superintendent Wally Lis, Tim Murray, Jerry Ralston
- BSD Mission Statement – Theschool’s Mission Statement was reviewed: The mission of the Brinnon School District is to provide all students opportunities to learn and grow. The primary goal for our students is that they become life-long learners who are self-disciplined and take maximum advantage of their educational opportunities. To achieve this goal we believe that students, parents and school staff must all work together to help students achieve self-discipline.
- Guiding Principles – The school’s Guiding Principles were reviewed:
A.To provide a curriculum that stresses continual learning and refinement of the basic educational programs. A curriculum that builds on the basics while enhancing technology skills will be utilized.
B.To provide a curriculum and atmosphere which accepts individual learning needs and differences, enhances curiosity and creativity, and encourages the highest possible academic success for each student.
C.To provide a safe, disruption-free learning environment.
D.To encourage students to share with staff the responsibility for maintaining a positive and effective school environment.
E.To encourage parental and community involvement in the genuine academic achievement of our students.
- Sue Bettinger – Technology Status
Sue presented a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the accomplishments in the area of technology over the previous school year. Some of the accomplishments included:
Acquiring wireless broadband, greatly increasing internet speed within the building
Upgraded classrooms with additional outlets and internet drops
Replaced 2003 server
4 Security cameras installed focused on entry ways for improved security
IPads for all teachers
Sue also outlined recommendations for the future including:
Purchasing additional IPads for students
Purchasing additional security cameras (our system is capable of using 8 cameras)
Continued improvement of classroom computers
Replacing UPS battery in server room
Replace aging switches in the server room with newer POE switches
Recommend installing another access point in the SPED portable which has the weakest signal
- Tim Murray – Building/Maintenance Status
Tim presented an overview of the current status of the building maintenance issues. Highlights included:
School floors still consist of tiles containing asbestos. Keeping the floors waxed is recommended and currently being done, but the issue should be addressed.
School Kitchen – There is a very nice grill still in storage in the bus barn. The kitchen needs to be upgraded. Discussion about receiving funding from FD so that the school can be a viable place for the community to gather in the event of an emergency.
Playground Equipment – As a result of the audit, the swings, slide and log roll have all been removed. The PTO may look into purchasing a new swing set.
Discussion was held about replacing the heating/cooling units in the portables and improving the lighting in the hallways.
Decided priorities discussed were the heater in the SPED portable and floors.
- Gay Corey – Education Status (presented by Superintendent Wally Lis)
Superintendent Lis presented highlights of the 2013-2014 school year professional development and collaboration topics and activities of the teachers that Gay Corey put together. Highlights included:
100% transition to Common Core standards as well as researching and creating Common Core resources
Focus on math standards and practices
Using SKYWARD for standards based report cards in grades K-5 and created middle school report cards – middle school students and families have online access to online grade book
Data analysis from formative assessments and MSP assessments
Collaborated with SPED department ensuring all students are working toward grade level standards and behaviors
Signed up staff for Smarter Balance library to prepare for next year.
- Memorial
Discussion was held about some kind of memorial for Ruby. Ideas included naming playground after her, a piece of equipment, doing a fundraiser or auction to raise money for her scholarship.
- Goals 2013-2014 Revisited and VIII. Goals 2014-2015
Discussion included trying to increase the number of volunteers and mentors, having articles in the Bugle and Crier answering the question of “why are we here… small schools grant…”
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Barnet, Board ChairWally F. Lis, Secretary to the Board
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