Rosi Franke, Editor Tel: 618-396-2509 e-mail:



Banquet Chairman

John Gineris

618-708-8117 (cell)

618-786-2596 (home)


Mike Arnold



Shane DeSherlia

618-639-0855 (home)

618-946-4520 (cell)

Membership Secretary

Mike Devening


Correspondence Secretary

Rosi Franke


Recording Secretary

Cheri Gineris



Bob Jones

618-578-9547 (cell)

Chris Tite


Dave Geisler

Gun Raffle Chairman/Refuge Chairman


Eric Rhuede

IFOR Board Representative


Justin Wolfe

Carlyle Lake Area Projects Chairman


Don Taul

COE Chairman


Brian Arnold


Ron Ragus


Kevin Dawdy


Bo Adcock

Area Projects Chairman


Dennis Millner


Pat McCrae


John Popov (Advisor)

Bob Schneider (Advisor)

Scott Bryant (Advisor)


Monday, June 1, 2015


at 2404 E. Broadway, Alton at 6:15 pm

Monday, July 6, 2015


at 2404 E. Broadway, Alton at 6:15 pm

July 31 - August 2, 2015


at Pere Marquette State Park, Grafton, IL

Please call John Gineris for more information: 618-708-8117

Monday, August 3, 2015


at 2404 E. Broadway, Alton at 6:15 pm

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


at Alton-WoodRiver Sportsmen Club

in Godfrey, IL at 7:00 pm

Monday, September 14, 2015


at 2404 E. Broadway, Alton at 6:15 pm

The Sentry is published monthly except for December and January by Migratory Waterfowl Hunters, Inc., 2404 E. Broadway, Alton, IL, 62002. The Sentry deadline is always the second Monday of each month.

Statements and opinions expressed in the Sentry are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the views of Migratory Waterfowl Hunters, Inc. Officers, Directors, Advisors, Members or the Editor. The appearance of an ad in this newsletter does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of a product or service. We encourage our members to take note of those businesses advertising in our newsletter and shop with them when they are in the market for their product or services.

MWHI BuildsStump Lake Dog Training Area

Bob Schneider, Walter Ontis, Dave Delp, Dave Grassle Harold Medford

MWHI Advisor Bob Schneider and his crew built the above pictured dog training area at Stump Lake in early May. MWHI submitted the request for this project to IDNR-MRA Site Superintendent IDNR Kim Postlewait with the input of dog trainers to provide for a realistic dog training area for hunters and the public alike.

A Special Thank You to Bob, Dave, Walter, Dave and Harold for a Great Job Well Done!

Illinois Spring Wild Turkey Season Harvest Totals 14,999 Birds

IDNR News Release, May 15, 2015

SPRINGFIELD, IL – Hunters in Illinois harvested a preliminary statewide total of 14,999 wild turkeys during the 2015 Spring Turkey Season, including the youth seasons. The 2015 total compares with the statewide turkey harvest of 13,514 in 2014. The statewide preliminary total includes Youth Turkey Season harvest of 896 birds, compared with youth season harvest of 781 turkeys in 2014.
Spring turkey hunting was open in 100 of Illinois’ 102 counties. The 2015 seasons were April 6-May 7 in the South Zone and April 13-May 14 in the North Zone. The Youth Spring Turkey Season was March 28-29 in the South Zone and April 4-5 in the North Zone.
Turkey hunters this spring took a preliminary total of 6,387 wild turkeys during all season segments in the South Zone, a slight increase over the harvest of 6,184 last year in the south. The North Zone preliminary harvest total of 8,612 wild turkeys was considerably higher than the 2014 total of 7,330 in the north.
“Turkey hunters in the North Zone, particularly in west-central Illinois, benefitted from improved turkey reproductive success during the spring of 2014,” said IDNR Forest Wildlife Biologist Paul Shelton. “This was evident from the improved harvest numbers in those areas and a higher proportion of jakes in the harvest than we’ve seen in many years.”
The top counties for spring wild turkey harvest in the South Zone in 2015 were Jefferson (433), Pope (366), Marion (333), Union (312), and Randolph (300). The top five North Zone counties for spring turkey harvest this year were Jo Daviess (601), Fulton (401), Adams (389), Pike (341), and Macoupin (328).
PDF copy of this press release:

Corps of Engineers Projects

Don Taul Corps Chairman, May 15, 2015

Batchtown – Rip Rap work has been completed but the dredging has not due to the river conditions last fall. Dredging work is scheduled for this summer. In addition, the structure area will be drawn down to investigate the leaking air bladder in the control structure.

Ted Shanks Wildlife Management Area – This project consisted of replacing the existing 42” drain pipe with three 6’ diameter pipes with slide gates and minor levee work. The installation of the pipes and gates will provide an important management tool in regulating water levels for the area.

Major earthwork has been completed on the project. The current contract of replacing the main drainage structure at the lower end is nearly complete but may be delayed if river conditions change. Additional contracts have been awarded for exterior and interior structures and they are expected to be constructed this summer. A contract has been awarded to bring power to the site for the future pump station and is expected to be completed this year.

The final phase of the project is installing a pump station consisting of two 30,000 gallon/min pumps. The plans and specs package has been designed and under final review with funding expected at the end of the year. The pump station will be awarded as a two-year project.

Clarence Cannon – When the Ted Shanks project is complete the COE is expected to begin working on the drainage structures and interior levees in this area. This project will closely resemble the work being done on the Ted Shanks project.

Piasa Island/Eagles Nest –The mussel bed investigation is complete and the findings show no large mussel beds which would delay or compromise the project. A hydraulic model of the existing river conditions at the Piasa Area project is in the process of being built in the lab. Once complete, the model will allow the designer to experiment with different designs to achieve the desired effect.

Bolters Island - The installation of rip rap has begun but the project has not been complete due to the high river levels last year. The original project consisted of dredging out the interior slough and opening it up to the river (completed). The installation of rip rap is the final stage of construction and is expected to be completed this year.

Rip Rap – This project consists of channel excavations, pump station, control structures and the earthwork needed to better manage the area. The project costs, including land acquisitions, will be around $9 million dollars. The Project Report has been completed and the COE is awaiting a letter of support from the IDNR before it can be submitted for final approval. The COE and IDNR have a meeting on May 19th to discuss the project and the letter of support.

[Below information regarding Rip Rap copied from:


John Popov

There is an old saying: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled."

In past issues of the Sentry, I have had many commentaries on how big government will try to go around the 2nd Amendment by using our federal agencies to regulate away freedom. Just a short time ago the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) Director Todd Jones suggested that "any 5.56 round" not just the M855 version should be banned. Remember they just backed off of one attempt to ban this popular rifle round. Now many anti-gun legislators are urging the President make a regulation like this by executive fiat. (Presidential executive order). No law required! If they ban one type of ammo, they can ban them all. I can say I told you so.

Remember when I wrote about Operation Choke Point? This is the administration pressuring Banks through the Department of Justice. Operation Choke Point has listed 30 types of businesses as being 'high risk' for fraudulent and illegal activities. The 'high risk' list includes gun shops, pawn shops, coin dealers and payday lenders. The banks send a letter to the business owners saying that they can no longer provide the services and started closing their accounts. Many gun shops can be effected by this. (No law required!)

Without congressional oversight, no laws are needed for the EPA, Justice Department, BATFE, IRS and the President's executive orders.

Each and everyone's freedom depends on not sitting it out but getting involved, even a little bit helps. So stay informed, support the NRA, ISRA and any group and legislator who supports us.

If it is to be, it is up to you and me.


NRA Update on Gun Bills 1-800-392-8683

Federal Senate Office 1-202-224-3121

Federal House Offices 1-202-225-3121

Illinois State Rifle Association 1-815-635-3198

Illinois Senate Information 1-217-782-4517

Illinois House Information 1-217-782-8223

Sen. Wm. Sam McCann – 50th DistrictTel: 217-782-8206 Email:

Sen. Kyle McCarter– 54th Districted: 217-782-5755 E-mail:

Sen. Chapin Rose – 51st Districted: 217-558-1006

Sen. William R. Haine – 56th District

Tel:618-465-4764 E-mail:

Sen. James F. Clayborne – 57th District

Tel: 618-875-1212 E-mail:

Sen. David Luechtefeld – 58th District Tel: 618-243-9014 E-mail:

Sen. Gary Forby - 59th District

Tel: 217-782-5509

Rep. Dan Beiser – 111th District

Tel: 217-782-5996 E-Mail:

Rep. Natalie A. Manley – 98th District

Tel: 217-782-3316

Rep. Adam Brown – 102nd District

Tel: 217-782-8398

Rep. John D. Cavaletto – 107th District


Rep. Dwight Kay – 112 District

Tel: 618-307-9200

Rep. Jay Hoffman – 113th District

Tel: 217-782-0104

Rep. C. D. Davidsmeyer – 100th District

Tel: 217-243-6221

Rep. Mike Bost – 115th District

Tel: 618-457-5787

Rep. Dan Reitz – 116th District

Tel: 618-443-5757 E-mail:

Rep. Rodney Davis - 13th District

Tel: 202-224-3121

Rep. John Shimkus - 15th District

Tel: 618-344-3065 E-mail: house.gov/shimkus

Sen. Richard J. Durbin

Tel: 202-224-2152 E-mail:

Sen. Mark Kirk

Tel: 202-224-2854 Email: kirk.senate.gov

ISRA Thursday Bulletin - May 7, 2015


Each week I get questions about what has happened to all of the .22 long rifle ammunition. Most of the callers are looking at some vast left-wing government conspiracy as the cause. The cause is a lot more complicated and far reaching than that.

In 2001, gun owners were happy. We had survived the Clinton years and a pro-gun Republican George Bush had just been elected President. What could possibly go wrong? The answer soon came. It was known as September 11, 2001. In the following months and years, events have shown that the government can't or won't take care of you. Events such as Hurricane Katrina followed and people were left to protect themselves from looters and sometimes their local government. John Lott started analyzing crime and firearms; he discovered "More Guns, Less Crime."

The number of states passing concealed carry legislation began to rise and as it did, crime began to decline. Stories about people who had defended themselves against socially conceived and engineered scum began to appear.

Young people have always loved to shoot. Children and their parents have rediscovered how much fun shooting is - besides, you don't have to be 7'3" and weigh 400 pounds to be successful. Youth shooting groups are springing up everywhere, so much so that Federal Cartridge Company has to set aside large amounts of .22 ammunition and shotgun shells just to meet the needs of these youth camps. Many women soon realized that shooting is a fun family sport. Women also discovered they could defend themselves and women's shooting programs started popping up all over the United States.

Crime and firearm accidents are dropping, even though there are more guns, more gun owners, more shooting activities, and more young people shooting. Each day in the United States there are more gun owners and citizens wanting to practice shooting. There are many more people who understand that they will have to protect themselves, their families, each other and our country.

In the last 14 years ideas about gun ownership have changed. Not only is there an increase in gun owners, those gun owners want to shoot more. Since 2005, over 5 million women have purchased firearms and have been involved in the shooting sports. So, as far as the original question, "Where has all of the .22 ammunition gone?" The answer is that millions of people are exercising their Second Amendment rights. I don't see this stopping any time soon. Every round of .22 that is produced is being purchased and used not only by old shooters, but millions of new shooters also. Some ammunition companies originally thought the desire for this ammunition would subside; this is obviously not the case. I expect .22 and other ammunition production to increase. It will probably be in fall or winter before we see much of it on the shelves. It will not be like it was several years ago. Although it is somewhat aggravating, it is a happy problem in the long run.

I keep reminding everyone that the terrorists are not that far away; in fact they may be right next door! The terrorist attack in Garland, Texas brings that point home. Even more interesting is the Illinois connection related to the attack. Elton Simpson, one of the attackers, was born in Illinois and lived in Downers Grove and Westmont, Illinois. Not only must we keep a watchful eye on what is going on around us but we should be ready to act, if necessary.

If you are not an ISRA member and this is being forwarded to you, join today. For those of you who are ISRA members, thank you for being a member. If you are not an ISRA member please go to and join. You may also call 815-635-3198 and join over the phone or we will mail you an application.


by Denny Ward, District Chairman

We just finished up the Spring Banquet Season and the results over the region were somewhat mixed. Like most years, we had some great spring events, and others suffered. The less successful events always fall prey to poor planning and, and as a result, poor participation. On the bright side, however, our region is up approximately $60,000 for this fiscal year, which runs from June 1 to May 30. Many of our fall banquets last year had healthy increases and some chapters really hit it out of the park. Along with that, we tried a new spring event that was held in Du Quoin in February. We did a fifty gun raffle and sold 3000 tickets for $20 each. Ticket buyers were entered into the fifty gun drawing, and their ticket also got them into the event for a free lunch, all the beer they could drink, and more raffles. We gave away another twenty-six guns, along with some other great items, on the other raffles. Almost 800 people attended the event. We have another event scheduled in Du Quoin next February, and we are also having one in Collinsville in February. There will be five nearby chapters putting the one in Collinsville on, including Jersey County, Migratory, Granite City, Monroe County, and possibly Calhoun County. Tickets are being printed now, and more details and availability will be coming soon. You can’t miss this event, we have eighty guns on order now for the raffles.

I just visited the DU website, to verify how many acres of waterfowl habitat DU has conserved and restored since its inception, and when I clicked on Mission Statement, the movie, “The DU Story” was there. I hadn’t seen this movie in a long time, so I watched it. It is the best 26 minutes that any duck hunter could spend in learning about the beginning of Ducks Unlimited and how important this organization is to our sport, and how vital it is to our waterfowl resource. It also reminded me of when I started duck hunting back in 1969. That year we had a two mallard limit and a 30 day season. There were some years prior to that when there was a one mallard limit. The older club members remember those days and are glad that they are history. Never seeing those really lean years, I think a lot of the younger generation have a tendency to take our current bag limits and season lengths for granted. Don’t be fooled gentlemen, Mother Nature can be cruel and unforgiving when it comes to droughts and duck numbers. We haven’t been miraculously blessed with excellent water and habitat conditions every year for the last 40 years, but DU has provided us with that all important cushion when breeding conditions are poor. Those acres conserved and restored by DU that I mentioned earlier total over 13 million. That’s 21,250 square miles of duck habitat that we can thank DU and its volunteers for. Believe me, Ducks Unlimited is the sole reason that we enjoy a six duck limit and a 60 day season. We all need to work to keep this trend going upward. “Fill the hall and fill the skies”.

That brings me to my next point. The Migratory Chapter of Ducks Unlimited is having its annual fall banquet on Saturday August 1st at the Godfrey KC Hall. We, as a club, need to get behind this effort and make this an exceptional event. We do it every year for our MWHI Banquet and there is no reason that we can’t make our DU Banquet just as successful. You have heard the old saying, “Don’t put the cart before the horse”. Well friends, if we don’t have ducks, why would there be a need for our club? We desperately need help on our committee, and we need our Board and our membership to help us out by getting behind this effort by helping us sell tickets and filling that hall on August 1st. Please help us make this the top banquet in our area by calling me at 618 498-9855 or 618 973-6905 and volunteering for our committee, or to help us sell tickets. Thanks for your continued support, and thanks for all that you do for the ducks.