SES 4UI Ms. Roy
Assignment alternative:Re-Creating the Geologic Time Scale
Geologic Time includes a span of over 4.5 Billion Years. In order to help visualize the large scale, geologists have scaled the time to fit a year, an hour, a meter, a circle, etc. They have also divided the time into categories. These categories were defined by the type of plant and animal life that existed at the time instead of in even increments. The largest divisions are eons. Each eon is divided into eras. Eras are divided into periods. Periods are divided into epochs. There are more divisions the closer we get to current times because of the more varieties of life based on more fossil evidence.
Learning Goal: “By investigating an era in time, I will be able to analyse and describe the environment, geology and biology that existed during this era; according to fossil evidence”
Reference: Geologic Timeline (Page 668 in text); Pages 664-661
1.) You must create a geologic timeline for last three eras in time: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Your timeline can be on paper, or on google, but it must be to scale. You may want to try using a scale of: 10cm=100 million years. You will likely want to do a rough draft first which includesperiods for your eras.
2.) Once you have a workable scale, you can start working on your timeline by dividing your eras into periods. First find the horizontal centre of your paper and draw a line across the length of your paper. This will represent your timeline.
i)You must show all time ranges for each period. (i.e. in Millions of Years) (MYA)
ii)Label each period accordingly, and label the time in years for each period.
iii)Oldest should be on the left hand side, and most recent, on the right. It is easier to start with the most recent dates and work your way back.
iv)You must add at least one major event to each period (i.e. amphibians evolve).
v)You must include at least one index fossil (picture – drawn or image) and it must be labeled for each period
vi)Add major mass extinctions as they apply
vii)Add any other major events to your timeline that you think are appropriate.
Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Accuracy of Division of Periods, including time ranges
(8 marks) / Periods have not been divided according to scale and instruction
Time ranges are not included / Periods have somewhat been divided according to scale and instruction
Time ranges have been included / Periods have been divided according to scale and instruction
Time ranges have been included with accuracy and are clear and easy to read / ALL periods have been divided to scale with exact precision and accuracy
Division of periods is easy to read and is clear.
Time ranges have been included with accuracy and are clear and easy to read
Rough Scale is attached
Labeling and identifying major events and index fossils
(6 marks) / Many Labels of index fossils, species and major events are inaccurate or not present / Labels of index fossils, species and major events are inaccurate or not present / Labels of index fossils, species and major events are accurate and present. / ALL Labels of index fossils, species and major events are clearly identified and accurately depicted. No error exists.
Overall Appearance and Presentation
(6 marks) / Appearance is weak and ineffective.
Timeline is rushed
Students are unable to accurately share and present their findings / Appearance needs some attention to detail. Errors may exist
Students are able to accurately share and present some of their findings / Timeline is appealing. Planning is evident. Timeline is well planned.
No error exists.
Students are able to accurately share and present their findings with confidence / Timeline is exceptionally appealing. Planning is evident. Timeline is well planned and designed with careful attention to detail.
No error exists.
Students are able to accurately share and present their findings with confidence and effectiveness. Students are knowledgeable.