COC RISE Committee Minutes
Committee Name: Excellance through Engagement Date: 9-6-17
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Meeting Location: Moser 2275
Attending: Mackenzie Brozovich, Katherine Garlick, Michael Glonek, Shuiping Jiang, Nicole Kent-Strollo, Amy Kyte, Justin Munz, Theresa Swindler
Topic for Discussion / Discussion / Action or RecommendationUpdates to the committee
Action plan discussion
Scheduling / Michael Glonek and Nicole Kent-Strollo related the meetings held over the summer with President Tressel, Dr. Imler, and COC committee chairs. As a result, the goals and actions the committee produced at our last meeting were tweaked to better reflect our mission.
Our committee focus continues to be promoting and celebrating the community service performed by YSU students, faculty and staff. We want to include individual efforts as well as the large organized events such as the Panerathon.
Holding town hall meetings to generate awareness of, conversation about, and participation in community service was discussed once again. Katherine Garlick knows the editor of the Review and they like human interest stories. She thinks if we submit quality photographs and some copy, they may publish them.
Teresa Swindler also recommended contacting Madonna Chism-Pinkard, host of WFMJ’s Community Connection. She spoke with Madonna, who is also on the Respect & Well Being committee, at an event.
All committee chairs are meeting with Ron Cole and the marketing group tomorrow, September 7, to discuss the roll out of the COC website which will present the activities of all four groups. President Tressel introduced the campus community to the project at the State of the University address.
The meeting times for the rest of the semester were discussed. Nicole Kent-Strollo reported that we are required to meet at least once a month. Due to the size of our group, it was agreed that full attendance will be challenging. Those present discussed times and dates. The consensus was to try for the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. / The final document was submitted in June.
Nicole Kent-Strollo asked everyone to submit photographs of these events to her. She encouraged the wearing of YSU garb. A long term goal is to display hard copies of the images in a hallway in Kilcawley Center.
Katherine will touch base with the newspaper.
Theresa said the program is always looking for interesting human interest stories. This could be another venue to spread our message.
Pertinent information will be shared with the committee.
Michael Glonek will send out an Outlook invitation to see if this will work for the rest of the committee. He will also check on the availability of the room in Moser.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Kyte