Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall, Main Street, Hockwold
on Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 7.30pm
Present: Councillors of Hockwold cum Wilton Parish Council
CllrRaburn,CllrGossage, CllrSismey, Cllr Turner, Cllr Sullivan, Cllr Southweill, Cllr Arbour, Cllr Johns
Apologies given by Cllr Randall
Parish Clerk Ms H. Cox
Squadron Leader Neild
Norfolk County Cllr Martin Storey
- Minutes for meeting held 14th March2017, Proposed by CllrArbour, seconded by CllrArbour. Agreed by all Councilors present.
2.Matters Arising and Correspondence:
a. RAF Lakenheath:Squadron Leader Neild reported that night flying to start next week. It was also reported that deployed aircraft moving through will be noticed. No other news reported.
b.NALC and Community Action Norfolk updates: all Councilors have received all updates, no queries.
c.Police update: all Councilors have received all updates, no queries.
d.Forest Heath Local Plan datewas read out.
e.Royal Airforce Marham Information Day was read out.
f. Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Environment and Planning statement was read out. Cllr. Storey answered questions on how we know if a tree is up for preservation orders.
g. Draft dates for the Ordinary Meeting of the Hockwold cum Wilton Parish Council meetings were read out.
- 17/00519/F | Single storey infill extension and single storey front extension | 24 College Road Hockwold cum Wilton Norfolk IP26 4LE - Proposed to approve the plan by CllrJohns. Seconded by CllrSouthwell. Agreed by all present.
- 17/00638/F | Proposed extension and alteration to rear of cottage and enlargement of existing carport | Manor Cottages 121 Main Street Hockwold cum Wilton Norfolk - decision adjourned -
- 17/00640/F | Extension and alterations to rear of cottage and replacement of existing outbuilding /garage | Manor Cottages 123 Main Street Hockwold cum Wilton Norfolk IP26 4LX - decision adjourned
- 17/00525/LDE | Land S And Between Fen View And Heath Farm Cowles Drove Hockwold cum Wilton Norfolk IP26 4JQ - Proposed to approve the plan by Cllr Gossage. Seconded by Cllr Turner. Agreed by all present.
- 17/00486/F | 31 Main Street Hockwold cum Wilton Norfolk IP26 4LQ ! VARIATION OF CONDITION 1 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 16/01798/CU: Temporary change of use from domestic garage to commercial retail outlet - Proposed to approve the plan by CllrSismey. Seconded by Cllr Johns. Agreed by all present.
4.Bill of Accounts February 2017
K&M Lighting Services (invoice )£ 76.03
Bus Shelter Cleaning £25.00
Ms. H. Cox --
- CiLCA Training (3 of 12) £46.16
- WIFI/Broadband £9.00
- Wages (40 hours) £461.60
- 28 hours normal
- 12 transparency IMP
TOTAL £516.76
Eon- Direct Debit – Street Lighting £147.98
Pat Raburn (reimbursement for Office 365) £59.99
Borough Council of Kings Lynn& West Norfolk £371.28
Total Payments£825.76
Total Income£ 0
- Accounts as above agreed by all. Proposed by Cllr. Sullivan and seconded by Cllr. Southwell.
5.Items for the next agenda
- Complaints about fireworks on 18th of March 2017 at Hockwold Hall.
- Chair Raburn informed the council of a suspicious man pretending to be a pizza delivery man . He is ringing at homes with an empty pizza box and no car. Possibly casing for empty homes. Last seen walking down main street. Clerk instructed to notify community officer and post on webpage.
- Reported that the pot hole on Cowells Drove has still not been repaired correctly.
- Clerk asked to get a copy of the conditions for East Fen Fisheries
- Reported that there is a caravan at 12 acre farm on Moors Drove East.
- Council instructed the clerk to find out the status of the Soay Farm septic tank application.
- Stumps reported on the corner of Main Street and Nursery Lane.
- Enquiries about the grass cutting schedule on Pearces Close.
- Clerk instructed to post the possible move of the post office on the Facebook page.
- Reported the pathway between Lakeland and the Red Lion Pub on Main Street to be unkept.
6.Next Meeting
a.9th May2017 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Main Street, Hockwold.
One copy to each Councillor. Copies to Mr M Storey Norfolk County Councillor, Mr M Peake & Mr A Lawrence District Councillors, Downham Market Police, RAF Lakenheath, two copies for display within the village (available at the Village Club and at the Post Office) and one copy for the web-site.