Business Plan 2013 –2015
Judicial Appointments Commission
March 2013
This plan will be refreshed annually
Section A: Status, purpose and aims
Section B: Priorities
Section C: Plan for addressing priorities
Section D: Transparency
Section E: Expenditure and activity
A) Status, purpose and aims
The JAC is an executive non departmental public body sponsored by the Ministry of Justice
- To select candidates for judicial, specialist and lay offices in courts and tribunals in England and Wales and for some tribunals with UK wide jurisdiction in accordance with a selection programme agreed with the Ministry of Justice and individual requests from the Lord Chancellor.
- To make selections solely on merit.
- To select only persons of good character.
- To have regard to the need to encourage diversity in the range of persons available for selection.
In achieving our purpose we will:
- work with partners to reduce the time it takes to make an appointment
- operate as cost effectively as we can
- support the business need as far as it is possible to do so
- make the candidate experience as positive as we can
- improve the diversity outcomes of our selection processes
- increase the certainty in the quality of selections
B) Priorities
A) Delivery of the selection exercise programme, in agreement with the Ministry of Justice, Judicial Office and HMCTS
B) Delivery of the JAC Change programme
And these are further divided into the following objectives, against which specific actions are set in the Plan:
A1. To deliver the selection exercise programme, agreed with the Ministry of Justice and HMCTS, recommending high quality candidates, solely on merit, to the Lord Chancellor.
A2. To deliver our diversity duty by encouraging a diverse range of eligible applicants.
B1. To deliver change in the form of faster, more economical and more candidate-focused processes.
B2. To deliver an effective operating model for the JAC with a structure adapted to provide value for money.
B3. To deliver, in association with MoJ, a new IT system, which will enable and support new processes and structures.
C) Plan for addressing priorities
A. Delivery of our day to day business
A1. To deliver the selection exercise programme, agreed with the Ministry of Justice, Judicial Office and HMCTS, recommending high quality candidates to the Lord Chancellor.Actions
A1.1 To demonstrate flexibility by absorbing changes to the selection programme agreed with the Business Area
A1.2 To ensure that the programme is delivered within the allocated budget
A1.3 To ensure changes to the selection process are developed and their implementation managed effectively in combination with other change initiatives to minimise any negative impact on the candidate experience / Start End
Commenced March 2014
Commenced March 2014
Commenced March 2015
A.2 To deliver our diversity duty by encouraging a diverse range of eligible applicants, ensuring fair processes and working with others to identify and break down barriers to judicial appointment.
A2.1 To ensure fairness by monitoring the progression and diversity of candidates at key checkpoints
A2.2 To break down barriers to judicial appointment by working with Judicial Diversity Taskforce and continuing to implement the recommendations of the Report of the Advisory Panel on Judicial Diversity (Neuberger Report)
A2.3 To work with diversity groups and other key groups to ensure we reach the widest range of potential candidates by developing new and innovative ways, including use of social media, of extending the reach of our outreach work.
A2.4 Ensure fairness by promoting our equality objectives and ensure transparency by publishing details of our performance in achieving these (published here) / Start End
Commenced May 2014
Commenced May 2014
Commenced July 2014
Commenced January 2014
B. Delivery of the JAC Change programme
B1. To deliver change in the form of faster, more economical and more candidate-focused processes.Actions
B1.1 Provide greater rigour and accountability in our selection processes by drawing on external expertise and introducing agreed and globally validated selection techniques.
B1.2 Promote the implementation of judicial appraisal systems and consider the scope for use of appraisal in selection as part of our process review.
B1.3 Implement structured system for receiving and publishing regular feedback from partners on their perceptions of the JAC and continue collection of feedback from candidates on their experience in the selection process.
B1.4 Work with partners in MOJ, HMCTS, the judiciary and judicial office to reduce the end to end appointment time including a review of forecasting and planning for vacancies, the JAC selection process, and the judicial office post recommendation activities.
B1.5 Work with partners to develop a qualities and abilities framework for future use in the selection process.
B1.6 Work with the Ministry of Justice to ensure that legislative changes enable more flexible and efficient operation of our selection processes. / Start End
Commenced March 2014
Commenced March 2015
[timeline to be determined by Judicial Office in implementation of appraisal system]
Commenced March 2014
Commenced Ongoing
Commenced March 2015
October 2013 March 2014
B2. To deliver an effective operating model for the JAC with a structure adapted to provide value for money.
B2.1 Develop an optimal staffing structure to support the migration from existing to new selection processes without harming our statutory objectives or other priorities.
B2.2 Reduce SCS headcount by one and ensure new structure provides greater flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness without compromising governance.
B2.3 Review outcome of organisational change to ensure it meets our objectives. / Start End
Commenced March 2014
Commenced July 2013
October 2013 March 2014
B3. To deliver, in collaboration with MoJ, a new IT system, which will enable and support new processes and structures.
B3.1 Determine and validate our business requirements for a new IT system to support our revised selection processes and organisational structure, and prepare a fully developed specification in consultation with MoJ and suppliers.
B3.2 Undertake an options analysis and due diligence in partnership with MoJ to identify preferred supplier and a suitable procurement route. This will also include contract negotiations and the letting of the contract.
B3.3 In conjunction with the supplier, design, test and build the new system in accordance with agreed specification, cost and timescale.
B3.4 Undertake business change activities to integrate system into live service, ensuring staff and structure are fully aligned and trained to deliver system benefits and achieve our priorities. / Start End
Commenced May 2013
Commenced June 2013
March 2013 September 2013
March 2013 January 2014
D) Transparency
The JAC already publishes a wide range of information on its policies, processes and operations. This ranges from the diversity of selections made, to expenses, salaries and pensions of senior staff and Commissioners. The JAC also publishes a range of documents including official statistics, annual reports and the minutes of all Commission Board meetings.
In line with central government departments we aim to be increasingly transparent with information on our operation, and will be so, where this does not affect personal data of those applying for judicial appointment. For example, we now publish generic reports on performance in qualifying tests to support unsuccessful candidates and inform future applications.
We will continue to manage the operation of the JAC using the measures captured under previous key performance indicators, including diversity of applications, timeliness of exercises and levels of complaints. We will share this information with the Ministry of Justice and publish it on our website. How this information will be published is set out below.
Indicator / How often will it be published? / Where will it be published?Percentage of applications received from BAME candidates, women, CILEx, solicitors, disabled candidates and by age and those shortlisted and recommended for appointment. / Bi-annually / JAC website
Number of exercises run, applications received and recommendations made / Annually / JAC Annual Report
Number of complaints received and number upheld by Ombudsman / Annually / JAC Annual Report
Average length of selection exercises and timeliness of completion / Annually / JAC Annual Report
E) Expenditure and Activity
This section sets out the JAC’s expenditure over recent years and planned expenditure over the next year, based on the current indicative budget we have been given by the Ministry of Justice.
£m / 2009-10(actual) / 2010-11
(actual) / 2011-12
(actual) / 2012-13 (forecast) / 2013-14
Total funding allocation / £7.61 / £6.86 / £5.52 / £5.12 / £4.90
Expenditure on pay (Staff and Commissioner pay) / £5.01 / £4.46 / £3.48 / £3.23 / £3.19
Expenditure on the programme / £1.76 / £1.37 / £1.16 / £1.39 / £1.40
Expenditure on administration
(including shared services) / £0.88 / £0.27 / £0.38 / £0.35 / £0.31
Total funded expenditure / £7.65 / £6.10 / £5.01 / £4.97 / £4.90
Soft charges
(including accommodation costs) / £2.23 / £2.12 / £1.89 / £1.70 / £1.70
Total expenditure / £9.88 / £8.22 / £6.79 / £6.67 / £6.60
Selection Exercise Programme
The table below shows the programmed exercises over a five year period. The selection exercises programmed for 2013-14 are forecast to be the largest number of anticipated applications and recommendations to be made. This does not include an additional five unallocated exercises, which will be allocated through the year as HMCTS indicate any priorities.
The 2012-13 programme shown here represents a forecast only and the figures are therefore indicative and not directly comparable with previous years.
2009-10(actual) / 2010-11
(actual) / 2011-12
(actual) / 2012-13
(forecast year end figures) / 2013-14
(planned) 2
Exercises reporting to the Lord Chancellor in year 1 / 25 / 21 / 25 / 30 / 29
Total number of applications for those exercises / 3,084 / 4,684 / 5,490 / 4,958 / 6,696
Total number of recommendations for those exercises / 446 / 684 / 746 / 630 / 855
JAC staff numbers (average FTE over the year) / 105 / 89 / 73 / 68 / 65
1. Exercises from which selections are sent to the Lord Chancellor within the year, as opposed to exercises commenced in the year
2. Does not include numbers for three programmed but unallocated exercises, which will be used for priority vacancies, including senior appointments, throughout the financial year.
Selection Exercise Programme 2013-14
In addition to the exercises listed here, we hold five slots for priority exercises agreed with MoJ and HMCTS which may/are expected to arise within the year.
Exercise / Forecast vacancies / In progress on 1 April 2013 and to complete in 2013/14 / To be launched and completed in 2013/2014 / To be launched in 2013/14 and completed in 2014/15Fee-paid Specialist LayMember of the First-Tier Tribunal (Health Education and Social Care Chamber (Mental Health) / 40
Fee-paid Medical Member of the First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) / 181
Regional Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) and Deputy Regional Judge (salaried Legal posts) / 5
Fee-Paid Employment Judge of the Employment Tribunals England and Wales / 60
Deputy Chamber President of the Upper Tribunal, Land Chamber / 1
Fee-paidDisabilityMember of the First Tier TribunalSocial Entitlement Chamber / 160
President of the Competition Appeal Tribunal / 1
Exercise / Forecast vacancies / In progress on 1 April 2013 and to complete in 2013/14 / To be launched and completed in 2013/2014 / To be launched in 2013/14 and completed in 2014/15
Senior Circuit Judge 1 / 2
Fee-paidJudgeof the First-tier Tribunal Health, Education and Social Care Chamber (mental health) / 15
Fee-paid Judge of theMental Health ReviewTribunalforWales / 10
Salaried Judge of the Employment Appeals Tribunal / 1
Fee-paid Judge Health, Education and Social Care Chamber Special Educational Needs and Disability / 5
District Judge (Civil) / 70
Fee-paid Medical Members War Pensions & Armed Forces Compensation Chamber / 10
District Judge (Magistrates Court) Welsh Speaking / 1
Patent County Court Judge and Copyright Chairman / 2
Lawyer Chairman Residential Property Tribunal Service Welsh Speaking / 6
Fee-paidMedicalMember of the First-tierTribunalHealth Education and Social CareChamber,Mental Health / 50
Fee-paid Deputy Judge of the Upper Tribunal, Administrative Appeals Chamber (AAC) / 6
Salaried Judge of the Upper Tribunal, AAC / 5
Fee-paid Judge First-tier Tribunal, Health Education and Social Care Mental Health (Restricted Patients Panel) / 25
Exercise / Forecast vacancies / In progress on 1 April 2013 and to complete in 2013/14 / To be launched and completed in 2013/2014 / To be launched in 2013/14 and completed in 2014/15
Circuit Judge 2013 / 40
Salaried Judge First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber Social Security & Child Support) / 20
Salaried Judge First-tier Tribunal Asylum Support Tribunal , Social Entitlement Chamber / 2
Senior Circuit Judge 2 / 5
District Judge (Magistrates’ Court) / 20
Salaried Medical Member First-tier Tribunal Health Education and Social Care Mental Health / 2
High Court / 10
Recorder / 100
Deputy District Judge (Magistrates’ Court) / 12
Salaried Employment Judge / 18
Arbitrators of the Motor Insurance Bureau / 3
Totals / 7 exercises
448 vacancies / 22 exercises
407 vacancies / 3 exercises
33 vacancies