Maidu Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes
May 26, 2009
Board Members: David Allen, Bill Hoey, Jim Kidd, Shirley Brown. Lori Key
Speakers:Officer Lee Hendrick(came as we were adjourning the meeting)
Neighbors: Larry Arkus, John Key
2.Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Approved at meeting.
3.Treasurer’s Report: Dave Steele gave the Treasurer’s report (Mary was ill). Remaining balance to date is $1,866.23. The proceeds from the Garage Sale were $750.00 and Jim gave Dave an additional $10.00(cash) he collected, for a total of $760.00, not including expenses of approximately $200.
4.RCONA Report:
- MaiduPark’smovie night is scheduled on Friday, July 17, around 8:15 p.m. We’ll need three strong men to help take the screen down and for clean up after the movie.
- RCONA is preparing a montage to be shown prior to all six summer movies and will include publicity for the sponsors. MNA decided to update the video we used last year adding Melinda (if she isn’t included), and showing it only at the MaiduPark movie. David will check with Scott to see if he has the original from last year.
- There are still two movie sponsorships for $325.00each available. Sponsors will be given a booth/publicity at all six movies.
- On June 9, MNA is responsible for staffing the RCONA table at Downtown Tuesday night. The booth (Site #15) is near Lincoln and Vernon, just past the Farmer’s Market (shady side of the street). The booth needs to be staffed from 4:30 to9:00 p.m. Shirley, Dave Steele and David Allen volunteered.
5.Old Business
- Garage Sale Recap: See Treasurer’s report for proceeds. David said he now has the donation forms from SAR that need to be distributed to garage sale participants for items picked up at the close of the sale.
- MNA Sponsors and their Garage Sale Contribution: David followed up with Jerry Dizon; Jerry wants to continue to be one of our sponsors even though he is in the process of starting up the neighborhood association in his area.
- Movie Night Preparations: It was decided to include the MaiduPark movie flyer in our newsletter as page 3. Also, June 19 (the first movie) is the deadline for the final two sponsors to be included in the RCONA montage. See above RCONA report for other details.
- National Night Out (NNO): NNOis scheduled on August 4 and Shannon Kane will again be planning and executing it for us with a Mexican theme. MNA approved a $300 NNO budget. There was discussion on whether or not a piñata should be included (use a plastic bat? hold a raffle for the privilege of breaking the piñata? etc.) It was decided to postpone the discussion until our next meeting when Shannonis present. NOTE: If a piñata is used, the flyer must say that the event is “RCONA sponsored” for liability purposes.
6.Police Report: Officer Lee Hendrick was asked to report on the “big picture” of what is happening in our neighborhood. Following is a summary of his report:
- In general, Police officers responded to three cases of suspicious persons; two cases of solicitation for Roseville High Baseball program; two cases of fraud (one on Chippendale and the other on Gettysburg); numerous 911 calls; repossession of vehicles; and a welfare check.
- Sargeant Elementary reportedvandalism and three incidents of graffiti (one was gang related).
- MaiduPark had seven calls including a juvenile call; a dog call; a report of battery; an area check; a report of a suspicious person; and a 911 call.
- MNA received notice from the City of Roseville that a second story will be added at 1419 Spring Valley Dr. Shirley will call Ron Miller for more information.
- The 5K Fun Run is July 4. MNA will need workers at the drink stand.
8.Meeting Adjourned: The meeting adjourned to the Newsletter Meeting at 7:32 p.m., final adjournment was at 7:55 p.m.
9.Newsletter Meeting
- NNO, August 4th, Mexican Theme
- Other Movie Nights—Jim
- Our Movie Night Flyer (this will be page 3 of our newsletter)
- Change of meeting room for June and July to Raley's Market on Douglas and Rocky Ridge
- Sponsorships Still Available for Movie Night--Jim will send info to Shirley--Dave Steele to write the article.
- Downtown Tuesday Night--Dave Steele
Note: A due date wasn't established for newsletter articles.