Service Request Application (SRA) for:
After response is entered, use the Tab key to advance to next item.
Member Last Name / ClinicalContactName
Medicaid Number / Provider MIS#
Member Date of Birth / Provider Tax ID#
Provider NPI
Sex / Male Female / Provider Phone / Ext:
Member Phone / Provider Email
Member Address
City, State & Zip Code / Service Address
City, State & Zip Code
Procedure Code / H2022 (Level A) H2020 (Level B)
Modifier / HW (CSA) If HW, Locality Code (required): HK (Non-CSA)
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis
Requested Units
Requested Start Date / Retro Review Request? Yes No
Requested End Date
Place of Service / 56-Psych Residential Treatment Ctr
- Was a service specific provider intake completed with this individual by an LMHP type? Yes No
- Has an SRA been submitted for this individual for this service within the last 30 days which was not approved? Yes No
- If yes, describe what changes have occurred to indicate that this service is now necessary:
- Date of admission to this level of care:
- Has an Individualized Service Plan (ISP)withall therequiredelementsbeen completed, signedanddatedthroughout the entirety of individual’s stay:Yes No
- Has this ISP been updated at least every 30 days during individual’s stay: Yes No
- If yes, dateof most recentISP review/signature:
- Pleaseattachacopyofthemost recent ISPwiththisSRA
- Ismember medicallystable?YesNo
- Ifno, pleaseexplainhow member’sconditionwillbeaddressed:
- Ifthisisadualdiagnosisofmental healthandsubstanceusedisorder,is thefocusof treatmentonthe mental healthproblem?Yes No Not Applicable
FOR Comprehensive Services Act (CSA)ONLY
- Has CPMT authorized continuation of services: Yes No
- Did a QMHP reassess individual for medical necessity for this service after 6 consecutive months of receiving this service: Yes No N/A
- If yes, was this reassessment signed by an LMHP: Yes No
- Does individual’s family continue to demonstrate inability to care for individual’s needs such that individual continues to be at risk for higher level of care, OR continues to be at risk for harming self or others: Yes No
- If yes, please identify individual’s specific current behaviors that put them at risk. Please use specific language and avoid vague words (such as aggressive):
- Provideanarrativeofthebehaviorsexhibitedbythemember thatwarrantthe continuation of the requestedlevel ofcare (pleaseincludefrequency,intensity,anddurationofbehavior). Please use specific language and avoid vague words (such as aggressive) and describe behaviors over the past 30 days:
- Has individual cooperated with rules and supervision provided, as well as treatment? Yes No
- If no, please identify changes in intervention and/or treatment that have been made:
- Has the desired outcome of level of functioning been restored or improved in the timeframe outlined in individual’s ISP: Yes No
- If no, please identify how the ISP has been modified to allow individual to meet their goals in a timely manner:
- Is the individual at riskfor relapsebasedonhistoryor the tenuousnatureof thefunctionalgains, anduseof lessintensiveserviceswill notachievestabilization?YesNo
- If yes, please explain:
- Does the individual meet any of the following (one must be met for authorization of this service):
- Individual has achievedinitial ISP goalsbutadditionalgoalsareindicatedthatcannot bemet at alower level ofcare:YesNo
- If yes, please identify additional goals, and why these can not be met at a lower level of care:
- Individual has been makingsatisfactoryprogresstoward meetinggoalsbut hasnot attainedISPgoals, and thegoalscannot beaddressedat alowerlevel ofcare:YesNo
- If yes, please identify why these can not be met at a lower level of care:
- Individual has not beenmakingprogress,andtheISP hasbeen modifiedtoidentifymoreeffective interventions:YesNo
- If yes, please describe modifications to ISP and why they are likely to be effective:
- Individual has shown current indications thathe/sherequiresthislevel oftreatment to maintainlevel of functioningasevidencebyfailuretoachievegoalsidentifiedfor therapeuticvisitsor staysina non-treatment residential settingor inalowerlevel ofresidential treatment: YesNo
- If yes, describe
- Is weekly individual psychotherapy provided by an LMHP type: Yes No
- Are seven (7) psychoeducational activities provided each week: Yes No
- Please describe individual’s current discharge plan (The discharge plan should be comprehensive and should include aftercare services, how the individual will be able to access these services, how individual’s support system will aid in individual remaining in the community or how individual will develop such a support system, and the specific agencies to which the individual will be connected prior to leaving residential care. This plan should connect directly to individual’s treatment plan and account for reducing individual’s need for this level of care. Please avoid simply stating where individual will live upon discharge.):
Service Coordination
- HaveHealth,Safety andWelfareissuesbeenidentifiedwith thisIndividual? Yes No
- Ifyes, has a Child Protective Services (CPS) referral been made?Yes No
- Ifno, whatintervention(s) havebeentakentoaddressthisconcern?
- Doesthe individual have a primary care physician (PCP)? Yes No
- If yes, has there been communication with the PCP to provide updates regarding treatment and service coordination? Yes No
- If yes, name of Physician:
- If no,have there been efforts to connect the individual with a PCP? Yes No
- Has the individual expressed suicidal ideation in the last 30 days? Yes No
- If yes, what is the safety plan?
Revised 4/21/2016 ®Magellan Healthcare, Inc.Page 1 of 3