EHS Athletic Program: Code of Conduct
1001 Avalon Park Blvd
Orlando, FL 32828
Dr. Howard Hepburn, Principal
Janet Rasmussen, Athletic Director
xxxxxxxx, Head Coach
Objective: Our objective in having a code of conduct is that for everyone involved in Edgewater High School’s Athletic Program may progress to a level as close to his/her potential as possible. This potential includes not only the physical part of the student-athlete, but the mental, moral, and emotional aspects of ALL involved as well. It is vital that EVERYONE adapts to this code. Both success and the integrity of our program depend on it.
Standards of Excellence: Edgewater High School is proud of its Athletic Program and the many contributions our students (athletes & team managers) have made to build a strong sense of community. We expect that all students will continue to embrace the school’s tradition of excellence in academics, sportsmanship, citizenship and fair play. Students participating in sport activities represent Edgewater High School in the community, district, state and even the nation. We believe the opportunity to participate in Edgewater High School’s Athletic Program is a PRIVILEGE, not a right.
We expect all students to maintain Edgewater High School’s tradition of excellence in behavior as well as academic excellence one and off the field. In order to remain qualified for sport activities a student must meet the requirements and fulfill the responsibilities outlined below. These standards apply 24 hours a day for the duration of an activity season. An activity season is considered to be that span of time that commences with the first team meeting, tryout, and runs through any pre-season or regular season practice, game and concludes with any post-season or state qualifying game. Failure to adhere to the terms and conditions of this agreement could result in the loss of participation in Edgewater High School’s Athletic Program for a student.
Address Change
- If at any time, a student has a change of address, the parent or student must inform both the Head Coach and School Registrar.
- This includes moving from one parent or relative to another.
- Failure to do so can lead to the entire team having to forfeit games and/or the season.
- In such cases, the Principal, Head Coach, Athletic Director, and County Athletic Director will review the case to determine the actions to be taken.
- Students must attend at least four (4) periods of school to participate in conditioning, practices, and/or games (including traveling with teams).
- If 4 or more periods of school will be missed (due to illness, religious issues, etc), the student-athlete/team manager needs to contact the Head Coach immediately.
- For an absence to be EXCUSED so a student can participate in either conditioning, practice, and/or game the Assistant Principal over Athletics or the Athletic Director will make that decision.
- If it is discovered that a student-athlete participated in any sport activity and did not attend school for at least four (4) periods, the student can be suspended from participation in Edgewater High School’s Athletic Program. The time frame will be determined by the Head Coach and Athletic Director.
- Students that are assigned to a detention by another teacher or administrator; must serve the detention.
- Detention takes precedence over team practices or games.
- Students that are suspended from school are automatically suspended from the conditioning, practices, and games (including traveling with teams). In addition,
- Students placed in In school suspension, will receive a 1 game suspension
- Students placed in Out of School suspension will receive a 2 game suspension
- Also, they may not be on campus for any reason.
- If a student is sanctioned by law enforcement outside of school, he/she will not be allowed to participate in conditioning, practice, and/or games.
- Student-Athletes and team managers need to maintain at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA (unweighted).
Alcohol/Illegal Drugs/Tobacco
- The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco is a violation of the OCPS Student Code of Conduct and will be dealt with according to school board rules.
- This rule applies 365 days a year.
- The use of profanity is a violation of the OCPS Student Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Social Media
- Social Media includes, but is not limited to, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat
- Students utilizing social media to threaten, intimidate, harass or entice other students, coaches or administration, at EHS or any school, may be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal from a team by the Head Coach, Principal, and/or Athletic Director.
- Students utilizing social media to post images depicting the use of alcohol, drugs, or suggestive behavior that is not deemed conducive to the image expected of a Edgewater High School student-athlete/team manager, may be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal from a team by the Head Coach, Principal, and/or Athletic Director.
- You must travel to and from competitions with the team.
- You may not leave the competition site without the approval of the head coach.
- If you do receive permission, you may leave ONLY with your parents.
- Private transportation to practice:
- The Authorization and Request for Transportation of Student in Privately Owned Vehicle and Release of Liability form must be on file with the Head Coach and Athletic Director.
- All drivers must understand that the driver’s insurance will be the primary insurance in case of an accident.
- Each student must in an individual seat and wearing a seat belt.
- Never transport students in the back of an open pickup truck.
- You are responsible for any and all uniforms and equipment you were assigned for this current season (including fundraising money).
- Failure to return your uniforms or equipment (including fundraising money) will result in your name being placed on a ‘Student-Obligation’ list.
- Obligations will hinder your opportunity to attend Homecoming, Prom, & Graduation.
- Damaged uniforms and equipment are your responsibility to replace (at the Head Coach’s discretion).
- In the event of an injury, you NEED TO report all injuries to your Coaches and the Athletic Trainers.
- Injured athletes should still attend practices and games.
- Practice schedule is always the same, unless otherwise posted.
- Being late to practice is unacceptable.
- If there is a change in practice, we will notify the students through afternoon announcements and parents through e-mail.
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Holiday Practices / Vary
Sportsmanship: Interscholastic athletics are an integral part of our school’s total curriculum. Coaches, student-athletes, team managers, parents, and spectators are expected to exhibit behaviors that are exemplary and exceptional at all times. We must always remember that at ALL Athletic Events we represent more than ourselves – we represent our school and our community. The following is a list of Sportsmanship Expectations that must be followed at all Athletic Events:
Student-Athlete/Team Manager:
- Accept and understand the seriousness of his/her responsibility and the privilege of representing Edgewater High School and this community
- Live up to the standards of sportsmanship established by the administration and coaching staff
- Display good sportsmanship at ALL times
- Present yourself in a positive manner as a representative of Edgewater High School (dress, mannerisms, language)
- Learn the rules of the game thoroughly and discuss them with parents, fans and fellow students.
- This will assist everyone to achieve a better understanding and appreciation of the game
- Treat opponents the way the you would like to be treated…as a guest or a friend
- Refrain from taunting, trash talking and making any kind of derogatory remarks to opponents during the game, especially comments of ethnic, racial or sexual nature
- Refrain from intimidating behavior
- Wish opponents good luck before the game and congratulate them in a sincere manner following victory or defeat
- Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials
- Win with humility and lose with grace. Do both with dignity. Avoid excessive celebrating after a play or the end of a game
- A student-athlete who misbehaves at an athletic event or who is ejected from a contest is subject to school disciplinary action
- The student-athlete is required to meet with the Athletic Director BEFORE he/she is allowed to return to the team
- The Athletic Director will schedule the meeting with the student at the earliest possible time during the next school day
- If the ejection of a student-athlete results in a fine assessed by the FHSAA, the student-athlete is responsible for paying the fine
- It will not be paid for by the school or the team’s internal account
- Remember that school athletics are learning experiences for students and that mistakes will be made sometimes.
- Remember that a ticket to any athletic event is a privilege to observe the contest.
- Remember that you are at a contest to support and yell for the team and enjoy the skill and competition…not to intimidate or ridicule the other team and its fans.
- Signs and banners must be in good taste and shall not make derogatory or challenging references to opposing teams.
- Signs and banners should never be paraded before an opposing team’s bench or bleachers.
- Use only those cheers that support and uplift the teams involved
- Refrain from taunting or making any kind of derogatory remarks to the coaches or opponents during the game.
- Learn the rules of the game so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
- Those who fail to show respect, violate rules or are disruptive will be asked to leave the sporting event or practice.
- Repeat offenders will be barred from further athletic events in that sport for the remainder of the year
- Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
- Treat them as one would treat a guest in his/her own home
- Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials
- Refrain from the use of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs) before and during an event as well as afterwards on or near the site of the event (tailgating).
- Letters
- In order to receive a varsity letter, a student-athlete must have completed the season in good standing (maintained eligibility)
- Must have attended all games & practices unless excused by the Head Coach
- Must have met the minimum requirements set by the coaches for his/her sport
- Certificates
- Junior Varsity & Freshman athletes will NOT receive letters, they will receive certificates only
- Signing Parties
- There will be 3 signing parties dates throughout the year (1 after every season) – dates will be set by the Athletic Department at the beginning of each year
- Student-Athletes must fill out and submit the ‘Request for a Signing Party’ form. Please ask your Head Coach to request the form.
- There will be deadline dates for the ‘Request for a Signing Party’ form that will be strictly enforced
- Signing Parties are ONLY for those students that played on a Edgewater High School team their SENIOR year
- Signing Parties are ONLY for those students that are receiving a full or partial Athletic Scholarship from their post-secondary institution
Athletic Department Information
- Athletic website:
- Athletic twitter: @goehseagles
- C2C Schools offers subscriptions for parents for notification of schedules, game changes, and any headlines created.
- Please make sure that you sign up for the schools subscriptions or our individual team.
EHS Athletic Program Code of Conduct
By signing this acknowledgement you are stating that you have read the Code of Conduct for Edgewater High School’s Athletic Program and you understand all expectations and requirements of the student-athletes, team managers, and spectators/parents.
Parent or Guardian:
Printed Full Name:
Email Address:
Cell Phone Number:
Student-Athlete/Team Manager:
Printed Full Name:
Cell Phone Number:
Please sign & fill out the acknowledgement.
Return this form to the Head Coach before the NEXT practice after this meeting.