NAME:Joseph Keith Unekis
ADDRESS:1822 Fairchild Ave.
Manhattan, KS 66502
(7855372822) HOME
(785-532-0442) OFFICE
EXPERIENCE:19751977 Instructor, IndianaUniversity
19771984 Assistant Professor, KansasStateUniversity
PRESENT POSITION:Associate Professor, 1984
Department of Political Science 221 Waters Hall
KansasStateUniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506
American Government
Congressional Politics
Political Parties and Elections
American Presidency
COURSES TAUGHT:Legislative Behavior
American Government
Introduction to Politics
State and Local Politics
Parties and Elections
American Presidency
Public Budgeting
Public Policy Analysis
Public Opinion
Political Behavior
Comparative Politics
Research Methodology
Road to the White House:
The Presidential Campaign
Congressional Reform in the 70's: Its impact on the 80's
Topics: Reaganomics and The New Right
The Electoral College
IndianaUniversity Doctoral Student
GrantinAid, 197374, 7475
KansasStateUniversity, Faculty Research
Award, Bureau of General Research, 197778,
7879, 7980, 8081, 8182, 8283, 8384, 8485, 8687,
University Sponsored ResearchGrantsKansasState
University, 1993-94 (2)
President's Faculty Development Award, KansasState
University, $1,800 (1996)
Office of International Support to KSU Faculty-Staff
International Activities, $200 (1996)
College of A&S supplemental funding, KansasState
University, $300 (1996)
College of Arts and Science William L. Stamey Teaching
Award 19891990
Nominated for the University Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award 1996
Congressional Committee Politics: Continuity and Change. Co-authored with Leroy N. Rieselbach (Praeger, 1984).
People, Problems and Power: A Concise Introduction to American Politics 4th ed. (Textbytes, Inc, 2006).
Book Chapters
The Budget Enforcement Act of 1990: The Continuing Saga
OfBudget Reform. Co-authored with Margery M. Abrosius. 1998.
Edited Works
"Dealing With the Loyal Opposition in Democratic Parliaments: Lessons from the United States Congress", Working Papers on Comparative Legislative Studies III: The New Democratic Parliaments- The First Years. Ed. Lawrence D. Longley and Drago Zajc. Appleton, WI: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists, February, 1997.
"The Resurgence of Partisanship in Committees of the United States House of Representatives", Working Papers on ComparativeLegislative Studies II: The Changing Roles of ParliamentaryCommittees. Ed. Lawrence D. Longley and Attila Agh. Appleton, WI: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists, June, 1997.
"Researching Congress", PS: Political Science and Politics, Volume 29, Number 4, December 1996.
"Blocking the Liberal Agenda in House Committees: The
Role of the Conservative Coalition", Congress and the
Presidency, Volume 20, Number 2, Autumn 1993.
"Congressional Committee Leadership, 1971-78" with Leroy N. Rieselbach, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1983.
"Ousting the Oligarchs: Assessing the Consequences of Reform and Change on Four House Committees", with Leroy N. Rieselbach, Congress and The Presidency, Vol. 9, No. 1, 198182.
"Congressional Reform and Committee DecisionMaking", Congressional Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1980.
"From Committee to the Floor: Consistency in
Congressional Voting", Journal of Politics, Vol. 40, No. 3
(August, 1978).
"Congressional Committee Leadership, 197178" with
Leroy N. Rieselbach. Reprinted ìn Robert L. Peabody and
Nelson W. Polsby (eds.), New Perspectives on the House
of Representatives, (4thed.), 1992.
"Congressional Committee Hearings", The Encyclopedia of
theUnited States Congress, Donald C. Bacon, Roger H.
Davidson, and Morton Keller (eds). 1994.
AUnited States of America@, revised and updated 125 pp. article for the Russian language edition of Collier=s Encyclopedia published by the Central European University Press (NY) in collaboration with the Open Society Institute (Moscow). 1999.
ACTIVITIES:Conference Papers
AThe Effect of Teaching Social Science Content to Pre-Service Teachers@, co-authored with Jim Franke and Ben Smith of Education for the fourth annual meeting of the American Association of Behavioral Social Sciences in Las Vegas Jan 30-Feb 2, 2001.
AProfessionalDevelopmentSchools and the Preparation of Pre-Service Teachers for Teaching Social Science Standards@, multi-authored, for the 2001 Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Regional Conference of the NCSS Overland Park, Kansas, April 22-24, 2001.
"Proxy Voting in House Committees: Does it Make a
Difference?”with James L. Franke for the American
Political Science Association Annual meeting, San
Francisco, CA., Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 1996.
"Dealing With the Loyal Opposition in Democratic Parliaments: Lessons From the U.S. Congress", Ljubljana International Conference on "The New Democratic Parliaments: The First Years" LjubljanaSlovenia, June 2426, 1996.
"The Resurgence of Partisanship in Committees of the
United States House of Representatives,”Budapest
International Conference on "The Changing Roles of parliamentary Committees",BudapestHungary June 2022, 1996.
"Amending Activity in House Committee Markups," with James L. Franke for the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago IL., Aug. 31Sept. 3, 1995.
"Universalism in the Post Reform House Committees”, with JamesL. Franke for the American Political Science
Association Annual Meeting, New York, N.Y., Sept. 14, 1994.
"Partisanship and Coalition Formation in House
Committees: 92102nd Congresses,” with James L. Frankefor the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 1416, 1994.
"Partisanship in Post Reform House Committees”, with James L.Franke for the Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX., March 30-April 2, 1994.
"Partisanship in Committee: The Modern U.S. House of
Representatives”, with James L. Franke for the Western Political Science Association meeting in Albuquerque, N.M., March 1012,1994.
"Blocking the Liberal Agenda in Committee: The Role of the Conservative Coalition”, Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting, ChicagoIL. Spring 1991.
"The Influence of the Conservative Coalition in House Committees”, American Political Science Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. Fall 1990.
"The Conservative Coalition in House Committees:
Structure and Strength”, Southern Political Science Association annual meeting, Savannah, GA, Fall 1984.
"Congressional Committee Leadership: Stability and
Change, 19711978," with Leroy N. Rieselbach for the Everett McKinley Dirksen Congressional LeadershipResearchCenter Sam RayburnLibrary Conference, Understanding Congressional Leadership:The State of the Art. Washington, D.C., June 10-11, 1980.
"The Structure of Congressional Committee Decision Making”, with Leroy N. Rieselbach at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1979.
"Reform Inspired Change in Committee DecisionMaking: Consequences for Partisanship, Floor Success, and Committee Prestige in House Committees of the Modern Reform Era, 19711978”, Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting, Spring 1979.
"The Impact of Policy Content an Member Goals on DecisionMaking in House Congressional Committees (19711978)”, Southwestern Social Science Association
annual meeting, Spring 1979.
"The Impact of Congressional Reform on DecisionMaking in the Standing Committees of the House of
Representatives”, Southern Political Science Association annual meeting, Fall 1978.
"Leadership Change and its Consequence for Public Policy:
The Case of the House Ways and Means Committee”, Spring 1978 meeting of the Kansas Political Science Association.
"Ethnicity and Electoral Behavior: Does Nationality Make
a Difference?” Delivered with Leroy N: Rieselbach, 1973 Midwest Political Science Association Meeting.
Conference Panels
Discussant on panel entitled "Policy Change and Committees in the U.S. House" at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association,Chicago, IL., April 10-12, 1997.
Discussant on panel entitled"The Development and
Implications of Legislative Committees," at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA., November 6-9, 1996.
Chairman and discussant on a panel entitled "Congressional Committees: Leadership and the Allocation of Goods”, at theannual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Dallas, TX., March 2225, 1995.
Discussant on panel entitled "Representation and Responsibility in Congress”, at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, San Antonio, TX., March 30April 2, 1994.
Discussant on panel entitled "Exogenous Influences on
legislative Coalitions and Voting Behavior," at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 37, 1987.
Discussant on panel sponsored by the Legislative Studies
Group at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York, New York, September 25, 1981.
Discussant on a panel entitled, "Committees: The Little Legislatures”, at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 68, 1980.
Proposed books on Congress
Holt, Rinehart & Winston
D.C. Heath
St. Martin's Press
Longman Publishers
WCB Brown Benchmark
University of Kentucky Press
American Journal of Political Science
American Political Science Review
Legislative Studies Quarterly
Journal of Politics
Congress and the Presidency
Mid South Political Science Journal